Eligibility for Child Benefits in England?
I am not sure, things may have changed, but I dont think you should still be getting cb. Your son became an adult at the age of 18 .
Crochet Crayon Blanket Pattern?
Thank you so much Dragonswing, it is the crochetme pattern that I was looking for. By the way, I looked at your posts and feedbacks. You are straight to the point arent you. When I agree with your views I think they are very well put, when I disagree they seem...
Granny Square Pin Cushion Pattern?
Try here: allfreecrochet.com I am sure that there will be something to fit the bill.
Buying Saline Solution?
I would suggest that you ask your pharmacist. They may be of more help that the 41runner ; )
Name Ideas for a Cake and Candy Making Business?
Crumbs We Are the Best Crumbs We Have the Best Sistas Cakes for All
Name Ideas for a Crochet Business?
Good luck with the crochet by the way, I have just started to go to informal crochet classes at my library.
Photo: Dancing Like a Princess
What a wonderful photo. It takes me back to when my daughter was that age. How time flies. She now has a son of 7 years! Enjoy, enjoy!
Favorite Books?
A few of the books that I have enjoyed recently: Alexander McCallSmith books In the Company of Cheerful Ladies The Careful Use of Compliments The World According to Bertie The Double Comfort Safari Club I always enjoy his books Anne Tyler Digging to America...
Removing Ring Around the Collar?
I keep a bottle of cheap shampoo for just this job and it works every time, so I guess it is that or the dawn. Good luck, popet
Saving Paper Towels When Frying Food
And leading on from Lilacc suggestion, how about using a cookie rack?
Use a Job Jar for Chores
I agree wholeheartedly with joanfry. More families like this would make for a happier and no doubt healthier world. My quote for the day: always take the opportunity to say a kind word. P.S. I get the feeling that spell check would have been a good thing! (For...
Best Bait for a Mouse Trap?
Maybe the problem is where you are placing the traps? The best area is around the edges of the room, and of course the humane ones are the ones to use.
Cleaning Brass Plated Doorknobs?
Home made cleaner: Equal quantities salt, flour, vinegar make into a paste and leave on for an hour or more then wipe off. Sparkle sparkle!
Catchy Name for My Small Cleaning Service?
spring clean with flowers outdoor fresh with flowers freshen up with flowers clean and fresh flower power
Spaghetti Spoon For Attic Stair String
Just a thought, but wouldnt it be easier to just make the string/cord longer?
Wire Hanger Cookbook Holder
Lisa, I am sorry but being a visual sort I would really apreciate a photo, please. Lesley
Teapot as Alternative for Gravy Boat
Tea pot, spout, lid. Why did I not think of this! So simple, so good!
Moisten String Used to Tie Packages
This posting took me back to my childhood and watching my Grandmother make up parcels at Christmas. Thick brown paper (recycled before they knew the word) and strong string also kept for a you never know day.
Colored Hair Came Out Purple?
So sorry to say this Jen, but this made me laugh more than the joke above did. I may have a sick humor but you seem the sort of thrifty funner that will see the funny side too.
Make Your Own Liquid Fabric Softener?
I too line dry (weather permitting, I live in UK) and I find that approximately 1/2/ (half) a cup of white vinegar seems to cut out the cardboard.
Colored Salts For Better Health
I wasnt even aware that you could get this salt, sounds so much healthier than the bleached kind. Now I just have to find a supply, thanks for the information.
Cherry Nut Bread
hope I dont sound daft, but do you mean the nut from the cherry stone when you say nut meat ?
DIY Garlic Keeper?
Kaelle, if you put a small amount of uncooked rice in the keeper I think that you will find it doesnt go mouldy.
Remedies for Grey Hair?
Deeli, oh Deeli, I wish that were so. For if it worked as you declare, thered be no place for my tweezers to go. But alack and alas, I have to say that my chin gets attention most every day! Life is cussid like that - I have very sparse eyebrows. Joan, there...
Making Extracts?
Hi Helen, I cannot find your instructions for the making of this extract, could someone please direct me? I, too, am from UK. There seems to be quite a few of us enjoying this great site. Lesley
Water Acid Loving Herbs With Leftover Coffee
Could you please tell me which are the acid loving herbs? I have plenty of grouts and not that many herbs.
Making Dry Bread Crumbs
Hello Dorothy, I think that your tip is great, but even more I think that your last paragraph is so very very true and only wish that more people thought about this.
A Twist for Your Morning Coffee
My hubby enjoys his coffee with a pnch or so of ground cardoman seed and says it really takes it to a new level (even though it is really cowboy coffee)
Drafty Window Tips?
What about that foam spray filler that is used to fill cracks? I simply love your parting line, think I know you!
Removing Cooking Grease Spatters from Window Glass?
I would try a mix of corn starch and water (not hot or it will cook!) spray or wipe on and wipe off with another cloth.
Acrylic Paint on Wool?
Hello Natalie, I had great succes with dried on paint on the carpet by spraying with hair laquer leaving to rest and then rubbing off with a clean damp cloth. I hope that this is of use to you.
Substitution for Snow in Snow Muffin Recipe?
Has anyone done the packed 1/2 cup of snow to water? and if so would you please tell me how much water to use, we dont get a great deal of snow in my patch of the U.K. Thank you
Indian Casserole
Could you tell me please, what is hominy? Editors Note: According to Wisegeek Hominy refers to corn without the germ. It is served both whole or ground. Hominy is boiled until cooked and served as either a cereal or as a vegetable.
What Breed is My Dog?
I dont know what his background is but he sure has inherited a noble and handsome look
Remedy for Muscle Spasms?
Our family recipe is eat more Marmite, hope it helps you too.And that you are a lover not a hater!
Bronchitis Broth
Does kosher salt differ in any way from ordinary? I thought that only flesh was made kosher? By the manner of its slaughter?
Bronchitis Broth
Sorry I had forgotten to give this the thumbs up! Sounds like just the thing for a bout of flu.
Store Corn Cob Holders on Dry Sponge
I stick mine into the ends of a cork (but I have to drink some wine first ; ) )
Dishwasher Leaves Food Particles on Top Rack?
My question is not really about the dishwasher, I would really like to know which brands of white goods Forbes has and can we get them in the UK?
German Skillet Dinner
Sounds delish but do you mean tomato sauce or puree? In UK sauce is what I believe you call ketchup. I shall give it a try, sounds great.
Bathroom Stains?
The bowl can be cleaned without the need for a great deal of scrubbing by using the real thing that is right, the brown foamy drink! Pour in let stand as long as possible and then scrub before flushing! It is a bit scary to think what it may do to your innards...
No Sew Tutu
Be honest Amy, you wanted to show off your beautiful little girl. Dont blame you , and sewing tip isnt bad either. lesley uk
Garden: Gazing Ball Found New Life
Is a gazing ball what we call in the U.K. a witchs ball? (a hollow sphere of glass hung in the window to ward off evil spirits) If it is, I am surprised that so many of you have them lying around
Make a Needle Threader
Sharon, could we please have a diagram? I am confused, if you can tread the palstic through the eye of the needle then why not the thread? Lesley London UK
Losing A Feline Friend?
I do feel for you so, I had a great friend leave me this year, and although it doesnt really help to say that memories will mellow and the hurt will give way to good memories, it is true. Make a move of friendship and you will rarely be shunned.
Wooden Loon Planter?
could some one please post a picture of a common loon as I have no idea what it looks like. Could be due to the fact that I am a Brit and we dont have them?
Translation: Canning is Preserving or Bottling
thanks Cett, I too have passed up many recipies that would have been useful.
One Fish Fishcakes
Re your mayo bread....plain or self raising flour, and a hot or medium oven? It sounds good anyway, I shall give it a go.
Grandma's Casserole
this sounds really easy and tasty...but I am unable to bookmark it? shall have to use the old fashioned method pen & ink!
Grandma's Casserole
this sounds really easy and tasty...but I am unable to bookmark it? shall have to use the old fashioned method pen & ink!
Grandma's Casserole
P.S. Robin from Washington seems to do a great deal of tasty and economical cooking!
What is this plant? (Gardenia?)
the leaves seem like camelia, but a photo of the flowers would no doubt make all clear
Pegboard for Organizing the Craft Room
ksallen Could you please explain how you adapt the wire coat hangers?
Storing Corn Cob Holders
I stick mine in the end of a cork (of course it means that I have to drink a bottle of wine ; ) )
Frugal Living Saying?
I could well be wrong but I think it is: Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, Or go without. ;)
Uses for Potato Masher
I have been known to use mine as a washing dolly....saves a great deal of work! (when the machine has broken down)....still trying to get around the spin dry process, the salad spinner doesnt do the job!