Face Doesn't Seem Clean After Washing?
You may be doing yourself a dis-service by keeping your face so clean. Your skin does need some oil and by removing all or most of it, you could be forcing your skin to produce even more. As for the dirty cotton ball, no matter how many times you use a toner...
Advice for How to Gain Weight?
I realize this is a sort of old post, but if youre still looking for ideas... Theres a product out there called Ensure that comes in strawberry, vanilla and chocolate flavors. Its about 8oz and contains 250 (i think) calories. Theres also a plus version that...
Cleaning Oil Stains from Car Carpets?
I realize this is an older post, but I swear by this method: Clean out as much as you can out of the car...the carpet protectors, removeable storage between the seats etc. Then, get the hose (yes, the garden hose) and turn on to a slow to medium stream. Soak...