Home Remedy for Skin Tags?
My mother told me to use dental floss and that would just pop them off, I tried that and it did hurt a little and also didnt work. Someone else told me to put Vitamin E oil on them and they would gradually disappear. Ive been doing that and mine have shrunk...
Ink Stain on Laundered Clothing?
Id use hairspray. Spray it, rinse it with cold water, continue until it all comes out. Ive had tremendously good luck with this in the past! Ive even had it work on something thats been washed and dried.
Paint Color Advice for a White and Gray Kitchen?
Have you considered using a bright color like red? If you dont want to go that bright, you might try another deep color like burgundy or deep green, try the paint swatches up against items in your kitchen and see what looks best. It also might be nice to add...
Scenery: Granny's House in Winter
Reminds me of my grandparents. Thanks for sharing, its a lovely picture. Makes me remember my grandparents and all the good times I had with them as a child.
Feeding a Baby Lamb?
I used to bottle feed both baby goats and lambs. I was told to feed them goats milk because of the high fat content. Also to get the baby to drink it, you might try putting something sweet on the nipple, I believe thats what I did when they werent cooperative...
Why Do My African Violets Keep Dying?
Ive had really good luck with African Violets, just had to move them to work because my cats like them too. Ive rooted some with no roots and even just leaves before. Ive always read that they need to be in a north window and you dont want to have them too...
Using Vinegar And Water Solution In Carpet Cleaner?
Ive never tried vinegar, but bet it would work good. I always add about 1/8-1/4 c. peroxide to the cleaner I use (I use Resolve) and it seems to help clean better, at least to me. I read it somewhere one time, and thought Id try it. I havent cleaned my carpet...
Getting My House and Life in Order?
I totally feel your pain. Im 49 and have been diagnosed with depression. My grandmother died almost 3 1/2 yrs. ago and I wound up bringing so much of her stuff to my house until I was starting to look like the Hoarding shows, plus I collect dolls. I finally...
Scenery: Old Iron Wheels
Just a note. I have one wheel very similar to these. I found an old chain and Ive used the chain to hang this in my kitchen, found some hooks online and I use it to hang my pots and pans. It looks really cool.
Swimming (1958)
What a cute photo, thanks for sharing. My sisters and I used to play in the sprinkler completely naked so I totally understand the lack of modesty! My mom has photos to prove it! LOL!
Buying Mineral Makeup?
I havent used a lot of brands of Mineral Makeup, but the one that I have used is Avon and it isnt terribly expensive and I love it.
abc distributing/ltd commodities?
Ive purchased items from this place for years and never had any problems. It started out as ABC Distributing and then was LTD Commodities. I dont have a business but still was able to open an account with them. They mail you your order with a bill and you then...
Removing Stains from Polyester and Spandex Top?
Dont give up yet. What about setting it out in the sun? Maybe spritzing it with lemon juice and sitting it out on a hot day in direct sunlight? Or possibly soak it in oxiclean?
Cleaning and Repairing Childhood Dolls?
I have actually washed my daughters Cabbage Patch dolls in the washing machine, also the same with stuffed animals. I put them in a pillowcase and tie the top in a knot and wash them on gentle. It didnt hurt them at all and they came out so much cleaner. As...
Unusual Flower
They are very hardy and Ive seen them in some beautiful colors. My husband dug up a grown plant at his mothers and planted it at our house in the heat of the summer and after being wilted a few days, it took off and grows very well. We have to trim it back...
Paint Color Advice for a Beige and Brown Bathroom?
Check out different shades of blue. My bosss restroom in his office had light blue tile and his wife painted the upper walls and ceiling in a shade of brown that looks very nice.
Motivating Myself to Clean and Organize?
Ive been there myself. Ive had problems with my diabetes and felt bad and therefore let my housework slide. The first thing I did was work to fee better. But, the one thing that helped me the most was watching the Hoarder shows on TV. Thats been my motivation...
Caring for Pitbull and Her Puppies?
Having raised pitts in the past, Ive seen females act like this toward their puppies. The ones that acted like this were never good mothers, I dont know what causes it but it happens. You may have to put them with her and stick around while they eat and then...
What Breed is My Dog?
He looks pit to me, also could be staffordshire terrier, Ive had both, and they look remarkably alike. What a beautiful dog he is. He reminds me of my female Daisy, but shes solid black.
Retrieve Long Hair in a Plugged Shower Drain
In a household with 3 females with long hair, we continually have problems. I have found that a long crochet hook works best for me. Its easiest to fit down the drain, we just take off the grill and use the hook and hook the hair.
Tar Stain on Carpet?
One time years ago, my daughter got tar on her bathing suit at the beach. My husband brought me some carborator spray that cleans the carborator and told me it would remove it and I just used a little and it worked great. It didnt harm the fabric either.
Is My Puppy Purebred?
She doesnt look like a pit to me either. Her face just isnt shaped like a pit. Its not broad enough. Ive had pits off and on for the past 28-30 years. She is a beautiful dog though.
12 Year Old Learning to Use a Sewing Machine?
I learned to sew when I was about 9 and got my first machine when I was 12. Its a basic Singer machine and I still have it and use it to this day. Its held up very well for the past 35 years and it was used when I got it. I tried so hard to get my 25 year old...
Purple Avon Jewelry Box?
If its a newer item, trying looking at Avons website. If its older, ebay is a good place to look.
Family: Emily In Her Heirloom Dress
What a great idea get it monogrammed. I have a little shirt like that that my mom had my photo taken in in 1961 and I had both my girls photos taken in it and also my granddaughters photo taken in it. It is now in a shadow box on display with the photos. We...
Spike (Chihuahua/Rat Terrier?)
He looks alot like my chihuahuas that I know are full blood. You sure hes mixed? I raised chihuahuas for years and still have some.