Washing a Dry Clean Only Sweater?
Oh, Honey!! I would test the red heart first before putting it in the water. Ill bet it WILL BLEED ONTO THE WHITE !!!! --- been there. Good luck,
Blessing Bags
That is sure as valuable as the few dollars that I sometimes will give, and really more beneficial You are a wonderful person for doing this. Im going to make up some bags too! Almost all of us have something we can share!
Selling Homemade Food?
Our city has a very active S.C.O.R.E. office where experienced retirees will give you lots of advice for free. Very helpful when starting a new venture. Look under Small Business Administration.
Knitting with One Hand?
Hello! Im not a knitter (much to my mothers dismay - she tried to teach me.) but I seem to remember something about a style of knitting where you held the left needle in close to your body and it didnt move. That could be part of a solution. Good luck, and...
Ideas for Boy's 2nd Birthday?
In addition to keeping the gathering small and the time shorter, a theme might be Bob The Builder. My grand nephew had his 2 year party with lots of fun ideas. Check Oriental Trading for paper goods, and other ideas. They had a game that the kids had a wrecking...
Catching Drips Under Drink Dispensers
Around here we use a 2 liter bottle for those drips. Sorry I dont have a picture, perhaps someone else has one. But here is a guideline, and experiment for your particular dispenser. Just remove the label and cut the top of the bottle off about an inch down...
Making a Quilt from Clothing?
Wonderful idea!!! A local quilting shop or the Quilt Guild can help you along with this!! Great idea, dont get discouraged, and you can accomplish this project!!!
Remedy for Tangled Hair?
Dear Lois, I send my best wishes to you with growing your hair, it can really be a crowning glory, but it can be a real pain and a lot of work and care. It sounds like you might have dry hair, as I do sometimes. Like the posts recommend, keep it conditioned...
Recovering Deck Chairs?
The easiest way to have new covers for your deck chairs are : 1) Buy new ones, or 2) Take them to an upholstery or auto seat cover shop to have them re-do them. BUT. With patience and a few sewing skills, you can re-cover them yourself. Just take the cushions...
Life Span of Potato Jewelry?
I have a necklace and earring set made with turquoise stones from potato, that I purchased in 2002 or 2003. They still look great, and I wear the earrings at least once every two weeks, they are my favorite length and style. Because the paint job was done nicely...
Salt Spout Mason Jar
Fabulous! This is one of those - how come I didnt think of that great ideas. Dont forget to bend up the very tip of the spout so that it is easier to open up. Great.
Making a Petticoat?
The square dance clubs idea for petticoats is a great one. Think also about getting two or even three and combining them to get the fullness that the bride will need. Adding a new top-part could be monogrammed with the bride & grooms initials and date etc, lots...
Finding Free Yarn for Charity Projects?
Bless your heart! Thank you for doing this for those in need in your area! Try advertising. First a note on the bulletin board at your community center, local grocery store, etc. Go easy at first. Ill bet that there are a TON of folks that have stashes of end...
Value of Old WWI Photos?
This is a good place to remind everyone to run not walk to their own photos to label the backs of their photos with date, place taken, and names of each individual (and other fun facts please). I have a whole box of pictures and stereoptic (sp) cards that my...
Use Microwave Plate for Extra Serving Platter
I saw some microwave plates at the thrift store and should have snached them up. They would load right into the micro to heat for a few seconds before serving too! Outstanding!
Control for Sunbeam Electric Blanket?
When all else fails, use the blanketas-is. Also, my grandmother (years ago) managed to carefully pull out the electric wires to avoid the bumps.
Soap For Leg Cramp Relief
This sounds so weird, but it so works! Besides the soap in bed (I have a bar with a luscious fragrance), I tuck the last sliver of a bar of soap in each of my anklets while watching TV in the evening. Now I have really been free of the jerking in the evening...
Removing Foot Pedal from Inside Wall of Singer Sewing Machine Cabinet #48?
In looking at mine, I would slide the plastic box part, in the direction of the end where the cord exits. The foot control is held into the mounting bracket on the cabinet with clips and slides into these so that the power button gets pushed by a lever -- which...
Homemade "Memories" Gift for Sons Grieving Loss of Father?
By all means make remembrances for those kiddos! Make teddy bears from dads sport coats, favorite team jackets, etc.and stuff them with his t-shirts cut into stuffing strips (there is even a chance that the aftershave perfume will still be there. Make a babys...
Wizard of Oz Birthday Party Decoration Ideas?
I have used this for an event 6 or 7 years ago. I purchased enough blue gingham (small woven checks) to cut a nice square (or a runner for a long banquet table) to anchor the theme. (Thats where the salt & pepper and sugar dish and water pitcher also were to...
Pre-shrinking and Setting Dye
For Jazzyme I try to shrink everything I make, including the zippers, seam binding, or inner facings - just everything that I use, Ive learned the hard way that to miss something can make all the time spent carefully making the item, wasted! And you have to...
Making a Ruffled Dress?
Besides starting to sew at home with my Mother, I had a great 4-H sewing leader, and of course Home Ec. At the fabric store they probably can give you leads on a sewing teacher or classes. Why dont you learn to sew at the same time as your daughter? Most important...
Making Curls for Doll's Hair?
The answer above is very good. Ive used it on fixing Barbie that I found at a thrift store. However, I didnt leave the hair in the hot water that long - probably less than two full minutes. Also I found that I needed end papers for hair that isnt very long...
Remedy for Hair Dry and Damaged from Medications?
God Bless you honey. I understand both sides of the problem. For my long hair that isnt as pretty as it used to be for similar reasons (meds, then plus age for me). I started off by trying jojoba oil (the long hair folks say that it is closest to your natural...
Keeping Shower Clean
Also you might want to switch to a liquid shower gel or soap. The bars have a wax or something that seems to weld to the shower. Try the switch for a week or two and see if you notice the difference.
Best Memories of Christmas
I love the dragon in the basement. God bless the parents that make memories for children. I remember going up the river where we could cut our own tree, then decorating the tree with each of our favorite ornaments. Mine were mirrored star collars for the lights...
Getting Antique Musical Instruments Appraised?
I dont have an answer, but you might try calling this place in Tucson and ask them for leads on where to take your cool fiddles. Ill type out what our yellow pages says for you: The Folk Shop Musical Treasures All acoustic instruments (300 banjos) Expert Repairs...
Matching Sweater Pattern for American Girl Doll and Child?
Try looking on the yarn company web sites, ie. Lion Brand, Red Heart, etc. The girls sweater will be easy to find, but the doll you could just make a T shape, and sew under the arms and down the torso style maybe. I am only a brand-brand new knitter so I havent...
Cut Down Straws For Children
This is a cherished memory from my childhood (I am now in my 60s). We werent rich back then and when we went to town and had soda at the drugstore fountain, that was a big deal. I remember the little glasses and Daddy cutting those paper straws so they were...
Growing Hair Quickly?
The posts listed in this section are all terrific and right on! Also remember to not whip or snap your hair to keep it from breaking off. That is, use a natural brush and dont go faster at the ends. Dont ever let your hair blow in the wind, it not only drys...
How Can I Make a Quilt From Old Sweaters?
Your question gave me a brilliant picture of a quilt made from sweaters! OOOOOO! cozy!! Try going to a quilt shop with your idea and find a class to join. It could be the start of a wonderful new hobby for you!
Finding a Printing Company for Church Cookbook in Lexington, KY?
If you are still comparing, also go to your local quick-print place. They can do an awesome job, and it usually is less expensive. Plus, keeping the money in your home town is a BIG bonus! That advice from vet75, is really great! Dont plan on your group buying...
Support Hose Donning Device?
The yellow rubber gloves or gardening gloves, helped me a lot but I also used a coffee can ! I cut the top and bottom out of a 2 1/2 pound can (make sure that there arent any places to catch or cut you, or put some wide tape over the edges). Then I put the...
Lubricate Nails Before Hammering into Hard Woods
My Dad always drilled a short 1/4 hole in the end of the hammer and filled it with bees wax. Then when you needed, just rub the nail on/in the spot and away you go! Always handy, not greasy.
Useful Items From Tree Limbs
Dont forget that Oleanders are poisonous. Keep everything away from pets and children!
Small Boots for a Christmas Arrangement
Big boots work well too for decorations (watch the 2nd hand stores). Add wildflowers to poinsettias & pine. However I finally got really smart and added a couple of rocks to the toe/foot part to keep them from being top heavy and tipping so easily. Ive used...
DMV Regulations in Arizona?
Just go to www.azdot.gov for info on drivers licenses and other things like that. Sure AZ is hotter than, but most of us have AC, and the swamp coolers work most of the season-even helping some during the monsoon. The heat does seem to drag on-enough is enough...
Preserving an Antique Christening Gown?
I agree with going to a museum to seek advice on preserving and storing the gown. But it seems a shame to hide such a treasure away in a box. Ask about how it could be displayed too. Wouldnt that make a wonderfull shadow box item (large) in a new nursery? And...
Use Needle Nosed Pliers when Hammering Nails
Pollys post is great. Would make it easy to mark a strip of evenly spaced brads, nail heads, etc too! This is a real keeper!
Bible Cover that Holds Note Pad and Pens?
I made a cover for mine to really have a working unit that you might like........You need fabric that is easy to work with like cotton (if you are a beginner) and it washes well. I wouldnt use felt cause over time it will stretch. More advanced sewing folks...
Food Ideas for a Tea Party Birthday?
How very fun! Ask the girls to come dressed up, either for real, or play. Gloves and hats and their best dress. They can bring their doll or teddy bear perhaps ? Serving the party food on real glass/china plates and cups, real silverware and cloth napkins and...
Making a Bib Holder?
OOps, we havent answered your question. Buy spool ribbon probably wider than 1/4 (pretty cost effective), then find some small spring clothespins in the craft section, as regular ones just look too bulky. Then feed the ribbon through where the spring/hinge...
Homemade Hat Pins?
I think that it would be easier to find sock knitting needles instead of wire to make the hat pins. They already are pointed, and you can slip many of the larger beads on the end to cover the second point. I use a heavier weight as a hair-stick sometimes, as...
Cheap Bubbles for the Kids
When I was little, Mom would mix liquid dish soap with some water in a low dish and let us have one of her empty wooden thread spools to dip one end in and then blow into the other. We thought it was so much fun! Check the thrift stores for a wooden spool of...
Hanging Clothes in the Winter
I didnt know anyone had trouble drying clothes outside in the winter. I come from northern Wyoming, and with a breeze -or- wind, even clothes frozen stiff will get dry. Your fingers get really really cold hanging stuff out though! I also felt that hanging my...
Bug Party Suggestions?
Extra cute ideas you all! I belong to a fraternal organization and every few years somebody has to put those little realistic ant stickers on our paper plates. We are all trying to flick off those peskie ants! all evening long! Lota of fun!