Knife Marks on Corelle Plates?
I would try Bar Keepers Friend. I have a white liner for my Slow Cooker and that is what the directiosn recommend that I use.
Half The Meat in Hamburger Helper for Kids and Friends
I use just one box of hamburger helper and just add extra pasta. Normally you can add a good size handful of pasta and the sauce that is there will be enough.
Dog Loves Cat Food?
From what I have always been told it doesnt give him the correct nutrients that he requires. What I have found for my doxie is a dog food that the pieces are smaller in size than a pea. I think a lot of what your dog might like about the cat food is the size...
Using a Crayon Drawing as an Iron On Transfer?
If it were me I would scan the picture and then print it out on iron-on paper made for putting photos on T-shirts and other craft items.
Feathers Coming Out of Down Jacket?
I am sorry I dont have a solution for you. I just wanted to say that I have previously owned 2 down jackets and both of them lost their feathers on my clothes. The first one that I had only cost about $40. The new one that I purchased this year cost $150. So...
Putting a Small Gift Inside a Big Box?
How about filling the big box with a bunch of empty little boxes that are wrapped. He will then have to keep opening the little boxes until he finds the one that has the actual ring in it. Or you could fill the little boxes with something small like candy.
Gray Smoke Coming from My Van's Tailpipe?
I had a 92 Caravan until a year ago. It had 320,000 miles on it. It would sometime smoke until it warmed up and we never had any problems with it. The transmission started to go for the second time and we decided it was time to upgrade so we sent it to the...
Christmas Craft Ideas Using Lollipops?
A lady that I work with has a tootsie pop that has been made into an angel. The tootsie pop is hanging upside down. A wooden bead with a face painted on it is threaded on the stick. The stick is then wrapped up with silver ribbon with enough left at the end...
Inexpensive Drapery Material Ideas?
I bought a printed fabric shower curtain. The shower curtain cost me $20 but compared to purchasing material or curtains for that large of an opening I felt it was a bargain. I cut a slit up the center of the shower curtain to make 2 curtains to hang side by...
Making Bread Without Yeast?
The answer to your question is you can make bread with self rising flour and no yeast. Below is a favorite recipe of mine. You can substitute a can of pop for the can of beer if you do not want to use beer. This is a lot like the beer bread from the company...
Biting Insects in Carpet?
Dont be so sure that it is too late in the season for fleas. I am in Wisconsin and just had to flea bomb my house yesterday because they were so bad. When we went to the vet to get flea medicine for our puppy they said this has been one of the worst years for...
When Are You Ready For Your First Child?
You need to remember if you wait for the perfect time you might not ever have a child. As long as you can support the child with lifes necessities I say go for it. Things will work out.
Creating a King From 2 Twin Beds?
I personally would put the 2 box springs in a king size frame and then put a heavily padded mattress cover over the two mattresses. Otherwise you might try one of those foam covers (like space foam stuff) that you just put over the top of the entire mattress...
Good Dog For Apartment Living?
We just purchased a minature Dachshund this summer. I would think that this kind of dog would be good for apartment living. My puppy is 5 months old and weighs 7 pounds. The weight is not supposed to get much over 11 pounds.
Comet (Dachshund)
Very cute. I have a four month old that could be her sister. Her name is Sunny Girl. She loves to chase our blue heeler all around the house.
Thrifty Magazines, Books and Puzzles
If you want a good used book club to join you should check out I love this site. You list the books that you have on your bookshelf. Then when someone wants one of your books you pay the postage to mail it to them. When they receive your...
Crayon on a Baseball Cap and Back Seat of Car?
Maybe you could put the cap in the freezer. Once the wax is frozen stiff it might peel off.
Christmas Morning Rolls
Am I missing something? What do you do with the pudding mix? (b)Editors Note: (/b) It is fixed now so reread the instructions. Thanks for catching that.
Cures for a Scratchy Voice?
My sister is having the same problem right now. She didnt have her voice back 2 weeks after being better so she went to the Dr. They gave her an inhaler for asthma and told her she couldnt talk for two weeks. They said that her vocal cords needed rest and if...
Pioneer Shirt Pattern?
You might look at pattern books under Halloween costumes. My mother wanted a wedding dress that was pioneer styled (second wedding outdoors) and she purchased a costume pattern and had her dress made with lovely material.
Inexpensive Birthday Gift Ideas For Children?
I look year round but now is a really good time to start purchasing toys on clearance sale. I try to purchase things that arent realated to movie characters as that dates the item. But to me a barbie doll is a barbie doll. It shouldnt matter if I paid $1.50...
Online Book Exchange
I belong to and I love it. With their site you list all of your books you want to trade. After listing 9 you get a couple of credits in your account. For each credit you have you can request a book from someone else. They pay the $1.59 postage...
Organizing Fishing Supplies?
Something you can use to organanize multiple spools of fishing line is to put them in a small coffee can. We took it 1 step further and drilled holes in the sides of the can and then threaded the line through the holes. That way we dont have to remove the spools...
How Much is a 1962 Midge Barbie Worth?
If I were you I would check on Ebay to see if you can find your doll listed. Then I would just watch the auction to see how much it sells for. I am sure you could purchase a special toy collectors book that would provide you with values. The thing with thinking...
Giving a Large Gift?
I would suggest making it like a scavenger hunt by wrapping a box with a note of someplace to look and put it under the tree. When they open that box have that box send them to another wrapped box with another clue. Send them to a few presents before the get...
Gray Marks on White Dishes?
I would by Barkeepers Friend and try that on there. It is in a gold colored can and is a powder. I bought a slow cooker that had a white removable crock and it specifically told me to use that to clean any marks from the dish. It is not abrasive so it shouldnt...
What is a white elephant gift exchange?
The only thing I would add to what is always posted is the gift should be something that you take from your home. You are not supposed to purchase a gift to give. It should be something from your home that you no longer use but could be useful to someone else...
How To Raffle?
I would say it depends on how and where you are trying to raffle the centerpiece. I have a friend that makes soaps, candles and gift baskets. At work around CHristmas time she would make up a basket and sell squares for it. She would figure out how much she...
Crafts for Kindergartners?
One of my favorites was a picture frame they made out of foam shapes glued together. Mine was made from snowflake shapes. They had taken a digital picture of my son and he glued it into the picture frame. Then a magnet was glued on the back side so I could...
Direct Foam Refills?
I made my own by just adding water. I put about 3/4 of an inch of soap in the bottom of the pump and then filled the rest of it with water. Gently shake from side to side to mix it. I couldnt tell the difference from my refill to the original.
Dyeing Seashells?
My brother and his new wife used easter egg dye kits to dye their sea shells for their wedding. I would try to use food coloring in water.
DVD Player Stopped Working - "Incorrect Region Code"?
My portable DVD player stopped working with a message of incorrect disc. (It was not the same brand as yours). I looked up trouble shooting on the internet and was ready to send it to the company to get fixed for $50. My husband decided to take it apart just...
Meatloaf for Kids?
For my meatloaf I use either bread crumbs or oatmeal along with the egg and meat. My kids notice the oatmeal more and tend to complain so I try to use bread crumbs. I do a couple of things that make them like meatloaf. One thing that I do it to put it in a...
Deep Frying a Turkey Tips?
The thing that I have found the most important is to make sure you keep your oil at the correct temperature. Also if this is the first time using your turkey pot make sure you follow directions to determine the amount of oil to use. After that it is easy sailing...
Soaking A Romertopf Clay Covered Casserole?
How did your mother used to soak it? I am guessing she probably used her kitchen sink. Did anyone ever get sick? I would say as long as your sink has been cleaned and rinsed well it should be fine. You use that sink to clean your dishes that you eat off from...
Radiant Heating Advice?
I live in Wisconsin and we just built a workshop for my husband that we put radiant floor heat in his concrete (we did it all ourselves). This is all run by a normal thermostat like you would have in your house. We started out setting it at 65 degrees and just...
Dealing With an Unexpected Job Loss?
Have you checked into help from the state? That is what things like food stamps are for. You are down on your luck and should take the help until your husband can locate another job. The same thing recently happened in my home and thankfully we have started...
Coffee Can Santa?
My son made a coffee can snowman one year at school. They took batting for making quilts to cover the can. It appears that they just rolled it out and cut a strip as tall as the can and long enough to wrap around the sides and glued it to the can. They then...
Painting Over Indelible Marker?
Otherwise try OOPS or Goo Gone to get rid of the marker. My husbands Grandmother rents an apartment above her garage and one of the tenents had used marker all over the walls. I think it was OOPS that we used that time to remove the marker so we could paint...
Burnt Mac and Cheese In a Stainless Steel Pot?
Dawn makes a spray on product I think it is called Power Disolver. It comes in a blue spray bottle and is sold by the normal dish soaps. I would spray it with this and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. It might take a couple of times if it is really bad but I love...
Christmas In October
I have a top shelf in my closet that is too high for my kids to get anything off from it. I put everything in plastic bags and put the items up there. I love to check out the clearance items at this time of year. If there is a toy or something that one of my...
Making a Large Balloon Arch?
A lot will depend on what kind of balloon arch you are making, what size balloons you are using and of course what size the arch will end up being. I would make sure you purchase extra ballons as whenever we make one we always pop some while making it. You...
Recipes Using Canned Pork?
I boil macaroni and drain. Add 1 jar of canned pork or venison (drained of the juice), 1 can of cream of mushroom soup. I then season it with Fajita seasoning or salt and pepper basically season with what I have on hand that sounds good. It makes a nice quick...
Soaking Clothing in a Front Loading Washer?
I have not found a good way to do this with my fron loading machine. I just keep a 5 gallong pail handy and use that when I need to soak something. Not the best solution but it works. I love my front loading washer and wouldnt give it up.
People Finder Advice?
For reverse phone look ups I use After you enter the site there is a link on the top that says reverse look up or something like that. It is free.
Smart Names for Contacts In Your Cell Phone
It was announced on the news in my area to place a phone cantact of ICE. It stands for in case of emergency. They said that everyone should use this as a standard and then the EMTs / doctors or whatever would know who to contact.
My Frugal Life - "Time is Money"
Sounds like you are in control more than I could ever dream of. One thing I would think twice about is drying clothes while you are not home. I once had a dryer fire and now I never dry clothes unless I am at home to make sure everything is OK.
Recipes Using Potato Flakes?
My husband doesnt really like potato flakes. When I am in a hurry and dont have time for the real thing I have found a way to make them tastier. I follow the package directions as to how much water/butter/milk to use. When I am heating the liquids either in...
Activities for a 2 Year Old's Birthday Party?
I would say a bounce house is a great idea. One easy thing for them to do as well is to have them sit on balloons. The first to pop it wins. Make sure the balloons are filled full or they will not pop.
Dealing With Debt After Divorce?
When my parents divorced my dad was supposed to pay all past medical bills. He too said he didnt have the money to do so. My moms lawyer told her she would have to pay them to keep her credit from reflecting the late payments. In order for my mom to get her...
Save on Gas at Wal-Mart
I used to do this all of the time as well. I found it very easy to make sure that I budgeted enough gas money between pay days. Unfortunately here in Wisconsin they decided it was illegal and no longer allow us to do that. So our Walmart gas station has an...
Camping Cooking Tips
If you rub liquid dish detergent to the outside of your pots or pans the black will not stick to them. When you wash the item just wipe the outside and the black will be gone.
Uses for Dollar Store Cookie Cutters
I had to show my sons Tiger Scout Troop about scrapbooking. I found mini scrap books on sale at Walmart for $0.25 each. I then took cheap cookie cutters and had them use for templates for cutting out their pictures. They just traced the outside or inside of...
Cleaning Bathtub Rings?
I use Kaboom Shower Tube and Tile Cleaner. It comes in a bright purple spray bottle with a green top. I just spray it on and wipe with a rag or sponge after about 10 minutes. It works wonders. I buy mine at Walmart. Good Luck.
Bedding for a Dog Kennel?
Please dont use hay for bedding for dogs. I used to use it all of the time until one of my dogs started to eat it. The hay started to get stuck between his teeth and the gums. I didnt realize this was happening and it became infected. I will spare you the gorry...
My Dog Likes Laying in Mulch?
Is it cedar mulch? There is a current post on here right now that cedar chips help keep ticks and fleas away from your dog. Maybe you could make an area with mulch or cedar chips by his house or something where he can lay and teach him to go there instead of...
Saving Money on Gameboy Games?
If you would consider purchasing used games I would try game stop or something like that. After all the games are only new until you have played them once. Our local mall has a Game Stop store in it and they gurantee all items purchased for a short time period...
Buying Bread at the Discount Bakery
At my local discount bakery you can also buy animal bags of bread type products. This is outdated bread that should not be used for human consumption but works great for feeding chickens and other animals.
Shoes That Will Match a Seafoam Green Evening Gown?
I am in a wedding this September and have to wear a light green gown. The bride chose clear shoes that look really cute with the dress. They have a small heel and are just a slip on sandle type shoe. We purchased them on sale at the Family Dollar for $1.00...
My Washing Machine Wobbles?
When I bought my Frigidaire washing machine they told me it was critical to make sure that the washer was level. I would verify that everthing is level as a starting point. Otherwise I would go back to where you purchased it and just ask them for ideas. If...
Using a Digital Thermostat in the Summer Months?
I have 2 digital thermostats. Both of mine have an slide switch that you can move to off for the summer months. I normally turn off my thermostat and the switch on my furnace.
Keeping Track of a Toddler at Disney World?
I would purchase a harness. When my first son was born he would always stay right with me and I never understood the parents that put the harnesses on their kids. Then I had my second child. After losing him at a festival of about 500 people, I bought the harness...
Cleaning a Textured Refrigerator?
Have you tried the Mr Clean Magic Eraser? It works wonders on mine.
Poll: Do you have a video games system at your house?
We purchased a Playstation 2 for my older son for Christmas. Then the next year I purchased a game cube for my younger son for Christmas (it was on sale really cheap at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving). Then my husband collected points from Mountain Dew...
Adding Fennel to Spaghetti Sauce?
My mother has always adds it to her homemade sauce and it is great.
Cooking Oil Residue on Plastic?
Dawn makes a spray on cleaner. I think it is called Powerdisolve or something like that it comes in a blue bottle. Spray it on and wait a few minutes.
Storing Potato Flakes?
I would do a visual inspection of the potatoes and if they look good use them. I have personally stored them for close to 2 years with out any problems. Mine were in a can instead of a bag but they should still be good. Below is a recipe that my family really...
Paper Plate Suncatchers
You can also make the center hole other shapes besides a circle. My son did something very similar in school only the center of his was a heart. His teacher then put a small picture of him in the center of the heart before putting the final piece of contact...
Our Energy Bill Keeps Going Up?
We to are having the same problem. My husband got fed up last week and went to the electric company again. He refused to talk to the person he normally was told to talk to and asked to speak with someone else. They came to our house this morning and have hooked...
Urine Smell on Toddler's Clothing After Being Washed?
Use white vinegar. My son sometimes wets his bed and I read on here to use vinegar in the wash. I cant really tell you how much to use, I just dump some in with his bedding. I have a front loading washer and would guess I use between 1/2 a cup per or a cup...
Cleaning Textured Appliances?
Mr Clean Magic Eraser. The sponge will clean in the grooves better than anything. This is a job that I let my 5 year old son help with when I am cleaning. They always want to help. There is not chemicals to spray just wet the sponge and wipe.
Electricity Themed Centerpieces?
You could use electrical wire to make flowers by shaping the wire and then put them in vases.
Are Dog Bones Made for Teeth Cleaning Safe?
I have recently read reports that Greenies dog biscuits for cleaning teeth have killed some dogs. From what I understand the bones do not break down and chunks can block their intestines. I would suggest phoning your vet for their opinion on which ever brand...
Refrigerator Door Left Open?
I personally would not throw all of the food away. How warm was it really inside the fridge. Even though the door was open it was still trying to keep things cold. I guess you would have to judge by how warm the things felt when you discovered the problem. Think...
Decorating for Your Wedding with Natural Materials
I have a cousin who used cut up birch tree branches that were about 3-4 inches wide as table decorations. They then cut a hole in the top with a hole saw that was just big enough for a tea light candle to be inserted. They had their reception in a community...
Uses for Wood Poles?
I have seen where you take 3 poles and wrap a rope around them a few times to secure them at the top and bottom. You would probably want to cut them down in length and make them different. You could then get a wooden seagull to attach to the top. They are very...
Carport Designs?
I live in Wisconsin and we have Menards lumber stores everywhere. They provide free quotes for Garages and Carports. If you ask they will give you a complete material list with the quote. If you decide to purchase it from them (that is what we did) you then...
Barnyard Theme Nursery Ideas?
At your flea market look for a metal milk can. You could put a garbage bag in this and use it for a diaper pail. You could paint it up to make it look nice or leave it rustic looking. The paint might be cleaner for when the little one is crawling around. I...
Inexpensive Whiteboards for Students
What a great idea. Something my sons teacher did for him was to take a clear paper protector like for 3 ring binders, she was trying to help him with his ABCs, so she put a paper inside with his ABCs on it and an open lined space next to each letter. He then...
Electrical Problems With My Dryer?
I have now tried a new wire from the breaker box to the dryer and a new receptacle and that still has not fixed the problem. As stated in the original post a new breaker has already been tried. Voltage has been tested on both the old wire as well as the new...
Poems About Marriage?
I dont know of a poem for you but I have seen some really cute cross stiched wedding gifts. My mother received a cross stiched picture of a blue bird (that matched her decore) and then below the bird it listed their names and wedding date.
Making Lath and Plaster Walls Look Nice?
I live in a mobile home that is mostly paneling. I painted my sons bedroom a light blue and didnt like the looks of it that much. I took a dark blue color paint and a feather duster and lightly touched the darker paint on the walls. I now love it and so do...
Decorating for a Baby Shower?
One game that is kind of gross but fun that I have played. Get different kinds of chocolate bars one with peanuts one with crips, snikers etc. Then take a baby diaper and melt a small amount of one of the candy bars in the diaper. This makes it look like a...
Cleaning a Dishwasher with OxiClean?
I also have a front loading washing machine. I can open my washer when it is full of water. The water never goes above the bottom of the door. When I was shopping for my washer that was pretty standard for water level. I would verify that you really cant open...
Scrapbooking for 21 Kindergarten Students
My youngest sons teacher did something similar last year for his kindergarten class. It is very special, something that will be cherished forever. Thank you for thinking of those lucky parents.
Craisin Vanilla Bark Candy
They sell this where I live with Pretzel pieces instead of Walnuts. I will have to try to make some with the nuts. It sounds great.
Cheeseburger Pizza
One of my favorites is Cheeseburger pizza that is made at our local gas station. Instead of using pizza sauce they use ketchup and mustard mixed together. They add onions with their meet and cheese and it is wonderful!
Starlight's Christmas Tradition
Praise to you and your husband. To make such special memories that will never be lost. Your nieces and nephews will always remember their special aunt and uncle.
Peanut Butter Candy Bar Made With Crackers?
My aunt used to make one that sounds similar. She used Ritz crackers and simply put creamy peanut butter straight from the jar in between the 2 crackers. She then dipped them in melted chocolate and let dry on wax paper.