Why Soap is Better Than Sanitizer
Ive been thinking that the answer may be to use the sanitizer to kill the germs, then use soap and water to wash them away.
Better Boxed Macaroni and Cheese
Or for a fraction of the cost of all those boxes, just buy a package of macaroni, still adding all the extra ingredients. The cheese packet is quite unnecessary and has a lot of sodium. Just add your own cheese and salt to taste
Paper Clip as Masking Tape Marker
I always use the bread wrapper plastic squares that hold the wrapper together.
Perm Didn't Take Well?
I had a perm like that once. They had used a cold wave on it. The cold wave also left my head with a bad rash. Now, for the past 20 years when I get a perm, I have gotten a heat wave. They are much gentler on your hair and scalp and work great every time.
Paying Bills on Time?
When we ran a business before computers, I would keep a file folder holder on top of my desk. I had file folders for each week of the month and would put the bills for each month in their proper holder. Week 1 held bills for the 1st thru the 7th, week 2, 8th...
Outlets Not Working?
Check the outlet by plugging something other than your laptop. If the outlet is working, you probably need to check the power cord supply for the laptop. They do get old and wear out.
Sun Burn Remedy?
I have found that Baby Cream in the tube has been very effective when sunburned and the skin is really tight.
Remedy for Skin Cracks on Fingertips?
My dad used to get those cracks on his fingertips a lot. He went to a doctor and was diagnosed with eczema. I found out not too long ago that I also have this. The dermatologist prescribed a cortisone cream for it that clears it up very well.
Value of an E McRae Porcelain Doll?
You should go to the website Etsy.com. They specialize in antique items and have several dolls that are priced.
Porcelain Doll Value?
Etsy.com (a web site for vintage items) has the Geppeddo dolls listed at $35.00.
Keyboard Produces Numbers Instead of Letters?
I had this problem with my laptop once. Try hitting the Function Key along with the Number Key. That should unlock it.
Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
Put some ripe or over-ripe fruit in the microwave and leave the door open for a few hours. When all the fruit flies are in the microwave, close the door and zap them for about 30 seconds.
Washing a Dry Clean Only Robe?
You can wash the robe using a mild detergent and cold water. Do not put it in the dryer as the acrylic in the fabric will sometimes shrink.
Peeling and Eating a Mango?
I have been using this method of cutting mangoes for quite a while and it always works well. Cut and paste this into your address bar. http://video.about.com/thaifood/Cutting-mangoes.htm
Cleaning Coffee Thermos Carafe?
Take about 1 tsp of baking soda and fill with hot water. Shake to dissolve and let it set for about 1/2 hour. Then use a bottle brush, wash and rinse. It will sparkle again.
Washer Has a Residue Ring in the Tub After the Cycle is Complete?
I had the odor problem too when I was using liquid detergent. I switched to powdered detergent and have not had any problems since.
Replacement Battery for Swivel G2 Sweeper?
You can get new batteries for them from Amazon.com. I have purchased two from them quite inexpensively and have had great service.
Apples in Pie Too Mushy?
Preheat the oven up to 425°, bake at 425° for 15 minutes, then turn oven down to 350° for the remainder of time (about 30 to 45 min.) That should brown the crust without making the apples mushy.
Travel with Medications in Original Containers
I have also discovered that if you one of your pills comes loose and you cant figure out what it is, all you have to do is type into your computer the color, shape and the number on the pill. It will tell you exactly what the pill and dosage is.
Making Canned Chili Taste Homemade?
I buy the Johnson Brick chili, add a can of diced tomatoes, a can of chili with or without beans and some browned hamburger or beef chunks. Tastes as good or better than home-made. You can also add extra diced onions if you like.
Oatmeal and Nut Bread Recipe for Bread Machine?
I dont have the Black and Decker, but this one came with my Dak Breadmaker. 1 Package Yeast 1 Cup Rolled Oats (whirred in blender) 3 Cups Bread flour 1 Tablespoon Sugar 1 Teas. Salt 1 Tablespoon soft butter 1 1/4 - 1 3/4 cups warm water 1/2 cup chopped pecans...
Keep a Spare Clean Ketchup Lid
I do the same thing with my coffeemate lids. When it starts looking sticky, I take the lid off, put it in soapy water to soak and immediately put on a spare lid that I have saved. Sure saves a lot of time when Im in a hurry.
Bread Pudding Recipe Without Liquor?
A wonderful Rice Pudding recipe without liquor. AMARETTO RICE PUDDING 1 cup uncooked rice 1 Qt. Milk 8 Tbsp butter 3/4 cup Sugar 2 oz Amaretto syrup 5 beaten eggs 1/2 cup Raisins Combine uncooked rice with milk. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until...
Rice Warming Plllow For Earaches And Relaxation
Be very careful about applying heat to an earache. If there is any infection, this could cause it to expand, which could rupture the eardrum.
Carnival-Style Lemonade?
If you would like to make more than 1 glass, take 3 to 4 lemons, cut in half and squeeze with lemon juicer. Then add enough water to make 1 1/2 to 2 quarts, add about 1 cup of sugar (or to taste), add ice and yummy.