Goko The Cat
What a fine looking cat Goko is! Such a blessing for him to find a home with someone who obviously loves him.
Ginger (Cocker Spaniel Mix)
Ginger will be seeing a vet on May 8th, thanks for the advice Woofey! Ginger and I thank you all for the nice comments!
Garlic Marinade for Shrimp on the Grill?
When I grill any type of chicken or seafood Ive mixed 1/4 cup olive oil with a couple teaspoons each of lemon juice, lime juice, orange juice and a few dashes of salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. I let it marinate for at least 30 minutes. The flavors...
Putting Shower Curtain and Liner on One Rod?
You can fit both on one shower rod, with one set of rings. I put my shower curtain on them first, then put on the liner. I have never used 2 sets of rods.
Bugs on Geisha Girl Plants?
When I see bugs on any of my plants, inside or outside ,I fill a small spray bottle with water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to it. I spray the mixture all over the plant and it usually clears the problem right up.
Homemade Christmas Presents for Adults?
There are alot of online sites with free recipes for making things like homemade bath salts, lotions, scented spritzers, cookies- in a jar (with card telling how to prepare) etc. Just type in homemade bath salts on your search and you can find lots of sites...
If You Are Overcharged at WalMart
I STAND CORRECTED! Today I bought a skirt at Walmart, from the clearance rack, that was marked $9.00. When the item was being rung up at the register it came up for $16.94! The cashier noticed the error right away but had to have a CS rep. come over to correct...
Recipes Using Breakfast Cereal?
If you have boxes you just cant find a use for, I am sure any local food bank or church food pantry would appreciate them. Sometimes it is just so hard to use EVERYTHING up before it goes bad.
Using Vinegar for White Clothing?
I have not had any luck with using vinegar to whiten our clothes. I have had luck though with using 1 large bottle of vinegar and 1 large box of baking soda and runnning it through a full cycle with hot water to CLEAN my washing machine. If you have never done...
Keeping Track of a Toddler at Disney World?
Id go ahead and rent the stroller anyways! I am sure after 1 or 2 or 3.......hours of walking around he will be more than happy to use the stroller! Donna (Mom of 5!)