Masking Paint with Press and Seal
Hi as I live in Manchester could you tell me what Paint & Seal is it seems to be better to use than masking tape.
Slow Cooker As Air Freshener
Hi Deeli thank you once again for sharing your thrifty tips for us on T/F. I think its a great idea to use a slow cooker for this idea. Thank you for this Helen xxx
Homemade Oxiclean
Hi I have read your tip on homemade oxyclean. It sounds really good. Can you use it on coloured clothing like cotton t shirts and other casual tops? Many thanks for sharing this Helen xxx
Homemade Freezer Jam
Hi can any tell me what Jello is? as I live in the U.K Many thanks Helen xxx (b)Editors Note:(/b) According to Wikipedia: Jell-O is sold prepared (ready to eat) or in powder form, and is available in many different colors and flavors. The powder contains powdered...
Removing Ink Stains from Clothes?
Try using milk to soak the garment in for a couple of hours you might have to do this twice but it really worked on my grandsons white sports shirt. Let us know how you go on. Helen xxx
Remedy for Itchy Skin?
Hi there, here is a simple and effective natural remedy. Mix together 20 drops of lavender essential oil, 20 drops of peppermint essential oil 2 FL oz of witchhazel mix together in a spray bottle&keep in the fridge use as needed: this is really good & I always...
Substituting Unflavored Gelatin for Pectin When Making Jam?
Hi thank you so much for the very helpful info. about using gelatin in Jam I have taken the advice on board & decided against it Once again, thank you Helen xxx
Remedy for Pimples and Milia?
Hi try this home remedy. Peel and de-seed a papaya, blend it up then spread over your face. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Use this every night and you should see results. Let us know what works. Helen xxx
What is a Chili Brick for Use in a Dip Recipe?
Hi, many thanks for the replies to my request. Once again T/f members have shone through with help. Helen xxx
Dark Blemishes on Face?
Why dont you try blending a papaya then place that over the blemish this has really helped me with dermatitis on my face. In fact it is the only thing that has worked. If you have any left over just store it in a screw top small jar and keep in the fridge. It...
Recipes Using Leftover Scones?
Hi there I just wanted to say a big thank you to the TF members who once again replied to my request, as usual the replies were so helpful. Helen xxx
Where Can I Buy Baking Emulsions in the UK?
Hi Deeli many thanks for your reply and taking the time to find out for me. I will let you know what i find out Helen xxx
My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun Friendship
Hi i was reading your comments about Keeper60 and as a daily user on thriftyfun i do agree with you. I too have had great responses from keeper60 and also from many other members on this fab site. It is just like having an extended family no matter what the...
Websites Offering Free Computer Software Classes?
Hi, just want to say many thanks to the wonderful T/F members who replied to my question about free computer courses on line they were so helpful. Helen xxxx
Make Your Own Mineral Make-up
Hi, I too could do with the instructions for the ingredients for the mineral make up. Many thanks. helen xx
Remedy for Itching Mosquito Bites
Hi, I was reading your tip for using deodorant on the bites. I also get really bad bites but I treat them now with aspirin mixed to a paste and leave on for a while. This takes down the swelling, I also make up a spray of witchazel 60 mls. then add 20 drops...
UK Substitute for Corn Starch
Hi keeper60 many thanks for your reply to my request I wasnt quite sure if they were the same many thanks for your help helen xx
Anti-Itch Spray Recipe
Hi KathyRay, I posted a tip for taking the poison out of the nasty bites that tend to swell up on the skin it is as follows. Take two caps. charcoal split the caps and put the powder into a small dish mix to a paste with a few drops of water then apply to the...
Cereal Bags for Kitchen Chores
Hi again I forgot to ask can you use the cereal bags in the microwave. Many thanks helen x
Cereal Bags for Kitchen Chores
I have been reading your ideas on cereal bags I have got some great ideas from you all. I do use the cereal bags but just to freeze food but will now re-use them for the other things that has been suggested. Many thanks for sharing helen x
Remove Blackheads With Glue
I was reading this tip about using the white glue to remove blackheads. Would this work on boil type blemishes my son has these, but mainly on the back of his neck. Also is it ordinary craft glue? Many thanks. Helen xx
Is it Safe to Use an Aspirin Face Mask?
Many thanks for all the replies re: the aspirin face mask. I will take extra caution when trying this. Helen xx
Making Extracts?
Hi Popet, I bought lovely Vanilla pods from ebay. They were lovely and moist not like the dried up ones bought at the supermarket I think they were £5.65p for 20 Madascan beans just use a clean jar split about 6 pods remove the seeds from them and put them...
Making Extracts?
Hi. Many thanks for the replies about making extracts, they have been very helpful. I still have another 5 weeks yet to see if the vodka smell goes away. Helen
Soap Making
Hi does anyone have the recipes for the soap making and what is red devil lye. I live in the UK, and maybe the product is different. Many thanks for sharing. helen xx
Using Fresh Grape Juice for Line and Wrinkles?
Hi, many thanks for your reply to my question I will carry on with my experiment of putting the squashed grapes on one half on my face for a month will then let you know if I look 18 again! helen xx
Storing Homemade Facial Peels?
Hi again, many thanks for your reply you really are a star. I also would like to know about two of the ingredients. The recipe states to use 2 oz of green tea & 2oz of chamomile tea steeped and strained sept. to add to gelatin when melted but this seems rather...
Recipe for Irish Soda Bread?
Hi the best recipe for soda bread I have & 1 I always use is. 1lb wholemeal flour. tsp. salt 1 tsp. bicarb. 1 tsp. baking powder mix together then rub in 2 oz butter (this is for moisture as soda bread can be dry) then add enough buttermilk or ordinary milk...
Use a Water Spritz to Stick Sprinkles on Frosting
Thats a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing. Helen xxxx
Translating the Names of Essential Oils from Turkey?
Many thanks to the replies re translation for the essential oils I bought in Turkey. I will try all that was suggested I will let you know what they mean. I certainly wont make that mistake again helen x
Blender Bavarian Cream
This recipe sounds fab i will have a go but can you tell me what your cup measurements are in ounces. I live in the U.K. Many thanks, helen
Cherry Cheese Crunch
Hi I would love to try this I live in the U.K and would like to know what cool whip is. Also is powdered sugar Icing sugar or Castor sugar. Also what is your cup measurment in ounces? Many thanks, helen x
Storing Essential Oils?
hi kffrmw88 once again many thanks for your informative reply re storing essential oils. I think you should start your own website based on your knowledge. Thankyou helen x
Mixing Essential Oils for Facial Care Products?
Hi to kffrmw88 Thank you so much for your reply to my query. You gave me so much invaluable information. I have printed it off to keep as reference you really are a Star. helen xx
Tips for Stretching Butter?
Hi again well I have tried 1 of the tips for blending butter with oil I used extra virgin oil but found the taste too strong so I am going to do it again with olive oil which is not as strong I know it is down to individual taste so I will let you know what...
Tips for Stretching Butter?
Hi again just to say I mixed the butter with olive oil instead of the extra virgin oil and it worked well without the strong taste, so many thanks again for your replies. helen x
Tips for Stretching Butter?
many thanks for your tips to my question about stretching butter with oil. i am going to experement with these many thanks helen x
Instructions for an Easy Patchwork Throw?
Many thanks for your reply I will go on this site and have a look. helen x
Using Neroli Oil for Mature Skin?
Hi there again about your reply to my question about using neroli ess.oil do i mix together 5 drops of each of neroli and the carrier jojoba oil. Only I dont want to get this wrong once again many thanks for your help and good advice on this. helenx
Using Neroli Oil for Mature Skin?
Hi many thanks for sharing your information on this I will definately try this. helen x
Mix Uninspired Fragrances Together
Great ideas I also do this with essential oils that I use in oil burners.
Throat Cream for "Necklace" Lines?
Hi, you could try distilled witch hazel, dip cotton wool in this. Good luck.
Create Extra Freezer Space
Hi. I think this is a great idea I dont tend to buy much freezer food but a very small amount I home cook & freeze so label the food as I freeze, but what I do is when I do my shopping I go through the checkout then as I pack the items I remove the unwanted...
Homemade Candle Wicks?
Many thanks for the replies to my question about candle wicks. I will have a look on the net as suggested. x
Using Foil Covered Cardboard to Reflect Radiator Heat?
Hi kffrmw88, many thanks for reply I think I have the idea now. Just one more question; do you cut the cardboard the length of the radiator. Many thanks, helen x
Using Foil Covered Cardboard to Reflect Radiator Heat?
Thank you so much for the help with this I am going to do this tomorrow. helen x
Making Oven Chips?
A big thank you to all for the replies re-oven chips. I will definitely try your great tips. Many thanks helen x
Making Cardboard Box Dollhouses?
Many thanks TF members for your replies to my problem. Thank you for sharing them with me. Helen x
Making Cardboard Box Dollhouses?
I will definately try and put a picture on when its finished. Many thanks again. Helen x
Cleaning Stained Bathroom Tile Grout?
Hi I clean my bathroom tile grout with toothpaste spread on to an old toothbrush if you have a large area to cover then spread toothpaste onto a soft bristle scrubbing brush. Let me know what worked the best. Good luck, Helen
Taya (Miniature Poodle, Papillon, Pincher)
What an absolute babe. I could sit and look at her all day. How lucky you both are to have each other. Helen
Pom Pom Rug
Hi its Helen again. I dont have any rugs to use as backing so what would you suggest I use. Also did it take a lot of time sewing it together. Many thanks for your great idea.
Pom Pom Rug
Hi I think your pom pom rug looks really funky. How do you make pom poms? I would love to make one. Helen
Substitute for Candied Fruit Peel in Recipe?
Hi. What about trying some dried sultanas or is that too sweet, just a thought. Good luck.
Fused Reusable Plastic Bags
Hi mandee. What a great idea. I will try to get the instructions on the site you said when you made your make-up bag. How did you fasten them? Also is there any fumes when doing this?
Save Seeds from Tomato and Pepper Plants
I have read this tip and am definitely going to try this, so many thanks Sharon. I will let you know how I go on. Also, I am moving to a small flat so will they grow in pots. What is the best time to sow them? Helen
Reuse Glass Candle Containers as Glasses
Hi, I will try this as candles are not cheap to buy not the nice ones anyway. Many thanks
Relearning a Frugal Upbringing
I too came across this wonderful website and I can honestly say that the TF members feel like an extended family. There is always someone who will answer any requests, or just reading all the wonderful tips just make you feel part of a very kind community. So...
Cook for Other Families to Save Money
What a great idea as I live on a very small pension and love cooking. I would love to see some of your menus as an example, even though I know that everyone has different taste in food. Many thanks, helen x
Keep Frozen Bread Dough on Hand
I too have a problem with shaping the dough for pizza. Mine comes up like a big sponge even though I think its rolled thinly. Many thanks Helen xx
Freeze Whipping Cream In Ice Cube Trays
I didnt think you could freeze fresh cream so have never tried, but I will now as its Christmas in a few days. I use more at this festive time. So thank you for sharing this. Helen x
Crust on Homemade Bread is Hard?
I dont use a bread machine but still the crust is hard. The bread is lovely, just the top gets hard. So what I have done (and this really works) is put a damp towel over it or damp kitchen roll and the bread crust remains soft. This is nothing you will read...
Save Money By Baking Your Own Bread
Hi, I have just read your tips on breadmaking as I am not very good at this I think I will have another go but 1 thing in my favour is that I make very good Irish soda bread, the tips are brilliant; especially about freezing the risen dough to use at a later...
Use Office Supplies for Doll Furniture
Thank you Tim, for the unusual ideas for dolls furniture from office supplies. I will definately try these out. Helen
Instructional DVD For Making A Rag Rug?
Utube have some great tutorial video instructions for rag rugs you could try that also its free. Good luck helen x
Repurposing a Cabinet for Storage
Sounds like an idea I would use have you a photo of this because I am not very good at imagining ideas. Many thanks, Helen
Oils That Prevent Bug Bites?
You can dab a small amount of lavender essential oil on ankles, wrists and I believe this keeps them away I am going to Turkey this year and get bitten terrible I have had all the sprays known under the sun but dont work so try this let us know how you go on...
Conversion Tables for Recipes
Thank you so much for the conversion chart. It will be a great help. helen x
Clothespin Rocking Chair Pattern
Hi Ray ,many thanks for your instructions for the rocking chair from clothes peg. Do you have any more patterns you could post on thriftyfun? Many thanks, Helen
Candy Cane Holder Candle Centerpiece
I just love this idea and like another member stated its never too early to start for Christmas. Many thanks for your picture it certainly helps. helen xx
Uses for Potato Masher
Another great idea; I make a lot of pastry to store in my freezer so will definitely try the potato masher for mixing tog. Also you could try using it for sieving icing sugar over sponge cakes for a different pattern. Many thanks for your ideas Helen
Velveeta Box Drawer Organizers
Hi what does a velveeta box look like? I live in the UK so dont know this product but gather it is cheese. Many thanks. helen x
Homemade Facial Scrubs & Masks
I am into skincare using kitchen supplies and it states there is nothing better for skin than oats and honey so natural so yes I totally agree with you. Thanks for sharing. Helen x