My Frugal Life: Focused On Frugality
As a teacher I assume you research your info. Do you actually know what is reguired to be passed as cage free eggs or meat?.
Olive (Maltese)
I had a Maltese. He was precious. He slept with us and if anyone annoyed or rolled on him during the night he would jump right up and growl like a tiger.
Hot Water Bottle for Pets
We have an old Bassett Hound with a crooked paw and arthritis. Since she does not bite at anything I put a heating pad, on low, and place it in various places. She loves it. Even though she has been through three other dogs she is still the queen!
Dealing With a Hyper Dog
Totally! Ignore her unwanted behavior and generously praise her, I would use treats, for good behavior. Look and you can find something to reward her for. Give her lots of patience, love and time and I bet youll have an awesome dog.
Keeping Pets Off Furniture?
This depends on the size of the dog, plus, you need to be at home, but it only takes two or three times. Our Bassett hound would not stay off furniture so we set mouse traps to go off when she jumped up on her favorite places. It took maybe four times and after...
What Breed is My Dog?
Dont worry about this little puppys breed. Hes precious and sometimes you can just tell when a puppy grows up that its going to be great!
Put Lotion on Hands Before Using Super Glue
I will so much try this! Every timee! I use Super Glue I get it stuck on my hands.
What Breed is My Dog?
I am totally positive that your baby is an adorable tan dog that will grow up to love and have many happy times with you.
Maintain A Positive Attitude
My Mum died about two years ago and she was so beautiful and so much like this! We need more of this in our world.
Dog Afraid of My Neighbors?
I would have the neighbors set, separately, on the lawn with a few dog bones in front of them. I would then tell them to act like they are having a great time eating the bones. Patience.
Cleaning Lime Deposits Off a Toilet?
The house we moved into had horrible deposits. I tried everything imaginable and then someone suggested The Works. Its cheap, some in a white plastic container (about the size and shape of a Windex bottle. Worked! After getting out yuck use it and let it sit...
Use Epsom Salts for Dog's Itchy Skin
Some dogs just have dry skin. When I rook my dog to vet and after numerous, expensive tests she told me to feed the dog one or two fish oil caplets in itfood. I had to hid the tablet and coat them with peanut butter or chottage chesses but it worked amazing...
Use Epsom Salts for Dog's Itchy Skin
You can buy fish oil tablets in vitamin sections. By true experience! dont cut one and squirt it in food, the juice smells like old fish. When Im feeding breakfast I coat tablet with peanut butter or cottage cheese and softly hide it in food bow.
Sassy (Chipmunk)
Precious! We have a chipmunk that lives under out shed and runs around, ect. I would love to be its very best friend but so far its not worked. Now I am going to Google everything and have him love and not be scared of me.
Homemade Dog Food Suggestions for Dog Refusing to Eat?
Try putting a spoonful of room temperature cottage cheese in with food. Good calcium, etc. Also when our Maltese wouldnt eat we would take away his bowl and eat his food. This power trip would drive him nuts and once given back his bowl he would guard and eat...
Advice For Dog That Runs Away?
As soon as someone comes through the door throw out a doggie bone. Make sure the dog sees it. Once the treat has been eaten teach the dog that there is another treat waiting just as soon as the dog returns into the house. Maybe let the guest give the dog the...
Billy (British Bulldog)
He sounds just like my ten-year-old Bassett Hound and looks similar to her. I love having a true bitch.
Wildlife: Chipmunk
We have a little chipmunk that lives around the back of our shed. I love him, but not sure to feed him, or what to feed him.
Remedy for Hysterectomy Induced Sweats and Weight Gain?
If you are having hot flashes during the night put a fan on your side of the bed and tell your spouse to cover up!
Removing Ink From a Document?
Can you iron it? One time I had something to return to the store and since I was already ironing and since my reciept had been wrinkled in my billfold for two weeks I decided to iron the paper reciept. The heat from the iron took all the ink off the reciept...
My Frugal Life: A Walk On The Wild Side
I love your reasoning and thoughts. My pet squirrel in my big front oak tree would probably love you as much as I think that I love you.
Max (Golden Retriever)
All dogs have their own grand qualities, but if you need to pick only one dog then just mix up everything you can want and everything that you have ever loved, ect and after you shake it up a Golden Retriever will fall out!
Product Review: "The Works" Toilet Bowl Cleaner
For whatever reason when we moved into our current house only one of the toilets had this nasty, never leaving ring about half way down around it. I tried everything! Then someone told me to try The Works. I would probably to a free commercial for this item...
Share Your Family Memories
We thought that our Golden Retriever had finally given up retrieving things from the bathroom, but, one night he came waltzing into the living room with this goofy look on his face and with a long string of dental floss hanging out of his mouth. He grew old...
Name Ideas for Homemade Pet Treats Business?
Something To Bark About or Treats for Fido (Fido means Good Dog in Latiin. A little Something Extra For A Special Hungry Dog. Whos Barking Now? Fido Needs Something Special Too! And last is my favorite_ Dont forget Fido On Your Way Home!
Scott Lawnmower Won't Start?
Maybe the tiny hole in the gas cap, the one that lets the gas breath by letting the air in and out, is stopped up.
Keeping Dog Away From Stitches
Great idea, or at least for my nerves and, also, for Big Al that is getting fixed in a couple of weeks.
Ideas for an Adult Tea Party?
Since she is 93 and had probably had actual tea parties, a bit more serious than todays, I suggest you go retro! plus, everyone should wear a fancy hat.
Candy Cane "Advent Calendar" Tree
This is a great way to teach Advent and so creative. I appreciate the traditional calendar but I also think that this is a great alternative. I bet that you are a great mom. So am I! So, great for us!
Mix Cheap Wine With Kool-Aid
In regard to mixing wine with kool-aid, I have had the best results with store brand sugar-free raspberry. Burgundy is fine_I usually buy Carlo Rossi Chianti. Ive even mixed it in the blender as an added ingredient in various fruit smoothies and it ended up...
Emma (Golden Retriever) and Houdini (Chicken)
I had a Golden for fourteen years and I understand the reality of this adorable picture. I never understood cloning until I lost my boy but if I had the money I would clone a hundred of him!