Removing Stains from Roof Shingles?
First of all I would like to tell you that when we bought our house, the man who did the inspection for us told us to never have the roof power washed as it will loosen shingles. What he did tell us was to get the gallon sized sprayer in the garden dept. at...
Last of the Farms (Chicago, IL)
Back in 1961 when my parents decided to move us from Chicago out to the burbs there were farms everywhere. There was a working farm right across the road from the grade school I attended. The farmers son was in my grade. Its gone now, turned into an office...
What is Dumpster Diving?
Here in FL it is not legal. You are considered trespassing and if caught you will be arrested. There was just an article in our Sunday paper about this very same thing. I think it was in not this past Sunday but the week before.
Remedy for Stinky Feet?
When you are in the shower, scrub your feet good with a soft brush, such as you would use for your back. It gets the pores open. Be sure to get in between your toes.
Craft: Angel Doll Air Freshener
I just saw this on the net. I must have missed the thriftyfun column that ran this. Is there a pattern available to make this? I would love to make angels such as these for gifts for my family. Thanks.
Travel: Chicago, IL
Im another Florida lady who was born and raised in Chicago. Its the best! Theres nothing like Christmas and St. Patricks Day in Chicago. Everybodys Irish! They even dye the Chicago River a bright green, now thats a site to behold! The truth is any day is a...
Make Your Own Toothpaste?
It might be cheaper to make your own toothpaste, but in the long run it might cost you more in dental bills. Store bought toothpaste has fluoride in it which helps protect against cavities. Really, no matter how old we are, if we still have our natural teeth...
A Christmas Cake for Jesus
I am a lifelong Lutheran and every Christmas our one minister would gather all the Sunday School kids and they would have a birthday cake for Jesus. The minister would enter the sanctuary carrying a huge lit birthday cake with all the kids following behind...
Frugal Christmas Gift for Boyfriend?
Three cheers to everyone here who gave this young lady advice regarding the age difference situation!
Reducing Inside Temperature Without Air Conditioning?
I got my idea from the good people here on the forum. I live in southwest Florida right on the Gulf coast and it gets brutally hot here, too. I put up bubble wrap on my windows. Its easy to do, just buy a roll of bubble wrap, cut to the size of your window...
Grapefruit For A Cold
Just one caution. People who are on certain medications should not eat or drink anything with grapefruit. It will usually tell you on the printout that you get with the prescription, but if youre unsure just ask your doctor or pharmacist. I am on Zocor for...
Homemade Snake Repellent?
I live in FL also and I am very terrified of snakes. I have to say that mothballs do not work. I know its expensive, but a product called Snake-Away does work. I tried to save money by using mothballs only to go outside and see this huge black snake slithering...
Decorating a Baby's Room on a Budget?
This is what I did 23 years ago for my sons room, only with teddy bears. I went to the fabric dept at Walmart and bought several yards of teddy bear print fabric. I then bought embroidery hoops in different sizes. I cut out pieces of fabric, then I stretched...
Aberdene Angus Cattle (Bodmin Moor, UK)
What lovely pictures! My hope is to someday go overseas and see England, Scotland, and Ireland. What exactly is a moor? Ive seen that word plenty of times and as near as I can figure out its what we here in USA would call fields. Is that correct?
Use Baking Soda To Stop Bleeding
When my brother was in the army back in the 60s he learned about using flour. It quite possibly saved my moms life when she accidently punctured a varicose vein on her leg. The blood was spraying out and my brother grabbed a handful of flour and slapped it...
Schedule Back to School Physicals Now
Great advice, however, I would like to add to it. Some school districts require dental exams for children entering kindergarten, 5th grade, and freshman year of high school. As a retired dental assistant who worked for a pedodontist (a pediatric dentist) I...
Automatic Refills at Walgreens
Thank you for that nice post about Walgreens. My darling hubby is a Manager at a Walgreens here in FL. :-) No, Susanb is not related to me! LOL
First Robin of Spring
I grew up in northern Illinois and I always wondered where the robins went in the winter. We always heard that they flew south for the winter. Now that I live in Florida, I know where they go. Every December my back yard is crowded with robins. I live pretty...
Removing Eye Makeup
I agree with ChloeA. My eye doctor told me to absolutely not use Vaseline or baby oil anywhere near my eyes. Especially if you wear contacts. All you need is to leave just the smallest amount of oily residue and it will get in your eye and trash out your contacts...
Motivating Myself to Clean and Organize?
Hi, I have the same problem. I used to be a first class housekeeper, but the past few years I cant get motivated to do the major stuff. I know part of my problem is depression and I do take medication. However, the larger part of the problem is that I simply...
Use Plastic Bags for Leftovers
Im not saying that this is a bad idea, however, I remember reading in the Heloise column many years ago that produce bags and plastic grocery bags are not food grade bags and therefore should not be used for long term food storage. Food grade bags are made...
Wildlife: Iguana (FL)
Hello from the other side, Englewood, FL, on the southwest Gulf Coast. Over here theyve become a problem - more or less considered an invasive species. In the 9 years Ive been here, Ive only seen one. It was crossing the road and scared the $ out of me! So...
Slow Cooker Zesty Minestrone
The recipe sounds good - especially since its a slow cooker recipe. Those are the best. However, I have one question, what is vegetable broth? Ive seen chicken and beef broth but never vegetable broth.
Moving to Alabama?
As someone who moved from northern Illinois down to the southwest gulf coast of FL. The only advice I can give you is dont do it! I lived in TX for awhile and it was a whole lot easier to assimilate there than here. Theres no in between, people either love...
iPod Not Connecting to iTunes?
My son and I had the same problem. He has a nano and I have a shuffle. I read somewhere on the internet that if you shutdown your computer and unplug everything from the wall outlets, wait a few minutes and then hook it all back up and start your computer again...
Bo Buddy (Basset Hound)
God Bless You for taking in Bo. Did you know that Bassets are one of the most abused dog breeds in this country? I think people get them thinking that they will be easy to handle. They are stubborn to the core and it takes a lot of patience and love to deal...
Uses for Toothpaste?
If you get as much of the toothpaste as you can down to the cap end and then cut the tube with scissors about an inch from the cap end youll have quite a few more brushings. Youd be surprised at how much toothpaste is wasted.
What Breed is My Dog?
I totally agree with caninecodependent. The white patch on the chest, the long front legs and from what I can see in the pic, the white stockings on the hind feet all point to boxer. I grew up with boxers. They are fabulous dogs.
Dragees (Silver Ball) Cookie and Cake Decorations?
I dont think you can get them anymore. It use to say on the bottle non-edible for decoration only. Not only that, but a long time ago I worked in dentistry and they were a main source of broken teeth and cracked fillings. I miss them, too. They always looked...
Giving a Baby Bootie at a Wedding Shower
Ive seen this done but with this poem attached: Here is one little baby shoe, But one little shoe will never do, So when you need the other one, Youll find out then where this came from!
Why Do Dogs Scoot Their Bottoms Across the Floor?
I have a T-cup chihuahua and she does this, too. We had her anal glands checked by the vet and everything was ok there. The answer? She has allergies. We have a lot of different weeds around our area and since shes so low to the ground, she gets itchy. When...
Product Review: PediPaws?
Like everyone has said; dont waste your money. Ive got one and its just sitting on a shelf. My dog doesnt like the noise and from what I understand, it heats up quickly from friction. You can only do each nail for just a few seconds because the dogs feel the...
Home Remedy for Dry Feet?
Vicks Vapo rub! Sounds strange I know, but it works. You can even get a generic and use it. I think its the eucalyptus oil in it that does it. Ive used it for years. Just apply all over the feet and put on a pair of white socks. My husband even uses it and...
Removing a Ring That Is Stuck On Your Finger?
Hi! I had to have minor surgery two weeks ago and the very wise RN used just a spritz of Windex on my ring finger and my rings slid right off. The more you tug and twist, the more your finger swells.
Constance Joy (Bassett Hound)
What a sweetie! I had a basset for 10 years and I still love and miss him. They are just the best. He never knew a stranger either.
Rocky (Boxer)
Beautiful boxer! My folks always had boxers and three of my married siblings now all have boxers all of whom came from boxer rescue. I love when boxers have the cropped ears - Im not a fan of the floppy ear look.
Ludwig (Boxer)
When I was growing up we had boxers and now 3 of my married siblings have their own boxers. They are the greatest - and such natural clowns!!!!! Give him kisses, belly rubs and ear rubs for me!!!!!!! :-)
Saving Money on Batteries?
The only thing I have to add where batteries are concerned is to be careful trying to save money. We put a well known generic battery in our sons portable CD player - - brand new CD player I might add. The very same day that the batteries were put in, they...
Use a Marshmallow for Dog Medication
NO! No! No! do not use marshmallows. They can get stuck in your dogs throat and with the saliva, turn to goo and block the breathing. A better way is to put the pill in a little dollop of peanut butter on your finger tip. The PB makes it impossible for them...
Packers Doilies and Coasters
Hi! This is Louise and I just want to say that Sheila made a CHICAGO BEARS doily for me and its beautiful!!! This lady has talent in those fingers of hers!!!!! So, if you want a doily of your favorite team, Sheila is the person to see. BTW - - - Packers? No...
How to Make Lighted Outdoor Christmas Ornaments?
Those are called sparkleballs. This is the website for them. It will tell you everything you need to know and give you step by step instructions to make one. There are also pictures of sparkleballs from all over the world.
Anti-Spyware Reviews?
My college age son had to have his computer repaired last summer. The repair people suggested having both SpyBot and AVG free version. They said that is all you really need. I had Norton and got rid of it. I had nothing but problems galore with my computer...
Homemade Foot Softener
Another thing to try is Vicks-Vapo-Rub. Sounds silly, but it really works! Just smear it on your feet, especially your heels and put on socks. Do this about three times a week right before bedtime and no more cracked heels. I use it all the time. You dont have...
Homemade Foot Softener
As an addendum to my previous post, I got the Vicks hint from a podiatrist. He said that the reason it works so well is the eucalyptus oil in Vicks.
Humphrey (Basset Hound)
OH - - - I just lovethosehounds! I had one for 10 years and they are just the coolest dogs. A real conversation starter - people would stop me when I was out walking with him just to pet him. Of course, he would always lay down and roll over for a belly rub...
Patrick in Iraq
God Bless Patrick and all the men and women serving with him. These are true heroes, not some over paid, over blown celebrity.
Cleaning Clay Flower Pots?
Use a scrub brush. Scrub them with a solution of water, a little dish soap, and a very little bit of bleach. Rinse thoroughly.
Could This Be Strep?
The dangly thing is called the epiglotis, it can become inflamed from eating certain foods. However, strep can only be determined by having a throat culture done. If the culture comes back positive for strep, then the Dr. will prescribe a course of antibiotics...
Poll: Are you receiving ThriftyFun newsletters?
My ISP is I would have to say that per week I only get about 3 or so of the newsletters.
Cleaning Levelor Blinds?
I agree with Debbie. I put mine in the bathtub and scrub them with a sponge. I use hot water with a little bit of dish detergent, to cut the grease. I then lay them out on thick towels on the floor with the ceiling fan going and they dry pretty quickly. Its...
My Parakeet Is Gagging Herself?
Im not sure, but dont they regurgitate their food to feed their babies? Could she be having a false pregnancy?
Recycled Wire Hanger Yarn Dog
This is too weird!!!!!! I had a pattern just like that one, waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy back in 1970. Its been that long since I made one of those. Anyway, I was thinking just the other day that I wish I could remember how to make one of these for my great nephew...
What is the old fashioned name for a chocolate cookie crust?
My Grandma made a pie with a chocolate crust that she called Black Bottom Pie. Is that it?
Pumpkin Carving Collection
Fabulous!!! It brought back that spooky, excited feeling I always got as a kid. I loved it when we would be tirck or treating and walk up on someones porch and they had lit pumpkins either in the window or on the porch.
What do grasshoppers drink?
Im not totally sure on this but I would think that they drink the dew and raindrops from the grass and plant leaves.
The Benefits of Wearing Uniforms to School
Hello! My son went to a small Christian school for kindergarten thru 8th grade and wore uniforms for all those years. I loved it!!!! The kids all looked so neat and clean. Also, it was a point of pride because when they went on field trips, their uniform, which...
I Get Hot Water When I Turn on Cold?
Hello, I live in Florida, on the SW Gulf Coast and we have the same problem here. I think its just that it gets so hot out which in turn makes the pipes hot that it takes awhile for the water to turn cold. If and when the weather gets a little bit cooler, the...
Poll: Were you or someone in your family impacted by last year's hurricanes?
Yes - - - we live down on the southwest Gulf Coast of Florida. Right now we are all boarded up and waiting to see what Ernesto is going to do.
Spiking My Hair?
I think you need to have it cut in a certain way so that it spikes. Also, use the elmers glue.
Pain Aid for a Toothache?
As a former dental assistant, Imgoing to get preachy here. Pain is the last sign that there is something wrong with a tooth. Alot of people figure they wont go to a dentist until something hurts them. Its too late then. Regular preventative checkups can save...
Wearing PJs In Public?
I live in Port Charlotte, FL and here it is mostly a teenager thing. In fact, my 19 yr old son wears them everywhere. The kids wear them to school alot, too. My son has about 5 pairs of them and they dont look half bad.
Comodes With Artificial Flowers?
I live in FL, too, and it seems to be the in way of outdoor decorating. Its so gross and ugly!!!!! When we were looking at houses to buy, if the realestate agent pulled up to a house that had one of those, I refused to even look at the house. I figure if they...
The Emperor Maximillion (Chihuahua)
Is he what they call a blue and white? Our chihuahua, Mitzi has the same coloring, but the breeder referred to her as a blue and white. Sometimes it looks black and sometimes in certain light, you can see a hint of silver. Her face is half black and half white...
Breed Information: Basset Hound
Well, as you can see from my screen name I just lovethosehounds. Bassets are the best. We had one for 10 1/2 years and he was a dog comedian at heart. One of the saddest days of my life was the day we had to have him put down. He had gotten paralysis in his...
Green Bay Packers Doily
Mary from Crown Point, Indiana said it would look great done up in orange and blue with a big C in the center. Hmm - - - now which team has that logo? Hmm- - let me think. OH YES! I know! The monsters of the Midway! THE CHICAGO BEARS! :-) The mortal enemy of...
Planting the Top of a Pineapple?
I agree with Carolb. Twist the topoff the pineapple, do not cut it. Put on a pair of gardening gbves to protect your hands and grab the top of the pineapple around the leaves and twist. The top will come off. I then pulled off several layers of the lower leaves...
"Orange Oil" Cleaner?
Im not sure but I believe its either Goo-Gone or Kleen-Go. I keep a scratch pad on my computer desk and those are two names that I wrote down a few weeks ago. Why else would I write down the names of two cleaners? LOL. It has to be from that cleaning tip.
Chloe (Basset Hound)
Oh my, my, my, what a beautiful basset - - - but then, all bassets are beautiful and silly, too. Dont you just love those long velvety ears? We had a basset for 10 years and he was a regular cut-up. One of the saddest days of my life was the day that he went...
Making Logs out of Paper?
This what I read in a Household Hints column many years ago. Make a very tight roll of paper, junk mail, etc. Tie with twine or if you have a cat or dog and use the small tins of food, cut both ends off the tin and put your paper roll in the tin. If at all...
Assassin Game
Sounds like fun! Makes me wish that I had gone to college. Id rather have kids doing this than doing drugs.
Louie (English Springer Spaniel)
I love the picture of him on his back! Springers are such great dogs. We had one for 12 years that my Mom had won in a contest that the local pet shop was having. Sassy was just the greatest dog. Many years later, long after my Mom had passed away and everyone...
Saving Money on Piddle Pads?
Hi! I have a chihuahua, too. Shes a 4 and 1/2 lb. T-Cup. Mitzi is litterbox trained as we live in FL and taking her outside, especially during thunderstorms just isnt an option. Also, to take her out at night in the grass wouldnt be very safe. I know theres...
Use Wedding Budget for Down Payment
I am curious as to why the minister, priest, rabbi, or whoever officiated at this big deal wedding didnt do some pre-marriage counseling and tell this couple that a $68,000 wedding was a ridiculous expenditure. When my hubby and I got married 24 years ago, that...
Christmas Puppies
Puppies really should stay with their MaMa until at least 9 weeks of age. Ideally 12 weeks is better. If they are 4 weeks now, Christmas is in two weeks, that means theyll only be 6 weeks old. That is much too young to be taken from their litter mates and from...
Sharing Your Thanksgiving - Renting a Gym
Two of the best Thanksgivings that I ever had wereheld in a church. The senior pastor and the assistant pastor were a father and son team. They felt that since their families got together for the day they would expand on it and have it in the church family...
"In Remembrance of Jesus" Float?
When I still lived in Illinois, I attended a large Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. There were two large Christmas trees at both ends of the altar and for the 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service, neither one was lit. The ministers sermon was the usual Christmas...
Uses For Shower Curtains?
line the trunk of your car with one for those times when you might be bringing home plants or firewood. Also, when I was a child and we had a house with an unfinished basement, my mom would make curtains for the basement windows out of old shower curtains.
Kolby and Kendall (Boxers)
Beautiful dogs! We always had boxers when I was growing up. Now as adults with their own families, three of my siblings have boxers. I love the white one - - however, all boxers are beautiful.
Cheeto (Chihuahua)
What a sweetiepie!!!! Ive got one, too. Her name is Mitzi and shes a blue and white T-cup. They are the best dogs, arent they? So easy to spoil!!!!!!!!
Growing Pineapples in Pots?
This is what I have done and what worked for me. First dont cut the top off the pineapple. Put on gloves to protect your hands and grab the top and twist it off. Yes, it will come off that way. Once the top is off, remove several layers of the lower leaves...
Avocado Seeds Not Sprouting?
Some avocados can take a very long time - - up to six months. Patience is a must with these. Some, however, are just tough nuts and wont sprout at all. I would say, if after 6 months, you still dont have anything, toss it and start a new one. You are keeping...
Cereal Boxes for Magazine Storage
That sounds like an excellent idea!!!!!! You could also trim the outer edges with a bit of lace or rickrack to match your color scheme.
Diet Tips - Desperate To Lose Weight?
go to and join the weight loss forum. There you will find a supportive community of people who are also trying to lose weight. You will get all sorts of tips, recipes, etc., plus its good to have someone to share stories with. I belong and I highly...
Hoodia Diet Supplement?
Save your money! I found that it worked for maybe a week or so, but then I had to increase the dose to get the same effect. I have since started a walking program and find that exercising helps to keep my appetite in control. I have also lost 8 lbs. Louise
Cleaning a Garbage Can Used for Pet Waste?
I put moth crystals in the bottom of my plastic garbage can. My dog is litterbox trained (T-cup Chihuahua) so everything goes in the garbage can. There is absolutely no odor. We even keep it in the garage and with the intense heat and humidity (FL) there still...
Smell From Mink Farm on Hands?
I have a friend who works in the seafood dept. of a major gorcery chain. When I asked her what she does about the fishy smell on her hands she told me that she keeps a large tube of toothpaste at work and when shes getting ready to go home she smears a glob...
Easy Earrings from Vintage Buttons
Hi - - I did this last winter with some buttons that I found at Wal-Mart. In fact, Ive gone back several times and bought different buttons to make lots of different earrings. I just wanted to say that what I did to get rid of the nubs on back was to just use...
Baby Teeth and the Dentist
Thank you Robin!!!!!! I worked for a childrens dentist for 14 years and you would not believe the number of people who say oh theyre just baby teeth, they dont need to be fixed. People dont realize that if you let the baby teeth decay, the permanent teeth are...