Prepare For Pattern Sales
Theres a lady on ebay that I buy most of my patterns from. She even hunts down patterns for me if she doesnt have them in her store. Her patterns run about $5 a piece and she gives discounts on shipping for multiple purchases. I usually purchase whenever Im...
Uses for Stale Ice Cream?
Wow.......I have the totally OPPOSITE problem......I cant seem to forget that I have ice cream in the freezer......even wake up in the middle of the night swearing its calling me from the freezer. Dont know WHY my hips are this huge. *grin*
Using Elmer's Glue To Make Hair Spikes?
My kids use the DEP brand hair clue. Its consistency is that of Elmers glue, but it smells MUCH better, only cost $3.64 a bottle, and works just as well as the glue. It also washes out MUCH easier.