Fire Ants in a Willow Tree?
Go to the gardening center of Lowes or Home Depot and purchase Amdro, then sprinkle around the base of the tree. Your problem should be solved within a couple of days. You might want to sprinkle it all over your yard to keep the ants from building new nests...
Can I Use Florescent Lights to Start Seeds?
You can use the flourescent shop light fixtures purchased from Home Centers or even Walmart. The important part is to use the full spectrum flourescent bulbs. They are much more expensive, but have the proper lighting plants need. Some people have tried using...
What Kind of Snake is This?
Or maybe a corn snake?
Something is Eating the Tops Off of My Tomatoes and Peppers?
Could also be the tomato hornworm. Google it for the images so you can see what they look like, creepy. I had one that ate the entire tops off my tomato plants before I found it. They are difficult to spot because they blend right in with the foliage.
Do Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants?
Deer have eaten my tomatos, but a likely culprit could be the tomato hornworm. They are green and blend in with the vines so they are difficult to see. They are larger than a caterpillar and have a rhinoceros horn on their back ends. Hornworms can polish of...
Protecting Tomato Plants from Animals?
The deer ate our tomatoes until I started spraying a deer repellent around the garden area. It kept the rabbits out, too. Also, be on the look out for the tomato hornworm. They will eat the plant from top to bottom. They are green and blend in with the stems...
Soap Solution for Flies on Grape Vines?
Liquid soap meaning something like Ivory soap, not harsh dish detergents. I use Dr. Bronners liquid soap which can be found in some health food stores, supermarkets, or drug stores.
Use Junk Mail for Garden Mulch
I thought of using just shredded newspaper, but was afraid it would dry out between waterings and wind up all over the yard. We have water usage restrictions in our area because of drought. So, I do use it un-shredded under mulch and as cookiesky mentioned...
Use Plastic Bakery Cake Covers for Paving Stones Molds
I have done this, too. My family got together for my 50th birthday seven years ago, which by the way is today, and helped me to make my stepping stones. Now I have a lasting memory of my special day. Heres a not-so-great pic of the stones in my shade garden...
Making a Cheap Compost Bin?
I made mine out of 4 wooden pallets that I stood up on their sides and wired together. One of the pallets is the door where I attached a latch on either side for easy removal. Works for me. You can find them just about anywhere. Just ask someone at the garden...
Rusted Garden Tools?
I understand that Naval Jelly from the hardware store also works to remove rust.
Harvesting and Uses for Crab Apples
How do I know when the crab apples are ready to be harvested? How big do they get? We moved here 2 years ago and have a tree, but I never knew I could do anything with the fruit.
Hummingbird Feeding Tubes With Stoppers?
Try these links: http://www.worldofhummingbirds.comshopfeederparts.php
Making Weatherproof Garden Markers?
Go to a thrift store, dollar store, flea market, or yard sale and look for vinyl mini blinds. Cut apart the slats and use them as your markers. You can cut them into whatever length you need for the size pot you have. Use a #2 pencil to write the plant info...
Seedlings Keep Dying?
Dave, In my early years of gardening the same thing happened to me. Then I educated myself by reading gardening books, articles found on the Internet, and talking with other gardening enthusiasts. The previous posters were correct in saying your problem is...
Bamboo Wigwam for Climbing Plants
(quote)You have pictures?(/quote) Yep, but not with anything growing on it yet...too early.