What Breed is My Dog?
I am staring at my pet chihuahua right now and yours looks exactly like mine, except yours has darker hair.
Caring for a Malnourished Dog?
1) See what the vet says. 2) Make sure the dog starts eating types of food it likes 3) Make sure you give it heartworm medicine I have two dogs I received and they both were malnourished and had heartworms.
What Breed is My Dog?
An Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a bulkier, shorter body your puppy looks like a pit bull to me. Hope I helped.
Raising a husky in a Hot Climate?
I just say make sure she has tons of fresh cold water and can go into shade. If she wants to maybe you could have lightly shaved.
My Dog's Spine is Sticking Up?
Are you sure your dog is a full pit bull? it could be a mix of American Ridgeback, which is a dog that has a ridge on its back.