Responding to a Dance Invitation?
I would get a sachet of sugar ( like they do at McDonalds for your tea or coffee) and write yes on it or post it in a thank you card saying you are so sweet, I would love to go.
Gifts For Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?
Well I would skip the picnic/food which I think may remind him of his mum and day trips. I would go for gadgets with a lad and get him a music CD or a games console game or a voucher for his favorite clothing store inside a card or a t-shirt in his size such...
Centerpiece with Fishing Theme?
Use vintage china fish/gurgle jugs filled with flowers. Google gurgle jugs or check out ebay fro pictures.
Embellishing A Wedding Dress?
This is where I disagree, I also have been sewing for years and I would say the simplest solution would be to buy a vintage wedding dress at a thrift shop which is cheap because its out of fashion BUT has the embellishments you require. I would literally cut...
Princess Party Cake
I have to hand it to you, thats the best, simplest, most frugal cake and the most spectacular I have seen for a young girls birthday cake, very very well done! Carol UK
Random Drug Testing for Teens
Perhaps you could share with us how you do random drug testing (genuine non sarcastic request), living in the UK I know of nothing I could buy in a chemist which would allow me to detect cannabis, ecstacy, etc. in urine (how on earth would you get a sample...
Random Drug Testing for Teens
Actually thanks for this tip I will definitely investigate buying one of these kits. Ive been thinking about this issue the last few days and it could be a life saver, when it comes to protecting your kids and its a matter of life or death over privacy then...
Random Drug Testing for Teens
Thanks for all the advice everyone. I had NO idea random drug testing was available and maybe schools should be given the power to do this as well. If kids thought they might get expelled, it would reinforce the parents message as well. I dont know. Its certainly...
Planning a Frugal Trip to Switzerland?
Switzerland is totally landlocked and unless they can go ashore for more than a few hours, they might struggle to get on a train or airplane and visit Switzerland for more than 5 minutes; no offense meant :-)
Vegetable Container Gardening?
I grow a lot of vegetables in hanging baskets to keep animals away. I have had success with tumbling tomatoes and herbs. If you can get a childs sandpit on legs this could be used with holes punched in the bottom for salad ingredients, such as bell peppers...
Cheese Sauce for Broccoli?
I agree with Kristina; in England, Europe and Italy, home of lasagne, first make a white sauce or bechamel or rouxsauce as Kristina described with melted butter, flour and cook first for a few minutes. It resembles playdo almost at first, then the milk is added...
Grinch Themed Office Decorations?
definitely hang up some knitted xmas stockings on the walls with red and white stripes , nothing says xmas faster than xmas stockings, in the dr zeuss books there are a lot of stripy stuff, i would also cut out large paper candy cane shapes and colour them...
Jade's Mending Jar
The gift is a great idea. May I ask a question though? If your relative has left school in the UK at 16, how can they train to be a veterinary surgeon? My cousin is training in the uk also and she had to do A levels and go to university. Im curious because...
Removing Makeup From Face?
After washing face with soap and water, myself and my two teenage daughters use petroleum jelly on cotton wool to remove eye makeup including black pencil eyeliner and mascara. It works very very well and doesnt sting the eyes. It makes the eye area feel a...
Planning a Non-Profit Awards Banquet?
The most expensive part of this will be the venue and catering once you have decided upon a theme. The theme will depend upon the professions of the people involved, their ages, what the awards are for, whether it is casual or formal etc. Basically decide upon...
Weddings Are Too Expensive for Just One Day
I remember my mother telling me that during the great depression and also in world war 2 couples used brass curtain rings in the wedding ceremony. I think cubic zirconia rings are beautiful by the way.
Donating To Fundraisers?
I would say I have set a annual budget for the forthcoming year (starting January say) for charities and I have already chosen a new list of charities and committed myself to donating if they press fro information you could mention a few names but say the rest...
Clothes Smell Sour?
Hi, First of all i do sympathize with you it must be very distressing. I would first eliminate any medical problems. Book an appointment with a doctor and the night before take a bath or on the morning have a shower , and of course brush teeth, fix hair etc...
Sewer Smell Coming from a Faucet?
I have a plumber friend who tells me mostly its as simple as empty pipes and bacteria. Basically some pipes are set in at funny angles due to the limited amount of space to lay them occasionally and the only way to fix it short of re plumbing, (assuming drain...
Wooden Rockers Have Molded?
Sand them down then either a/ apply creosote or b/bleach then let them dry then use clear varnish rather than wax or apply paint of your chosen colour then varnish the varnish is the important part to prevent it happening again.
Trim Ideas for a Burgundy Room?
i would go with a cream/ ivory shade as it is softer than harsh white
Girl's Guitar Themed Birthday?
For a Spanish guitar theme you could decorate with black lace and yellow and blue satin to represent senoritas dresses and hair bows. You could also serve finger food or Spanish tapas.
"Midnight In Paris" Themed Homecoming Dance?
I would use navy blue to suggest midnight with silver stars.
"Midnight In Paris" Themed Homecoming Dance?
PS I know this is silly but watch Disneys the Aristocats. That was set in Paris and it would be good for design ideas.
Calculating Costs for a Large Wedding?
My first wedding was a no expenses spared top country house hotel wedding, expensive honeymoon etc the marriage didnt last. The whole wedding was my ex husbands family basically showing off their status, etc. Yes, youve guessed it my second marriage on a shoestring...
11 Year Old Cat Losing Weight?
exactly the same thing happened to a stray cat we used to feed, it too was an elderly cat we took it to the vet and they examined it and it turned out to be gingivitis of the gums which was making it too painful for the cat to eat anything the cat was treated...
Dog's Eating Patterns Have Changed?
take him the vets and get his teeth and gums checked out it could be something is painful for him to eat anything such as gingivitis, his teeth might need cleaning or antibiotcs
Gift Ideas For Boyfriend's Daughter?
how about a nice silver st christophers medal to protect her on her travels he is the patron saint of travellers, it wouldnt cost a huge amount, would be a very nice tasteful piece of jewellry and is slightly sentimental without being over the top and also...
What to do with Leftover Yellow Cake?
make an english traditional trifle. slice cake into layers or chunks and put in bottom of a glass dish, add some sherry (optional) or orange juice till slightly soggy. put on top a few spoonfuls of strawberry jam or fresh strawberries. then add some canned...
Recommendations For Hair Conditioner?
try and get some coconut oil, it is a solid block of white substance which literally melts in your hands and you work it in to your hair, also try olive oil or almond oil any kind of warm oil , henna wax is also good and it comes in colourless versions,
Getting Rid Of Odors In Room?
I would be worried theres something dead under the floorboard like an animal or something eg mice or birds, can you get a floorboard up to have a look?
Newspaper and Mulch Instead of New Soil?
This idea will work in future years as it takes at least 6 to 8 months to produce. Buy a compost bin, set in garden, use a mix of only 1/3rd grass cuttings or broken twigs MAXIMUM , 1/3 brown paper or cardboard or old envelopes any waste paper etc NOT NEWSPAPER...
Graduation Gift Ideas for My Niece?
how about a silver st christophers medal he is the patron saint of travellers and protection
Adult With Severe Fear Of Dentists?
in england very nervous patients are given a intravenous injection of valium/ tranquilisers it is great
How Do You Make Fun Shaped Soap Confetti?
From a cookery shop use a peeler such as is used for lemon zest or vegetables to shave tiny bits off?
Teaching Toddlers To Read
hi i did the same with my daughter using individual big bright red letters made from cut out card which she could pick up and feel not just look at she learnt the entire alphabet between 11 and 15 months and was reading by age 2 some people say this is a waste...
Keep Necklaces From From Getting Tangled?
How about using a mug tree? The upright stand with little pegs to hang cups on.
Weight Loss Themed Christmas Cards?
How about a handy small tape measure? Helpful when clothes shopping.
Garage Turned Into A Home
why are you living in the garage and not the house? if you are a hard up student its your parents responsibility to home feed and clothe you until you can stand on your own two feet, and also as a parent i would ALWAYS help out my children , i cannot believe...
Problems Getting Pregnant?
a very good way for checking fertility and also to work in reverse to prevent pregnancy is to check the cervical mucus , it isnt failsafe as a preventor but did help me when i decided i wanted children. its a bit gross so cover your eyes everyone lol you basically...
Home Treatment For Diabetes Blisters?
You absolutely have to get them seen to. Diabetes affects the circulation in the limbs and ulcers/sores/blisters can not only lead to poor healing but also infection and blood poisoning and a review of your diabetes medication wouldnt go amiss either. I do...
Medieval Theme Birthday Party?
oh what a great idea, for entertainment u could teach them juggling like medieval jesters, or pin the tail on the dragon,
Saving Money on Wedding Photography?
how about contacting students or teenagers at school in the 16 - 21 age bracket studying photography, im sure they would do so for a small fee
My Daughter's Well Deserved Graduation
and let me congratulate you on giving your wonderful daughter the greatest gift of them all , the love of her precious family . no matter how humble your simple meal it would mean more to her than all the money in the world or any fancy do NOTHING is more important...
Brown Eyed Susans?
hi you dont need to prune them as they are herbaceous plants that just die down themselves but pruning them wont kill them as the roots are in the ground and will emerge again end of summer for a fall show they are an autumn plant
Antarctican Finger Food?
or even scotts porridge oats? ( apparently they found a box of perfectly preserved porridge in Scotts tent lol)
100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
look up on the internet what was happening in the News or the world 100 years ago or on the date they were born and print it off and tie it up like a scroll carol
"Mom I Need A Job!": How Kids And Teens Can Earn Some Cash
some great ideas there for earning money thank you very much i would also add in this day and age to write down in a book specially for this purpose every single booking name address telephone number and date and time of booking so that your parents know exactly...
Eggs in a Nest
in england toad in the hole is a sausage cooked in a dish of batter made from milk flour and egg whisked together and poured over the browned sausage then cooked till golden and crispy, if you used meatballs in the batter mix its called mole in a hole carol...
Inexpensive Birthday Gift Ideas For Children?
buy at the dollar store a bumper colouring book a jumbo packet of coloured pencils or felt tips and if your feeling flush a big bag of sweets total cost 2 or 3 dollars at the dollar store in the USA or 2 or 3 pounds at the pound shop in the UK, for older teenage...
Stocking Up on Groceries?
if i had to live for two years on sugar, salt and salty tinned foods (soup) and fattening jars of peanut butter then i can see why a person would need all those multivitamins and the headache tablets for all the poisoning they received and does any 1 actually...
Stocking Up on Groceries?
hi paula unfortunately i cant think of anything that could be stockpiled that would be of benefit and nutritionally sound with the exception of the canned tuna and possibly the powdered milk if it was skimmed, maybe canned fruit or fruit juices would be useful...
Kids Drinks In Bottles
unless it is water or milk in the sports bottle to sip then this will destroy the enamel on their teeth it is extremely bad for the teeth to be constantly bathed in sugary fluids water is all children need carol
Celebrate The Weekend After Christmas
i also buy gift wrap tags bows when reduced after xmas etc i use the red for valentines , the green for st patricks day the yellow for easter and the green and orange and purple for halloween carol
Fixing a Scratched Wall?
we call this paper woodchip in the uk, u can get a piece for free from a sample roll in a decorating shop and believe it or not tear it rather than cut with scissors to cover the scratch, then paint desired color before sticking down it is almost unoticeabe...
Teaching Toddlers?
i agree with everything already said, a plastic or cardboard box filled with books sourced cheaply from yard sales , second hand from friends etc , fill it to the brim and let the children read them dont worry about damage scribbles chewing etc ive been in...
Choosing a Stroller?
the only piece of advice i could give would be do not buy a second hand car seat or accept a used one from a friend as it is a false economy and could be dangerous in the event of a car crash, congratulations on your baby
Just Moved - Birthday Ideas For a Lonely Boy?
i totally agree witht he posts about finding other children to play with i would go to any lengths to do this for my kids and have done so in the past so much so that i got teased about rent-a-friend lol my middle boy is mentally disabled and for a few years...
Inexpensive 50th Birthday Gift Ideas?
my two brothers live a long way away too and if they turned up for my birthday i would consider THEM the gift honestly so i wouldnt worry about a present i would just buy her a card and a token bottle of wine maybe and just turn up and spend as much time as...