Identifying a Houseplant?
We use to call this a rubber plant, and you must keep clean with water as it collects dust, by wiping off with damp cloth and just sprinkle a litter water every day on any plant like a spring shower, no need to drown them.
Help Out Your Grocery List
I can relate to this, very well, you sound like me and my husband 40 years ago, we were both working but we sometimes had nothing, or very little to eat, I could not understand it, as we were both working, One time as we had a large meal and were digging in...
Cement Lawn
I do appreciate all the comments, I have to say I love nature, but the state my unhealthy limbs and body is in dont allow me to keep nature up and it is quite expensive hiring someone to keep it up for you, I have quite a few friends in this same catagory, who...
How to Get Rid of Roaches?
A mixture of malathion and syrup, painted on the inside, of not, the drawer, but the inside of where the drawer goes in the cabinet. this way none of the children or animals can get to it, you can do this all over the house, just pull the drawers out and using...
Ideas for Chicago Themed Birthday Party?
Can you get any pictures of the old riverview and its farris whells and other rides, she may remember these things in chicago while growing up. also the beach especiall 12th street beach.