Product Review: Avon Curved End Eye Liner Brush
Thanks for the product review, Collinsmom. I am an independent AVON rep & agree with you. Thanks again.
Treat Glaucoma Before It Is Too Progressed
HI Terri & All, Just wanted to add a note about glaucoma. My mother went blind before we knew she had it & several years after we found out that she had it, my oldest sister was diagnosed with it, hers was caught early since we all are tested yearly. Hope that...
Purple Calla Lilies
My calla lily plants dont look loke yours, these are beautiful !!!!!! I would be willing to pay postage for some of these bulbs, let me know, granny 44 @ highstream . net
K-9 Advantix Reviews?
I use Frontline Plus & like it better than Advantix. I have also checked prices online , not cheap, I buy mine from a feed store, or pet store, more reasonable than vet.
Homemade Fragrance Oil for a Lamberge Lamp?
Use 3 ounces of your preferred oil( fragrance), 16 ounces 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, I make mine using eucalyptus oil, love it
Season Your Turkey Before You Roast It
My daughter injects her turkey the nite before cooking , then she cooks it in a covered roaster the next day, so moist & tasty.