Use a Reacher for Dusting
Thank you. Some pieces of furniture are very heavy to move. I also use it to get into my baseboard heaters.
Identifying A Tiny Brown Bug?
These look like gnats. Try to trace where they are coming from and spray with insecticide.
Value of Mersman Coffee Table?
This furniture is from the mid 20th century. This one is unsold and asking $155.
Value of Vintage Mersman Table?
This is one of the fancier and more expensive ones. They usually ask $225.
Caring for Baby Zebra Finches?
I would find new partners for your birds. Maybe one is killing the babies.
Information About RCA Credenza?
Because it has a cabinet, something like this has an asking price in the $125 range on eBay.
Can You Buy Just A Fitted Sheet?
Yes, you can You can also convert flat sheets into fitted by just putting elastic on each of the 4 corners.
Program for Church Dinner?
A theme is nice. I would start the dinner with a prayer or blessing. Decide who is going to bring what, who is going to set up and who is going to clean up. Also have someone take photos and upload to your churchs website.
Information on Old Cupboard or Dresser?
This looks like a display case found in an old fashioned drug store or pharmacy.
Information About Lamps?
This pair is asking $4800 on 1st Dibs. I would take these to a dealer to know what you have before you sell.
Information About Figurine?
Lladro pieces are labeled. Yours is not. It's a knockoff. Enjoy it for what it is.
Wearing An Ice Pack
I'll have to pass this tip on to several people who can use it. Thank you for posting
Looking for Eisenhart Wallcovering?
Poshmark has this, which might be it.
Identifying a Vintage Stuffed Animal?
If there is no tag it will be nearly impossible to identify it. You can look often on eBay to see if something similar shows up.
Health Concerns About 9 Week Old Puppy?
You should get a refund for the pups and medical expenses. You should be getting a healthy dog. Contact the seller.
Value of Leonardo Collection Christmas Ornaments?
All should have a mark on them. If not, they are not Leonardo. Leonardo is not expensive to begin with. The entire set is less than $25.
Value of Imperial Grand Rapids Cabinet?
Imperial Grand Rapids has retained its value. The table is about $300 and the mirror another $100, from what I see on sold items on eBay.
What Material Is My Coffee Table?
They seem to be made of kiln-dried mango wood. Wood can be protected with a plexiglass or glass top.
What Am I Doing Wrong With These Trunks?
You have both flat-topped trunks and domed trunks. Some have been altered decoratively, which may take away from their value. The value of trunks can vary from less than $100 to over $1000, depending upon condition. If I were you, I would make an appointment...
Repairing Air Mattress Seal?
I would make sure the warranty has not expired yet. If it is still under warranty and you try to fix it yourself, you may void it. If it is not under warranty, contact the company and ask if they have replacement seals.
Instructions for an Adult Sailor Hat?
Here are instructions for a round sailor hat
Making a Copy of Lady Gaga's Outfit from Bad Romance Video?
Here is a YouTube tutorial on how to make it.
Identifying Insect Eggs?
Your best bet is to take it to your local garden center. They are familiar with insects where you live.
Orange Troll Ideas For Halloween?
You can get the orange wig here
Trunk or Treat Firefighting Theme Ideas?
Hot and spicy things like Red Hots, spicy potato chips in individual bags and the like.
Vintage Vase Lamp?
You need to look on the bottom for identifying markings. I think it's not too expensive, because converting an expensive vase into a lamp would decrease the value.
Under-Processed Tomatoes?
You need to follow directions exactly. I would cook over the stovetop an hour and refrigerate. Use Within a week.
Searching For My Half-Sister?
There are neighborhood Facebook groups. You can contact the admin of tne group in the area you think your sister was born or raised and ask if you can join the group to post your story.
Value of Bassett Dresser?
Bassett has always been middle of the road furniture. This piece is not in demand where I live, and may be worth $100, with the mirror $50
What Model Is My Sewing Machine?
This is a Janome sewing machine. There should be a plaque on it with the make and model number. It may be on the bottom. You could also contact Janome here:
Market for Thimble Lots?
I would make smaller lots of mauve 10-20 each. Very few people will want 400, unless they are planning to resell.
Identifying Lane Cedar Chest?
Lane started making the chests in 1912. The number wouldn't make sense then. Here is the address where you could contact them directly and get an answer.
Value of Heritage Doll?
These dolls are mass produced. I'm not sure what size you have. The ladder ones are worth up to $35 if they have never been removed from the box and the smaller ones, $25.
Identifying Tiny Black Bugs?
Without a picture it is going to be hard to identify. They could be gnats.
Corningware Ivy Patterned Utensils?
This smaller set in better condition is asking $29 on eBay.
Throw Pillows For These Sofas?
I would use a solid color since your sofa is patterned. You could use a brown or cream, or introduce another color such as tangerine or teal.
Identifying Vintage Plush?
The toy was made in Europe. The CE means it complies with European health, safety and environmental standards. It could be any number of manufacturers.
Value of Colliers New Encyclopedia Set?
These are considered antique because they are over 100 years old. I would see a book dealer and get a free verbal appraisal.
Identifying A Desk Organizer?
I have seen these and they were used on a dresser for men's jewelry, keys and such.
Value of Chifferobe?
This may have sentimental value, but I don't think there is much monetary value, especially with damage.
Value of Drop Leaf Coffee Table?
This similar coffee table is asking $160 on eBay:
How To Make King Size Pom Pom Blankets?
Here is a written tutorial with pictures:
Information on Watertown Slide Table?
You can contact the company directly: Address: 1207 Boomer St, Watertown, WI 53094 Phone: (920) 261-6000
Identifying Wallpaper?
Google discontinued wallpaper There are several companies who specialize in this. You can also go to an established wallpaper store and the owner may recognize it and be able to find a few rolls.
Value of Rare Thimbles?
You would have to show proof that those thimbles actually belonged to her. If you could do that, you could sell to a collector or museum. If not, the gold and silver have value based on weight. The rubies will have value based on size and quality.
Small Glass Vase With Marking?
The style of the vase looks Asian. A dealer who is familiar wish Asian pottery could identify it for you
Using a George Forman Grill?
You can download a manual and contact customer service here
Repairing a Olivetti Typewriter?
Thrifty Fun has a guide to repairing electric typewriters here
Value of a Vintage Basset Table?
This was mid-range priced furniture manufactured in the mid 20th century. There is little demand for it where I live. I think it would be worth around $75.
Information About Vintage Magnavox Stereo?
Record player and radio combos in wood cabinets are asking $225 or so on eBay. Since you did not submit a picture, I don't know if this is what you have.
Information About Seamstress Vibrator?
I looked it up. It's a treadle sewing machine. Those machines were made up to the 1920s.
Help With a House Fire?
Your local department of social services can help, as well as neighborhood churches. You or a relative can also start a gofundme.
Value of White Sewing Machine?
Old sewing machines are not worth much. Price it at $50 and lower until you sell it.
No Cold Water?
There could be a few reasons. Unless you are familiar with plumbing, it's best to get a professional.
Vintage Stuffed Bear?
The tag is key to finding out who made it. It's going to be very hard if you don't have it.
Finding Replacement Parts for Gott Cooler?
Amazon sells parts. Rubbermaid acquired Gott, so you can contact them, too.
Identifying Furniture?
This is a lovely piece. It will be hard to identify without a manufacturers mark. It could be a reproduction, or an old piece. I would consult a dealer if I were you.
Oil-like Stains on Freshly Washed Clothes?
It sounds like there is something in the pipes or the water supply. Get a plumbers advice.
Value of Figurine?
This figurine should have a manufacturers mark on the bottom. That will help you figure out who made it.
Looking for Stuffed Animal?
If the tag is off, it may be impossible to find out who made it. Stores like Toys R Us had their own labels