Mom's Shortbread Cookies
I look forward to enjoying these shortbread cookies, have been looking for a good recipe for them for a long time. Thank your mom for sharing and you, too, of course. I can taste them already. Alexandria VA
What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Feed these ingredients into the recipe on some websites and it will tell you what you can do with them. Cinnamon should make it taste good, whatever it is.
Housewarming vs. Open House?
If you are planning a party atmosphere in your new home. Thats what it should be a party. You supply the gifts. Do not ask your guests to bring a plant or anything, just their friendship. Glad Im not on your list of guests.
Photo: Brotherly Love
Its precious. Thanks for sharing. That is next to giving all when you share your thumb, isnt it?
Use Two Kinds Of Bread for Sandwiches
Hi there, your idea of combining two different kinds of breads is such a simple idea but then, nobody said to do it before now, did they? You are a jewel. Im sure I will try it and like it. Three cheers for you and your great idea.
Meximelt - Chicken Casserole
Ditto to BethGoulds comment, recipe entitled Chicken Casserole but no chicken in it? Oh well, sure does sound like a good dish to make though. Thanks.
Product Review: Dyson DC 23 Turbine Head
I got a Dyson DC24 a couple of years ago and I have had great success with it. First of all, it only weighs 11 pounds and is very easy to maneuver. It picks up things I didnt even know were there. So, you may have gotten a lemon. Check it out with Dyson and...
Tiny Holes In Clothing?
If you happen to wash a bra with t-shirts, the hooks will certainly damage the shirts, just a thought.
Looking for Octagon Soap?
Our local Giant Food Store in VA has Octagon soap on its shelves, try your grocery stores and if they do not have it, ask them if they would order some for you, never know, they just must accommodate your request. Good luck.
Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?
12 years? You gotta be kidding, she doesnt want to get away from him. Have you ever heard of tuff luv? Sometimes that is the only answer. Let her see it for what it is.
Binder for Organizing Craft Projects
I just finished reading about how patterns, etc are stored. It is such a wonderful world when I read about how organized many of you are. I have my own system and it varies from week to week but it works for me and gets better each time I have to search for...
ABC Salad
And my questions are: how much salad does this make? Is the rice Uncooked or cooked? Sounds like a lot of stuff not to know exactly what you are doing. Anxious to hear from you. Thanks Alexandria VA
Getting Rid of the Odor of Dead Mice?
Put Oil of Peppermint on a cotton ball and put it in the affected area, works like a charm, Good luck. Alexandria VA
Fudge Does Not Form Soft Ball?
Cook until it reaches a soft ball stage, does not have to hold the shape for long, just a soft ball. Alexandria VA
Glazed Apple Bread
You did not list apple and nuts (nor their quantity) in the ingredients, can you please let me know? Thanks.
Powder and Pellet (Beagles)
You gotta love those beagles. They really are people dogs, at least all we have had in our lives were. Yes, they love to hunt. Enjoy!
Newspaper Bags as Gift Wrapping
You can also use the newspaper sleeves for: when you carry an umbrella, use the newspaper sleeve to put the umbrella in and eliminate water on the floor. Wal-mart used to give you plastic bags for this purpose. I usually carry one with me as I pick up an umbrella...
Sweet Potato Casserole
If you want a sweet potato casserole to taste REALLY delicious, just add some coconut. Of course, if you do not like coconut, then leave it out. But it sure does add to the great taste.
Warning About Dryer Sheets And Pets
Thanks, Pixiedust even common sense will tell you that those sheets have chemicals in them and chemical is ever good for much.
Halloween Costume: Bun in the Oven
Wow! What a very creative idea. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.
Scenery: Old House Taken Over By Vines
Wow, such beauty. Nobody could have painted anything that would even come close to Gods paint brush. Thanks so very much for sharing this with us.
No Bones About It
I think someone had more time on their hands on that day than they knew what to do with. Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Max (Pug)
How do you know Max likes to dress up? I think it is horrible to dress dogs in people clothing and even sometimes doggie clothes. Im not being rude, just expressing my opinion.
In Memory of Dakota (American Shepherd)
So very sorry that Dakota had to cross The Rainbow Bridge. I know you will miss him. My sister had two Himalayan cats (litter mates, male and female) for twelve years and both of them crossed the bridge within the last year. I like The Rainbow Bridge.
Pepper (Rottweiler)
Good for Pepper. Keep that mail carrier on his/her toes. lol We had a Beagle many years ago and he just hated any mail carrier. We knew the moment the mail carrier started down the opposite end of our block. Good watch dog. Love him.
Looking for Weaving Loom Similar to Weavette or Weave-it Brand?
Hi: if you are still looking for your loom, I have one and will be happy to see that it gets to you. Please contact me through this website and then we can set up arrangements, etc. Maggie Alexandria VA
Joke: Striptease
Man, it took me more than 2 seconds to get that one. Must be getting slower each day I live. Very funny.
What Cake Can I Bake With These Ingredients?
On the food network; type in ingredients you have and see what comes up for your baking a cake.
Using Baby Yarn to Make Adult Sweaters? is the website for a simple, yet pretty, sweater and easy to make. If I can make it, anyone can! When finished, I tried it on an it fit me and I wear an x-L, but for sweaters, I do not like them to fit tight, so...
Crochet Pattern for Child's Poncho?
After reading the responses, I just say ditto. Google what you want. It is out there in cyber space just waiting for you to find it. Enjoy!
Rectangle Crochet Sweater
Finally got brave enough to try this sweater. Have completed the back section. I started with a 10 oz skein of 4 ply yarn made by Caron (Jumbo Prints) 100% acrylic, worsted weight. I have used approximately 8 oz of the yarn for one large section. As to gauge...
Do Thermal Insulated Curtains Really Help?
Yes, thermal backed drapes do work. When you purchase the drapes/curtains be sure that the backing is not the very thin kind you can find in some stores. The extra money you will spend is well worth it. You just have to use your common sense when purchasing...
Grape Salad
This is one of the best recipes I have ever tasted. I just ate some at a recent school alumni picnic and it never gets old. Make it every week.
Keep $20 in Your Glove Compartment for Emergencies
I have been doing the same thing with $$$ in the glove box of our car. Just last week, I used it to make a donation to our local schools football team, trying to raise money for uniforms, etc. It is a great habit to have. And I have had to replace it a few...
My Frugal Life: Me And The Bee
Well, an interesting story and one I share regarding the wire curlers on my head at night. But as far as frugal goes, I dont really think so. If you could afford hair spray, it doesnt sound very frugal. Not being impolite to you just posting my feedback.
What Glue Can I Use on Yarn Ends When Crocheting or Knitting?
Okay, I never have glued the end of yarn, even though I weave in the ends of the yarn, sometimes it still needs an extra something, but thanks anyway for your hints and advice.
What Glue Can I Use on Yarn Ends When Crocheting or Knitting?
Hey everyone thanks for all the hints. After watching the video on ends I guess Ive been doing them almost correctly all the time.
Jimmy (Shepard - Collie Mix)
I like Jimmy, but dogs were not made to wear humans hats. Please do not make that dog suffer with the hat. I love animals but do not dress them with human attire.
Soothing a Whining Puppy?
Put an old non-digital regular alarm clock in the bed with her. The tick tick tick helps them quiet down, and put some article of your clothing in with them (with your smell on them).
Plastic Coffee Can Yarn Holder
Large containers for Quaker oatmeal work wonders for holding yarn and do not have any rough edges and oatmeal is good for you.
Crocheted Mini Purse
You used double thread, what size thread? Is it the finer yarn or just regular yarn. Thanks.
Proper Way to Sign Personal Letters?
Well, guess what? When I sign anything that is from my husband and me, I sign Maggie and Harold (Fictitious names, of course) and then the last name, Maggie and Harold Jones. Ladies, first, please. Have a great day everyone!
What Are These Wildflowers?
Yep everyone is right; they are cosmos. It is a flower I can remember from my childhood. We would remove the petals and moisten them and use them as artificial fingernails. Now, hows that for a memory of cosmos? I love em! and they are a sturdy flower; just...
Using Powdered Detergent in a Frontloading Washing Machine?
I have a front loading clothes washer. The detergent tray has a slide inside it and on it, reads: powder with an arrow in one direction; the other reads liquid with an arrow going in the opposite direction. Maybe you do not have the tray open enough when you...
Paying Attention to Hints from Your Rescued Pet
If Maggie ever needs to crawl under the bed, I can always be found there during a thunderstorm. lol I just do not like loud and unexpected noises. Im glad Maggie has adjusted. I think Im too old to adjust now. Love Maggie