Kenmore Side-by-Side Gets Too Cold?
Ive lived on my own alot and paid attention a lot. Usually when your fridge freezes up like that your freon is low if not tht then maybe your thermostat is bad.
Can Diabetics Use Splenda?
My dad couldnt use it it would make his sugar go up over 200. He had to quit using it. He uses Sweet and Low or Equal with no problems. I think if Im not mistaken Splenda has sugar in it.
Can Diabetics Use Splenda?
I agree with previous post not everyone reacts the same to all things. Id consult your physician.
How Do I Make Easy Spanish Rice?
I put some salsa or can of rotel tomatoes 1 8oz can tomato sauce and sometimes add me a little velvetta my kids love it.
How Do I Make Easy Spanish Rice?
To cooked rice sorry usually about 2 cups cooked rice to 1 can rotel or small jar salsa, then the rest.
Cleaning The Toilet Tips?
Its a fact that bleach only covers the issue when it starts getting the black in the bowl make sure you use a pumice stone to get clean along with your toilet cleaner you get a break for a bit. Except for those misses lol
How Long Does Brewed Coffee Stay Fresh?
I agree with bkvande rthe e longer its on the burner the more bitter it gets. I do it all the time I make a pot and drink a couple of cups and turn off my pot. I have stovetop pot If I want another cup I just put my coffee in it and reheat later that day or...
Removing a Windex Stain on Wood Table?
On how clean is you house if wood is discolored. Kim and Aggie say to take some coffee weak or strong according to the darkness needed and wipe it on wood to put back the color. Hope this helps.
Using Lime Juice to Color Hair?
I dont know about lime juice but lemon juice will highlighten Sandy blonde hair when applied and you get out in the sun.(You need to have a lighter colored blonde not dark) A friend of mine used to do this to his hair every summer to keep his hair looking great...
Repairing a Plastic Zipper That Burst Open?
I have had this happen to my boys backpacks a lot! Not sure if I can explain well how Ive fixed them but here goes. Take the end where your zipper is when open, cut one side and take your zipper off the track on that side. Try to zip it back on track right...
Repairing a Plastic Zipper That Burst Open?
I forgot if the teeth are messed up on the tracks it wont work its gonna keep messing up and gonna have to replace zipper.This remedy will only help if the teeth arent messed up. Thats what my mom always called them she worked for Garans for years.
Repairing a Plastic Zipper That Burst Open?
I forgot if the teeth are messed up on the tracks it wont work its gonna keep messing up and gonna have to replace zipper.This remedy will only help if the teeth arent messed up. Thats what my mom always called them she worked for Garans for years.
Removing Sharpie from Painted Furniture?
Have you tried cotton balls soaked with rubbing alcohol or clorox and let sit about 20 min then remove and clean well?
Removing Tape from Paper?
Hum clear tape not gonna go. Get a new title or leave it. steam will work on envelopes or such if ya wanna get them open. If its clear tape that a whole different type of sticky lol and Ive never found any remedy for clear tape on paper. You might could try...
Remedies for Stretch Marks?
Have you tried Vitamin e oil? My neighbor used it after she lost her weight. It worked for her just an idea.
Uses for Leftover Biscuits?
I make some scambled eggs in a chicken or beef flavored gravy and warm the biscuits back up in the micro and put the eggs and gravy over them. Something cheap and easy the next morning for breakfast.
Homemade Refill for Glade Plugins?
I know this may sound crazy but we on set incomes make do .I buy the large bottles of liquid fresher like goes in the warmer pot ( can get at a Dollar General for 1.50 or so) and pop the tops off my glade bottle and put it into them. A whole lot cheaper than...
Cleaning a Sears Ice Maker?
Do you see a lot of lime buildup? If so soak some cotton balls with vinegar wait about an hour or so itll come right off.Mine quits sometimes and I have to unplug my fridge and put a blow dryer on hot on it for a bit (where the water comes out and goes into...
Pressure Cooker Cake Recipes?
ck this out may help ya. Laura
Use Hand Soap to Clean Leather
Saddle Soap is the best thing Ive found to clean and feed leather furniture.
Getting Odors Out Of Insulated Bags?
If its vinyl try clorox wipes wipe inside down well with a couple leave them in the bag close let sit several hours and wipe out well with clean wet cloth should not only remove odors but kill bacteria Hope this helps.