Dog No Longer Sleeping With Owner?
Is your bed very far off of the floor? We had a dog who had always jumped up on the bed and noticed one day that he would moan as if it hurt him,and since it was painful he quit.We gave him Glucosamine for animals and within a few weeks he was back to his old...
Fixing Brassy Orange Hair?
I have done this a few times and the first thing I did was wash my hair in powdered Tide... several times to lighten the color. Not really good on hair but it will help lighten the color somewhat.
Fixing Runny Fudge?
At Christmas I make Bourbon Balls and Ill tell you,the alcohol in it is the problem. It will practically melt the Chocolate when youre dipping them. Im sure the problem has been solved by now but next time, whip up a dark chocolate cake mix and frost it with...
Amazing Lazy Susan
I also found a two tiered one which fits perfectly in my kitchen cabinet.I use it for spices on the top shelf and on the bottom, tiny containers of cake coloring. Probably the best yard sale find ever! No digging through a pile to find what I need. Clutter...