What Breed Is My Dog?
Im not completely sure, but he looks like a German Shepherd mixed with a Lab. Hes 100% cute though.
Getting Rid of Fleas on My Kitten?
Sometimes detergent can dry out their skin. I covered mine in olive oil (its thick and smothers fleas), was careful to avoid his eyes, left it on for 10 mins, then washed off with flea shampoo. Baby shampoo can work too.
Work Clothes Smell Bad After Washing?
Vinegar and baking soda are know to absorb odors. Try putting a cup of them both in the wash, along with detergent when you wash your clothes. Also make sure your washing machine is clean.
Once I Start Shaving Am I Committed For Life?
Im 21 years old and started shaving around middle school. I regret it. You will no longer have fine hair, but rough stubble you will have to keep up with and it grows very quickly. Shaving may seem like the cool thing to do now, but it isnt worth it in the...