100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
How about 100 hours of your time to spend recording her life via a camera and just asking her questions, finding out her history as she saw it. 100 years will surely have a lot of memories to pass on. Bless her and her dear family to take all this time to make...
Reviews For Dishwashers Under $500?
Jane, I live in Gville too (Go Gators) and have found some really good deals at Martin Appliances off Tower Rd. next to the old Winn Dixie. They are good honest people who have been in town for ages and have not only refurbished washers, but new ones as well...
Using Chocolate Pudding Mix For Cookies?
I know this isnt for cookies, but thought you may like to try this. Ice Cream Sauce- (from Kraft Kitchens) 1 small box of cook & serve pudding mix, 1/2 cp. sugar, 1 cp. water--cook and stir on low heat to a full boil--stir in 2 tble. butter. Use over icecream...