Identifying Male and Female Cucumber Flowers?
I know this is an old ? but maybe someone will need to know this in the future so Ill answer it! The male flowers on most fruit & veggies show before any females so dont be disappointed if your first flowers dont produce! The female flowers usually have a tiny...
Growing Mushrooms?
I know this a very old post but it seems like people are once again getting interested in shrooming so thought Id answer. One of the best sites I have found is:; this company is run by a world recognized expert {Paul Stamets} & offers just about...
Trouble Potty Training a 4 Year Old?
Try putting him backwards on the toilet. Buy a few hot wheels {or some special car he wants} but ONLY allow him to play with them on the toilet tank while he going and no other time. You can also add some special books that he only gets to read/play with when...
Bleaching Designs onto Denim?
Several years ago I saw a lady on an HGTV craft show use dishwasher gel detergent to write on jeans and said it was much safer on the fabric then using bleach. Her designs came out perfect. It was on a Carol Duval segment, try searching this link: http://www...
Blossoms Falling Off Tomato Plants?
Is it over 90 degrees there? Toms usually wont set above 90. Also, its possible that the flowers arent pollinated, try shaking your plants a few times a day in still weather. Toms are self pollinating and it sometimes takes a little shake to spread the pollen...
Caring for Rolly Pollies?
Here is a website that tells how to find and care for your pill bugs! Good Luck.
Advice for Potty Training a Toddler?
There is a really simple way to make kids feel safe on a toilet that works well, especially if you are in a place with no potty chair. Put him on the toilet backwards and give him a book or a little car to play with on the tank top. It keeps them busy and sometimes...
Making Dill Pickles At Home?
Besides the fresh dill, if you add a fresh grape leaf or 2 to each jar it will help keep your pickles crispy. Works with dilly green beans, carrots, and okra pickles, too.
Why Are the Flowers Falling Off My Cucumber?
Most likely what you are seeing are some of the early male flowers. Look at the base of the flowers and if you dont a swelling then it is a male flower. The male flowers come on earlier than the females, natures way of making sure the flowers will get pollinated...
Growing Strawberries in a Barrel?
Set small pots at the base of the barrel and set the daughters in them. They will eventually root and be new plants and then you can plant them where ever you want.
Costs of Making Your Own Juice?
Its funny that there is a commercial for a vitamix on this page cuz its the best thing since hot biscuits and gravy! Dont waste your money on a juicer, try the vitamix instead. I have had mine for over 20 years and it still works as good as new. It juices the...
Installing a Window Air Conditioner?
Thats exactly what I was wondering about, that you so much for helping me!
How Do I Soften Hard Table Salt?
Put the salt in a zip type bag, place a towel on top of it and use your meat tenderizer to pound it. You can also put it in a blender. After getting it powdered again, put it in a jar with a tight or 2 piece canning lid. Since I live in Oregon and everything...
What Breed is My Dog?
He looks just like my old dog, Skeeter Leigh, same exact spectacles on that face lol, and the brown spots above the eyes Native Americans called them 4 eyed dogs. We figured she was a lab, shepard, dobie mix, the best we could come up with a new breed we called...
Scissor Pouch
For my sewing scissors and hair cutting scissors I use old eye glass cases with the felt inside, protects that really well.
Have Butcher Saw Turkey in Half for Easier Freezer Storage
Here in Oregon the butchers will not cut a turkey, they say it is a law to stop cross contamination. I used to buy the extra turkey in CA and they would cut them in quarters for me to freeze but that was many years ago.
Brussel Sprout Recipes?
This is a very different recipe, but I love it! Clean the sprouts and make an X in the bottom stem area (helps them cook faster) then, depending on the size of the sprouts, use a 1/2 or 1/3 slice of raw bacon and wrap around the sprout, (overlap a little so...
Homemade Spider Trap
If you just use some mint oil on a cotton ball and rub it around the area the spiders wont even enter the area!
Long Term Food Storage?
Before you start removing the oxygen you should put a few bay leaves in all the food as soon as you buy it, no eggs will hatch out if you do this and it wont change the flavor of the food. I use 1/2 gallon canning jars for my grains and add the leaves, cooking...
Treating a Dog With Ringworm?
You need to use iodine, that is the ONLY product that really does work on animals. Always use a fresh, new q-tip to dip into the iodine and rub on the ringworm, never use the applicator included in the bottle! You will need to apply it at least 2 times a day...
Why Do Dogs Scoot Their Bottoms Across the Floor?
You can check your dog for tape worms yourself very easily. Go out with the dog after he has eaten and you know he is going to have a bowel movement, immediately after the dog goes just examine the sample, if you see anything that looks like rice whether it...
Dust Cakes With Powdered Sugar Instead of Frosting
You can also use stampers that are normally used with ink or paint, just dedicate the stampers to the kitchen and dont use intermix them with craft used one. I just dip them into the powdered sugar and then lightly stamp onto the cake.
Substitute for Chocolate Chips in Recipes?
Here is an easy trick for using the thin Hershey bars; try sticking them in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes til they are really cold, then take it out and hold flat in the hand and slam it against the counter top then carefully open the paper. Any pieces...
Tips on Introducing Two Cats?
This is worth a try; get a wash cloth and slightly wet it, rub one cat with it, then the other, do this several times. It is supposed to confuse the cats by making each smell like the other and hopefully end the fighting.
Moving Tips?
Go to the liquor stores around you and grab some of the boxes that have had bottles in them and already have the cardboard separators in them. You can pack glasses, bottles, bottles from fridge, knick knacks, etc in them and it sure helps save time when packing...
Using Stevia in Tea?
Have you tried putting the fresh leaves in a blender with a little bit of water and then straining it?
Planning a Moving Sale in the Fall/Winter?
I think it would be perfect for a sale, especially if you have anything that someone could pick up for a Christmas gift or some crafty things {like old pieces of jewelry, one of a kind earrings, etc.} that folks could use to make craft items for bizarres and...
I Saw a White Deer?
Im from Oregon too and remember that white deer! Animal Planet just this week had a special on albinos and white critters---not all white ones are albinos, the true albino deer fawn they had on the show only lived a short while, I think 3 months. True albinos...
Mini Steam Iron Not Working?
I would try pouring some plain white vinegar into the iron and heating it up....maybe not to the full 20 lbs pressure but at least til the vinegar is warm, turn off the iron and let it set at least a few hours or even overnight. {leave it to soak in the down...
Retro Aluminum Tumblers?
Just wondering, do you also remember the little cloth coasters that went on the tumblers? I was a kid and I thought they were the neatest things I have ever seen, clothes for drinking glasses lol!
Freeing a Stuck Water Supply Valve?
Ray, Try this link, you can ask ?s and get professional answers.
What is This Poem? (The Secret Heart)
Barbara, Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how much this means to me. Yes, that is the poem I have been searching for. You are an angel for responding to my request!
Add Safety Glow Tape to Your Lampshade
Thank you so much for this tip! I am trying to find different sizes of the same lampshade to match my lamps and this will help! Its strange to find the same lamp in different sizes but not the same shade lol. This would be great for outside door handles to...
Sewer Odor Coming from Sink?
Its also possible that you have a break in one of the air vent lines. I moved into an old house and had the same problem, I finally traced the air vent pipe and found a hole in it that was letting the gases escape into the house and not outside above the roof...
Making Underwear Out of Recycled Clothing?
Just another tip - after you find a pattern that fits you well, no matter where you get it {I do sew and prefer to take something apart and trace it for my patterns since I am not a perfect size anything!} I trace it onto a brown paper bag, using the inside...
Making Underwear Out of Recycled Clothing?
I forgot to add, if you cant seem to find what you are looking for and dont want to take something apart, try looking in the bathing suit patterns. They should be on sale right now and you can probably find a bikini bottom that would work as long as it doesnt...
Fixing the Taste of Vegetable Soup?
Sometimes it helps to fry the shredded cabbage in a little butter or garlic butter or just steam a little to soften the flavor before adding to the soup. I steam garlic with dried Italian herbs and then mash it, add to butter and then add some more herbs and...
Growing a Tree from a Willow Cutting?
All you have to do is put the cut end in water and change it every 2 or 3 days, be sure there is room between the twigs so dont crowd them in a glass or jar. Rinse the stem ends when you change the water but stop rinsing them once you see roots, just carefully...
Preparing for the First Frost
To extend my harvest I have bottles of water all over my garden, gallon milk jugs, 2 liter soda bottles, etc. As the sun comes out each day it warms the water in the bottles and lets it out at night while its cold, so far so good! Even my okra is continuing...
Hanging a Baby Quilt Inexpensively?
Check out these different style push pins, some are really beautiful and you can match anything with them!
Hanging a Baby Quilt Inexpensively?
You could also make your own pins using shrinky dinks, you could copy pix of yourself, your hubby, grandparents, etc. at different ages and then shrink them and glue pins on the back and have a customized quilt hanger. You can get the shrinky dink plastic at...
Cleaning Stucco Walls?
There is a certain kind of TSP that does not require rinsing off. I found it at a hardware store and Im sure that some place like Home Depot carries it. Get a large spray bottle and fill with the TSP and use a brush, you can buy a cheap toilet brush that can...
Theme for Cross Country Team's Homecoming Float?
How about a runner crossing the finish line with the tape breaking across her midriff? {thats cross country and coming home at the same time, perhaps a sign saying HOME on the far side of the tape} You could use fishing line to hold the tape open as the runner...
Freezing Zucchini Bread?
I like to can it since I have a small freezer. To can zuke or nanner bread {or any other fruit bread, strawberry, orange or tangerine tea bread} just get jars that are wider at the top than the bottom, spray the inside with pam or grease it well, then fill...
Do You Really Need New Clothes?
metroplex, Just google the nearest FREECYCLE group near you, people give away sewing machines all the time on the freecycle sites! Even if you dont get a book with it you can come here and ask ?s or google for info on the model you end up with. I actually gave...
Collecting Social Security Benefits?
I just read about this in the AARP magazine and if you start collecting SS now at 62 you wont get the full amount later. The amount will be locked in at the time you start accepting SS so be sure you can live on the amount you will be getting before settling...
Getting Used Lawnmowers for Free?
Try googling the nearest freecycle site near you, they are in many different cities now and it is for giving things away or you can request things, regardless, it is all for free only!
Removing Mold from Ceramic Tile?
Use a solution of 50/50 white vinegar & water. Leave it on the tile and it will leave an acid base to help retard the molds return. After you get all under control you should seal the tile to help stop it from coming back.
Reusing a Desk Fan?
You can also use the blades in a recycling project. You can take it apart, paint the blades and put a metal rod thru it & use in your garden as a pinwheel! You could paint it to resemble a sunflower, etc.. Just use a metal rod with a bent top that can go thru...
Shelf Life of Sour Cream?
Thanks for the upside down storage tip, never heard of that before! I store opened soda bottles upside down and it keeps its fizz a lot longer since the gas cant escape through the lid in that position.
Max and Erma's Tortilla Soup Recipe?
There are a lot of links to this recipe on google! Here is one:
Removing Candle From Broken Jar?
Use your blow dryer! I would put it on high and just aim it around the leftover broken glass; if you can set the dryer on a counter {or have someone else hold it for you} as the areas of candle get softened you can slide a butter knife or metal nail file between...
Making a Cover For a Barstool?
You havent told us the shape of the seat you need to recover! It would help a lot to know what we are dealing with. Thanks
Recipes Using Distributed Food Commodities?
Can you list some of the items you have? Powdered milk, powdered eggs, butter, oats, etc.?
Expand Your Vocabulary With Dictionary Sites
Here is the link to a vocabulary site that helps feed the hungry as you play for free! It is a great idea to learn about new words but this site makes you feel good for helping the planet as well!
Baking in a Can?
There are tons of recipe links for can baking.
Expand Your Vocabulary With Dictionary Sites
Hi JustPlainJo, There is an additional click to give site I am posting. It is great to be able to help out when you dont have money to give to a charity; anyone else reading these tips might want to check out the 2 sites, it just takes a minute or 2 a day and...
Expand Your Vocabulary With Dictionary Sites
Sorry! The links got posted together as 1, here are the correct links: This site has a lot of different causes My petition:
Poem for Baby Shower?
Not exactly what you were looking for maybe but a sweet baby poem lol Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth, Empty the dustpan, poison the moth, Hang out the washing, make up the bed, Sew on a button and butter the bread. Where is the mother whose house...
Dog Is Itchy After Being Groomed?
Sometimes the groomers need to hurry and finish a job b/c of time constraints and dont cool the clippers down as often as they should. This is called clipper burn and is usually the source of the itching. Private parts are usually shaved as well as the rest...
Caring for a Sick Kitten?
If you do get to bring him home and you need to medicate him, here is a tip for getting the meds down him: get a pair of baby blue jeans and cut off one leg, you can put him into the leg {of course, the larger open end} and it should hold him with just his...
Shred Personal Information into the Garbage
I rip stuff up and then empty the litter box on top of it, guaranteed no one is going to get it! lol You can also compost the paper shredded or not.
Crockpot Stuffed Bell Pepper Recipe?
Here is another website: When I make stuffed peppers I cut the pepper sideways, it is easier to clean them out and stuff them and they cook a little faster. I also use grains {due to diabetes} like barley...
Manual for Welbilt Bread Maker #ABM4100T?
Hysterectomy Advice
It also depends on whether you are having an abdominal hyster or a vaginal one! I had abdominal {1973} and no one told me to take it easy...big mistake! The best thing they did for me is to give me a flat girdle to wear, it helped wonderfully and kept me from...
Resizing a Large T-Shirt
You can fix the necklines by cutting a V into it and just sewing some cotton lace into the V. {you shorten up the neckline by pinning it in place to the size you want or just run a few stitches to hold it while you try it on for size} It dresses up the T as...
Recipes on a Budget?
It would be helpful if you would both post the sorts of foods you prefer to eat, especially with a 13 year old! Kids can suddenly become picky even if they werent before. Do you guys like veggies, gravies, types of meat, bread, tortilla, etc.? There are tons...
Use Soda Pop Bottle for Clogged Drains
A shop vac will also work if you hold a rag against the overflow if its a bathroom drain.
Cat Aggressive to Owner and Other Cat?
Is he neutered? That is a really important clue if he isnt. Get a squirt gun and every time he does this, squirt him and yell no!
Emergency Preparedness?
I have some aluminum blankets, candles, lighter and matches, flashlight. Put the batteries in this way, one normal position and one backwards, it will preserve the batteries for when they are needed, water, powdered soup mix, cocoa, coffee, milk, small pkgs...
Repairing A Cracked Plastic Tub?
Just about any auto parts store will have the fiberglass repair kit and I think its probably your only option at this time.
Emergency Preparedness?
Something else that is/can be important now that some of you have brought up losing the water----you can buy water filtering STRAWS in the camping section of some stores. I bought mine at Fred Meyer which is also Kroger in some areas of the country. They run...
Emergency Preparedness?
Something else that I forgot since I dont think lolol! I have solar lights that have 2 spotlight type sections and when our electricity has gone out in the past I used them for flashlights and just store them on a window sill when we go to bed. They last longer...
Recycling Window Curtain Packaging?
They are useful for taking to the beach, camping, park, bbq supplies like long matches, pix that havent been put into a book yet, recipe cards, seeds, etc. Some are large enough to keep single strings of holiday lights, tinsel and garland. I keep some of my...
Using EZ Breathe Ventilation System for Mold?
Use white vinegar! A 50/50 vinegar and water solution works best {according to the Red Cross} since some mold will form an invisible gas when mixed with chlorine {bleach}. This gas will scar your lungs the first time you are exposed and you dont feel a thing...
New Fuel Pump Car Still Stalls?
There are a lot of links about this prob in your make & is the google result for you to look thru.
The Can Opener
I loved your story and kinda wondered if you stole it from me? I always thought these things happened to me and Erma Bombeck only. Have you ever tried to use one of those tiny military can opener things that look like a broken part of something else? (they...
The Can Opener
YES Missystone48, thats the object of my rejection! I have lupus & MS and have a lot of trouble with my hands, they never seem to have the same thoughts and ideas my head does and refuse to cooperate with one another! My fingers will never be able to operate...
Green Tomato Recipes?
To me, friend green tomatoes are the best way to eat green uns! Slice the toms about 1/2 inch thick and dry on paper towels, mix cornmeal and flour with some salt & pepper or whatever spices you like, dip toms into a beaten egg and then coat with the meal mixture...
Wide Straw Cherry Pitter
There is a cherry pitter on the market that is only around $10 to $15 depending on where you buy it. I am also in Oregon and I picked up mine from either Bimart or Rays several years ago. I can pit a whole case of cherries in about 1/2 an hour with this thing...
Wide Straw Cherry Pitter
I found a pix of what my pitter looks like! Hope it helps when you are searching for one.
Black Bugs in Rice Products?
If you put a few bay leaves on your shelves and inside any opened flour or grain product it will keep the weavils eggs from hatching out! I have been doing this for years and it works great You can usually get a large quantity of bay leaves for very little...
Ear Cropping and Tail Docking?
This practice of cropping has been against the law for many years in England as it is a very cruel practice as well as painful. I was a vet surgical tech and am speaking from experience. Spaying and/or neutering is the only way to go! The males face a much...
Homemade Flea Treatment?
When I lived in CA we all used the eucalyptus buttons {from the eucalyptus trees that grew all over} to make collars and put small branches with the buttons under our couches and behind doors plus wherever our pets sleep, etc. since the fleas really dont like...
Looking For Recipes Using Tofu?
If you like Italian food here is one recipe I use for filling manicotti or shells or lasagna; I get the firm tofu and let it drain for about 1/2 hr by crumbling it into a strainer, after it drains I put it in a zip bag and add Italian spices and a little olive...
Keeping Dust Off Furniture Longer?
Dont wipe off the dust, at my house it is considered a protective furniture covering! lol
Small Wildlife Under a House?
You can put the moth balls inside a piece of panty hose and tie it to keep other critters from accidently eating them.
Cap Caulk Tube With Clipped End
A wire cap screw also works great to cap caulk. It is one of those colored plastic caps you can get at the hardware stores, very cheap; the inside has a metal threaded piece and it works great for this.
Shrinky Dinks From Recycled Containers
Cyinda, Thank you! I thought I was the only shinky dink nut around lol I make s d fridge magnets for everyone for Christmas, family usually send me the professional pix they had taken of their kids during the year and I scan them in and then print on the s...
Can a Dog Get Parvo from a Shot?
I think the best advice of all is to try and find a vet clinic that has a seperate entrance and exam room for any pets that might have a contageous disease. You have to call around a lot but eventually you should be able to find one. No matter how much cleaning...
No Dial Tone With MagicJack?
Could you give us a little more info about the prob? Have you had a dial tone before? What kind of computer are you using? Are you getting an onscreen message when you try to use it?
Sink Smells Bad?
You can also crush up some denture cleaning tablets or alka seltzer tablets throw them in the drain & add a cup of water and let it bubble for a little while, then flush with hot water.
Poodle Puppy Smells Bad?
If it is his anal glands and you plan to take him to a groomer you should make sure that the groomer knows the absolute correct way to empty the glands as many groomers do this procedure and have no formal training & can cause the glands to become infected...
Help Making Paper You Can Plant?
The easiest way to make thin paper: Use a large container to mix your paper pulp in & dont add too much pulp {I use Egyptian cotton linters in rubbermaid containers and mix it with a paint mixer attached to a drill or even my handheld blender} then put your...
Reviews of KitchenAid Mixers?
To LoriMae, although I know this post is old I didnt see any answers to your ? about the pasta attachments. I have all the metal ones and they work great. I did have a little trouble using the ravioli one I finally got the hang of it, you just have to experiment...