Recycling Ideas for Discarded Hotel Linens?
Animal shelters, veterinarians, etc... will usually take donations for their animals!
Correct Usage of "Regrets Only" on Party Invitation?
Ill bet by now your friend has googled the correct use of Regrets Only and realizes that SHE made the wrong interpretation of its usage! Id not loose another minute of sleep over it! You did the right thing, and shell see that eventually!
What is the Best Spot Remover for Laundry?
I use Shout spray. It works 99% of the time for me. If a stain stlll remains, I spray with Shout again, and then rub the stain with Sunlight bar soap. I let it sit for a bit to work and launder as usual.
Converting Two Pounds of Potatoes to Cups?
You cant convert pounds to cups, you can only estimate. They are 2 different systems of measuring. Pounds measure weight and cups measure volume. Consider having 2 pounds of potatoes and 2 pounds of marshmallows. You would have considerably more cups of marshmallows...
Treating the Pain of Tailor's Bunion?
In the foot care department they have bunion covers. Its sort of a bandaid made of moleskin and can lessen the pressure from shoes pressing on your bunion.
Women's Razor Recommendations?
I agree that the Venus is awesome! Excellent shave, but blades are pricey. In my area they are approx $10 - $12 for 4. BUT, they do last a long time, and if you are the only one using it (my hubby steals mine occasionally!) you will get an awful lot of use...
Wholesale Acrylic Beads? is a great website! You can buy or sell finished products. As well, there are many sellers that sell supplies. My daughter is currently making necklaces, earrings, etc., and she buys the beads, chain, closures, etc. from Check it out! Ill...
What is a Dutch Oven?
A Dutch oven is a thick-walled cooking pot with a tight-fitting lid. Its large -- not as big as a stock pot, but large that you could cook a large pot of soup, or 6 cobs of corn in water, etc. Go to this website -- it gives you a description, as well as the...
Quick Ways to Lose Weight?
Well, for me I find when I dont eat starches/ carbs I can shed pounds. So I lay off potatoes, bread, pastries, of course, pasta, chips, crackers, etc. Mainly eat protein (meat/fish) and veggies and fruit, and yogurt, nuts, cheese, etc.
Reviews of Moisturizers for Dry Skin?
Olive oil! I know - sounds ridiculous, but it works! I use it after drying off from the shower, and it really leaves your skin well hydrated!
Keeping a House With St. Bernard's Clean?
Well, I think you have to accept what comes with owning these 2 dogs. I have a golden retriever, and theres hair everywhere! It was driving me crazy, until one day I read somewhere that a pet owner was quoted saying that owning a pet comes with consequences...
Layered Coconut Cake Recipe?
I found these -- maybe one of them is what youre looking for! Paula Deens Jamies Coconut Cake Ingredients CAKE 1 cup butter, at room temperature 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 3 cups sifted self-rising flour 1 cup coconut milk 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract FILLING 3...
Rancid Smelling Dish Towels?
Maybe get a cloth specifically for draining foods and stick to that one - perhaps a cheesecloth. Then your tea towels and napkins wont be subjected to that. Id try all the washing hints given here, but hang them outside in the sun to dry.
Removing WD40 From Dried Clothing?
Shout is the best stain remover Ive used! It gets out every stain I encounter!
Crisco as Frugal Face Moisturizer
Well, I dont think its crazy. I use olive oil, and its wonderful too, and really, all those fancy cosmetics all start with a base of something, right! Were just bypassing all the expensive ingredients!
Recipes Using Rolled Oats?
I wonder if you should freeze some of those containers? Id be concerned about mealy bugs if you have that many containers to get through.
Fried Macaroni Recipe?
My mom used to make something similiar, I think. After the macaroni was cooked, she put it in a frying pan with some oil, breadcrumbs and onions (and I guess whatever else youd like) and fry it lightly till the breadcrumbs coated the macaroni. Its really good...
Clear Red Paint?
First off, I think if you have just purchased these, they would be lead free. With restrictions these days, I would doubt the manufacturer would be allowed to use lead paint. And they are beautiful! What a wonderful set!
Printer Leaves Lines on Paper?
Im afraid I had this problem too. I too tried everything -- cleaned everything, changed the ink cartridge, etc... I called the company and did some troubleshooting with them as well, but unfortunately nothing helped. Unfortunately, I ended up getting a new...
Washing a Down Jacket?
I have washed down jackets in the washer, on gentle, and then dried it with a number of tennis balls bouncing around in the dryer with it. They help to plump up the feathers again while its drying!
Homemade Moisturizing Lotion Recipe?
This sounds too crazy, but I read all these reviews of Crisco!! Sounds like everyone who used it swears by it! Heres the link to the reviews posted.
Cleaning a Black and White Couch?
Why dont you rent a steam cleaner and do it yourself? That way you can do the whole couch at once.
Acne Remedies Causing More Acne?
Wash your face with a cleanser, such as: Dove Cool Moisture Foaming Facial Cleanser, pHisoderm Deep Cleaning Cleanser, for Normal to Oily Skin or Clean & Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser, Sensitive Skin. Then try one of these as a face creams that contain salicylic...
Changing Autofill Options?
On your toolbar, go to settings, then options, and in the feature tab, click on the auto fill settings button. You can change your info there!
Removable Glue?
I think this link may help you. Its Aleenes website, and has every glue imaginable. If you scroll down to the 3rd from the bottom, theres a glue called Tack it over-and-over. May...
Finding Effective Acne Treatments?
When my 2 girls had acne troubles, they used a cleanser (a pump foam or liquid) with salicylic acid - a Beta Hydroxy Acid. Then they applied a moisturizer with salicylic acid as well. Salicylic Acid is a BHA product, and it soaks into the skin and heals from...
Eating Beets for Iron Before Giving Blood
HaHa! The day before I go, we have liver for supper! I guess we learn all the tricks!
What Is This Plant? (Locust Tree)
I think its a caragana bush. Try a google image search and I think you might get some good pictures.
Managing Arthritis Pain In Knee?
Have you talked to your doctor about having a knee arthroscopy? The surgeon can scrape the bone and take off some of the damaged areas. Its worth asking if your doctor feels it may relieve some of your pain.
Picking Tights Color For Wedding?
DO NOT wear dark tights with a light dress!! Wear sheer beige hose. You should NEVER wear hose darker than your dress or shoe colour.
Homemade Remedies For Dog's Coughing?
We live in central Ontario (Canada), and in our area there is a condition known as Blastomycosis. It is a fungal infection, usually in the lungs, but can get in any open wounds. In the lungs, it produces a cough in people (and animals too) that sometimes gets...
How Is Shingles Spread?
Checkthis link It is very simple to read, and really explains things well.
Keeping Soda from Going Flat?
Yup! I agree with the last post! Squish the bottle till theres no air in it, and the pop stays fizzy!
Restoring Icons On Computer Task Bar?
Your taskbar may be locked. Right click on the task bar, and see if there is a check mark beside where it says task bar locked. If so, click on that to remove it. Tthis should then enable you to drag an icon into the task bar!
Making Shorts from Pants
I dont think Id match waistbands -- Id match the crotch. Each pair of pants may have a different rise and sit in a different position on the waist. If you match the waistbands, it may make the leg length longer or shorter depending on the rise.
Internet Explorer Blocking Access to Sites?
Your security setting may be too high. Click on tools, internet options, then click on the security tab and adjust the sliding bar (at the bottom) to a different setting. Your setting may be at high which wont allow access to many sites. If you adjust it to...
Getting a Mustard Stain Out of a Nylon Jersey?
My standby that never lets me down is soaking the stain with SHOUT (I use the squeeze bottle, not the spray) and rubbing the stain with a bar of Sunlight Soap. I do this a number of times before I wash the item (about 3 times within a couple of hours) and the...
Keeping Turkey from Drying Out When Reheating?
I have sliced my turkey and put some of the pan juices in with it. I didnt freeze it though. But Ill bet if you dont have any pan drippings left, you could put some chicken stock in the pan with it and warm it in the oven it would be nice and moist!
Uses for Blank Address Labels?
Do you have Microsoft Word? There is an option of going into that program and printing labels there. Go to tools -> letters & mailings -> envelopes & labels -> options -> and scroll down to address labels 8167.
Which Hand Would a Left-Handed Waiter Carry a Drink Tray?
Being a lefty, I would carry it with my right hand, and serve with the left. Ive noticed I always leave my left hand available -- I carry groceries with my right, my purse goes on my right shoulder, I carried my babies on my right side, etc.... I guess its...
Advice On Painting Ceiling Dark Red?
If youve ever painted with red, youd reconsider. Red is THE most difficult colour to apply. It will take a minimum of 3 coats to cover. My daughter painted her bedroom red, and we think its beautiful, but, Wow! -- what a job. If youre prepared to paint above...
Straightening Wavy Hair?
Blow it dry using a paddle brush. While blow drying, brush up from the bottom (like from behind your ear, up over the top of your head to the other side) I hope I can explain this the proper way! My hairdresser did this (and I can too!) and my hair is straight...
Windshield Washer Fluid to Clean Glass
Please be careful, though! Windshield washer fluid, although its much cheaper, does carry a corrosive warning that regular household glass cleaner does not. Keep this in mind when using and storing!!!
Chicken Noodle Soup Stain On Blue T-Shirt?
My secret weapon is Shout! This seems to get out every stain Ive encountered -- even Liptons Soup! For a really stubborn stain, Ive sprayed the item with Shout, and then rubbed it with Sunlight Bar Soap, and let it sit a few hours, sometimes repeating the process...
WD40 To Protect Cheaper Jewelry
How does this work? A protective barrier, Im guessing. Do you use it periodically or is one application enough to do the trick? What a great tip to keep things looking nice!
What Is Your Skin Care Schedule?
My daughter had a bit of trouble with acne and also tried ProActive, but it didnt work. We visited Paula Begouns website ( and did a bit of investigating with her recommendations. My daughter now washes with a cleanser containing salisylic...
What Gifts Should Graduates Get for Other Graduates?
How about an address book, and all the classmates could write their addresses, e-mail addresses, etc... so they can keep in touch - whether some are off to college, different towns, etc....
"Every day's a Saturday night, but I can't wait till Sunday morning!"?
Its by K-os ! Chorus: Everyday is Saturday night, but I cant wait for Sunday morning, Sunday morning Verse 1: Its the same thing, back in the cold People know people come and go it bores me Same thing Seems like Im trapped in the world where the servants they...
Simple Fleece Socks
Wow! Thank you! Weve purchased this type of sock and just love them! Now I can make my own! Thanks again!
Shortening the Sleeves on a Robe?
Could you add a ribbed cuff perhaps? You can buy ribbing material, but perhaps you have an old sweatshirt, etc... around that you could cut the cuffs off, and use those!
How To Live A Happy And Rewarding Life
What a nice list! Is this your own, or is it from somewhere? I dont recognize it. What a wonderful world it would be if we all did this!
Crocheted Plastic Bag Purse?
Heres a link to with a crocheted bag. Hope its what youre looking for. They have a lot of other ideas for plastic bags too!
Keeping My Rolling Backpack Dry?
Would you be able to make up some sort of baggie that you could put over the entire backpack - on the outside, not inside? Maybe cut holes for the wheels to stick through, and then pull the bag right up over the entire thing. Wouldnt look so great, but at least...
Making Tissue Flowers?
We used to make these to decorate wedding cars! You fold tissue (kleenex) accordian-like and tie a string, pulling it tight, in the centre of it. You then pull up each layer of tissue, fluffing it up. Once you have all the layers puffed up, it makes a flower...
Heart Attack Cake
I cannot find cream of coconut Is coconut milk the same, or would it work??? This cake sounds really good, Im hoping to give it a try.
Chart for Tracking Medication?
Here are some links of medication charts. Theyre all a bit different -- perhaps one fits your needs better than another.
Ice Crystals Forming When I Freeze Bread?
Perhaps your bread is still warm when you put it in the bag. This would cause condensation to form, and then that moisture would freeze into ice crystals. Make sure your bread is completely cooled before putting it in bags.
Planting the Top of a Pineapple?
We went to the Dole Plantation in Hawaii, and they say not to cut off the top, but to twist it off. Grab a firm hold on the top, and on the bottom, and twist the top. It will actually come right off. This, then can be planted. I belive it takes 3 years before...
Television Reviews?
Try this site They have consumer reviews on alot of things -- tvs included! Perhaps itll be of some help in your decision.
Neck Holder for Eyeglasses?
Ive even got them at dollar stores. Ive seen REALLY fancy ones at specialty craft stores for $35 - $50, made with beautiful glass beads, etc... Ive taken the ones from the dollar store, cut the cord off so I have just the rubber part that slips on the glasses...
Cutting Vinyl Tile For Around The Toilet?
How about first using a piece of paper or cloth or something that you can bend around the toilet base, and making a template with that. That way you can keep re-doing it until youve got a perfect fit, and then trace it onto the tile to cut.
Hawaiian Pie?
Found this on the internet. Sound like the one youre looking for? Hawaiian Pie 2 Baked 9 pie shells 4 md Bananas 1 pk Flaked coconut; (7 oz) 1 1/4 c Nuts; chopped 1 lg Crushed pineapple 1 c Sugar 2 tb Flour Line cooled pie shells with a layer of bananas, layer...
Hawaiian Pie?
Hooray Susan!!!! Just lucky I guess! I saw alot of other recipes too, but they didnt have the nuts in them. And it really sounds good -- Ill have to try that myself too!!!!
Ring Around the Tub?
I have an acrylic (brown!) tub, and the soap scum shows up after every single shower practically. Calgon water Softener (powdered) sprinkled on a cloth wiped it away!! It has been the best thing Ive ever used on the tub, and believe me, Ive tried them all. I...
Making a Crochet Tube With a Thread Spool?
I agree, difficult to explain, but Ill try! 1st, tie a knot around one of the nails. Now just wrap the wool around the remaining nails, kind of making a loop on each nail. Now, hold the wool over the nail with the knot, and take a needle (or a knitting needle...
Buy Extra Strawberries
A tip from a strawberry farm --- When you buy strawberries, do not wash them; just put them right into a GLASS container with a lid (like a canning or pickling jar) and put them in the fridge. They honestly keep totally fresh for a week!!! Try it - youll be...
How Do I Thank My Mom?
Im guessing you must be a pretty special kid if your mom is doing all this for you, and you must already be doing the right things! Keep it up, and let her know every day that you love her and appreciate all she does for you.
Freezing Prepared Oatmeal?
A lady I work with mixes regular oatmeal (not instant) with milk and refrigerates it over night. (without cooking it!) In the morning she microwaves it just to heat it up, adds sugar, a bit more milk if needed and enjoys! This way youre getting the benefits...