Cleaning Brass With Lemon Juice?
Try it. If it doesnt work, ketchup does - just put it on and rub it off with a soft cloth.
Tips for Boiled Eggs
I use an oversize safety pin and pick a small hole in the bottom side of each egg I boil. They very very rarely break because there is room for expansion.
Stain from Blouse on Car Seats?
I dont know if it will work but I use Dow Bathroom Cleaner or its eqivalent to get stains out. It is the foam that does it.
Hole in Sofa Slipcover?
Put a matching or contrasting color throw blanket over your sofa - problem solved.
Older Dishwasher Repair?
You can use those tab things for you dishwasher soap - you dont need a soap holder for those just put it on the bottom of the machine. They dont fit in my soap holder either.
Adding Up the Savings from a Frugal Life?
I used to tally my coupon savings. One year I saved about $500 just from cutting and using coupons and that is just for a family of two!
Removing Rust from Tile Floors?
Did you try Lime and Rust Remover? It comes in a lime green bottle and you can usually get one at the Dollar store.
Helping Someone Who Is Choking?
I too was home alone and got a piece of sandwich stuck in my throat. I leaned over the kitchen sink and thrust my body up against it. By doing that I gave myself the Heimlich maneuver and dislodged the obstruction. I had just heard to do this about two days...
Cutting Celery Tip
I do almost the same thing except I put the chopped or sliced celery in my colander and wash by running water and swishing it with my hand. Then I just shake the colander and add the celery to whatever recipe calls for it. The little bit of water that is left...
Copperhead Snake in My House?
Call a pet control agency or company and you may have to hire someone to come out and fix the problem by hunting the snakes down and killing them.
Colorful Centerpiece Ideas?
I would go with candles in glass containers placed on material cut in sqs. with pinking shears. I would buy red, yellow, blue, green material and then put a different color on each table with the candle. 1/3 yd of material would make 3 - 12 sqs.
Cleaning Dust In a House with Poor Ventilation?
In the meantime, wet a old rag and wring it out well and use it for dusting. The wet keeps the dust from flying and you can rinse the rag out in water when it gets dirty from dust.
Clothing Pills?
Try turning your items that pill inside out before washing. Notice you never get pills on the inside always the outside.