Baking Soda for Canker Sores
Hi, the sign of canker sores in the mouth is candidas overgrowth, and an acidic diet. Baking soda changes your body ph, getting rid of acidity. Stop eating processed food, white flour, sugar and crackers. Drink lemon in water every morning. The sign of something...
Natural Cleaner For Silver?
Yes! Four TBL salt, some aluminum foil and four TBL baking soda in a pot. Bring to boil, put silver in and wait. When clean, take out and buff. For larger pieces of silver, double or triple the recipe : )
What Breed is My Dog?
Hi, She looks just like our Malamute! She is slender, but when we got ours, I thought she was a cross with a smaller dog too! Our vet says she is all malamute. They arent as big standing up as a husky. Our dog has the same tummy as yours too. They are nice...
What Kind of Snake is This?
This looks like a Water Moccasin or Cottonmouth, but it is actually a non-venomous species known as the Diamondback Water snake. They have evolved to resemble poisonous snakes so other, bigger predators will leave them alone. However, they are still very nasty...