Drinking Hot Water to Lose Weight?
Yes, because it burns your calories internally. In our body there are 70% of water so if you are drinking hot water, it definetly helps. Water is the lubricant that helps in your digestive system. Drinking hot water hit control system of body tempreature and...
Weight Loss Ideas?
Hie. I am sharing my personal diets and usually recommend to my clients as well. So lets start first of all you have to avoid junk foods, oily and fatty foods. You have to be very strict regarding your diet. Start morning with warm water of 1 glass. After that...
Hair Damaged by Perm?
Once you lost hair you cant bring back your hair. Becuase getting your hair chemically straightened does alot of damage very quickly and the only way you can reduce the damage is by using conditioners.
Generic Viagra?
Yes, Generic Viagra is the cheaper version of Viagra. It works the same as the branded medicines. The ingredients present in generic viagra are same as are present in the branded medicines.