Sharing Expenses With Girlfriend?
Maybe you should get your own place. If a couple is going to live together, they should share expenses half and half, plus keep track in writing of any household type appliances that one or the other buys.
Financial Help for Roofing Materials?
Check in your area and see if Habitat for Humanity has a store reasonably close to you. I dont know what the stores would be called, but they sell a lot of donated items for a real reasonable price. Also if you belong to a church talk to the pastor and maybe...
SSD and Child Support?
You are going to have to talk to your local Social Security Office about this matter.
Home Repair Assistance for Low Income Families?
IF you have a pastor talk to her/him, sometimes they will take up a special offering for a needy member of the congregation. Sometimes there are even people in the congregation that could furnish whatever repairs are needed and/or the labor to make the repairs...
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Just because you are in drivers ed. doesnt mean you need a car. I know a lot of people that know how to drive, have drivers licenses and dont have a car. You are going to have to talk to your local Social Security Office. Be aware that your Dad can always say...
Collecting Social Security Disability?
Talk to your local Social Security Office to find out the right answer.
Moving Assistance for a Disabled Person?
I know a lot of disabled young people, both mentally and/or physically disabled that have been living in group homes or in their own apartments in towns 20-50 miles away from their parents, so that they can receive those special services, but if you had let...
Growing Annuals in Containers?
Annuals dont come back every year, they have to be replaced with new plants every year. Perannuals are the ones that come back every year.
Leaving an Abusive Husband?
Take the kids and go to a shelter. But when he begs you to come back, dont do it.
15th Birthday Ideas?
Depending on your Grandmas age, I bet she would have a lot of good ideas of what to do at a Garden Party. From what I have seen and read in books, it appears they sit around in elegant clothes, eating delicate sandwiches, fancy cookies, cakes, etc. and having...
Financial Responsibility for Funeral Expenses?
That sounds like some weird idea that perhaps some of your ex-husbands relatives dreamed up to save them money. You better consult an attorney about this matter. However, I dont know why, being you are divorced you would be responsible for part of the expenses...
Making Money for Class Trip?
The type of fundraisers that will be the best will depend on the the people where you live. As far as places that will hire 15 year olds most fast food places will hire kids younger than 16, but only for a certain number of hours and I think that is because...
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Your Mom was supposed to be getting some of your Dads Survivors Benefits. As far as I know they arent just for kids. Why werent you living with your Mom, and if you knew she was getting the money for your support and not turning it over to the (adult) that...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Talk to your local Social Security Office to get the answer.
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Why isnt this man asking his own questions? Furthermore being they were never married he isnt your stepdad. Somebody will have to talk to the local Social Security Office to find out the answer.
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Being you are still a minor, your guardian should be checking into this. Talk to your local Social Security Office to find out the answer. There are some minors that stop getting it when they are 16.
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Your family should be getting your brother on a waiting list for a rent subsidized apartment. The rent for them runs roughly 30% of a persons income. Most apartments have a good portion of the utilities included in the rent. Also he should qualify for some...
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You will have to talk to your local Social Security Office about that. Actually as far as I have ever heard the only people that can collect Survivors Benefits are the spouse, and minor children, unless there is an adult disabled child. If her kids by the new...
Paying Child Support?
How do you know your partners ex and her partner get paid in cash and get benefits? If you know this for sure you have your nose where it doesnt belong. Are you sure the little girl isnt playing the parents against each other and that is why the kid doesnt...
Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
To get the right answer you will have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them to get the correct answer. From what I have always understood survivors benefits are meant to go to somebodys spouse and minor/disabled kids.
Sharing Living Expenses With Girlfriend?
It kind of sounds like she isnt ready to be a step mother. That being said, there will be more of your family than of hers there, so therefore you should be paying more rent and utilities. Yes, she would also be helping to pay for their meals, because Im sure...
Getting Hair Colour Back to Natural After Dyeing?
Go to a beauty salon and have it taken care of professionally.
Altering a Blouse to Make It Form Fitting?
I am 75 years old and have been sewing since I was 10. When I have to alter clothes, I do it the easy way, nobody would ever pay for it to be done the way I do it, but I dont care. I figure its my business. What I do is figure out how much a garment has to...
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
It sounds like you got yourself caught between a rock and a hard place. Why did you lie? I dont know how you could have saved $4,000 in that short of time frame. Are you aware that using the money for your daughter includes things like paying part of the rent...
Macaroni Salad Too Salty?
I never put salt in my macaroni salad. I figure there is enough sodium in all the other ingredients that I put in it other than the natural items.
Receiving Benefits for a Disabled Child?
Whether or not your son needs full time care would probably depend on the type of disability that he has. I have an adult mentally handicapped daughter who has been receiving disability since she was 18 and she is now 46. Every now and then I receive a letter...
Social Security Shared Death Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office to see if you can find out the answer.
Paying Back Survivor's Benefits?
You are going to have to talk to your local Social Security Office to find out the answer.
Help to Make Bathroom Conversion for the Elderly?
There is government organization that will help low income seniors and people with disabilities with things like that. The big problem is that it has different names in different states and even towns in the state might have different names. If your mother...
Home Repair Assistance for Low Income Family?
The bug/rodent problem could have been taken care at the time you saw the first one, instead of waiting until they completely invaded the house. Between your boyfriends income, your income, and his mothers Social Security, you should have had enough income...
Finding Help to Rebuild After a Fire?
I havent heard of any organizations that help rebuilding a house because the owner didnt have insurance or for any other reason. Your mother might have to sell the house as is and get a rental. If she is a member of a church she should talk to her pastor, because...
Collecting Back Child Support?
Talk to your local Child Support Collection Office or whatever it is called where you live. The Department of Social Services should be able to direct you to the right place. Also I would think your daughter should be on Medicaid or something. Also if she has...
Sharing Living Expenses?
I wouldnt put up with his attitude. Being he expects you to cook and eat his food, he should be able to bend and eat American food too. Relationships are a two way street. Tell him to either shape up or you are leaving. If you decide to leave see if you can...
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
How come is she 18 and only in the 9th grade? Talk to you local SS Office to find out the answer.
Keeping a Wedding Guest List Small?
When I got married in 1964, we decided if we were ever going to get married to do it withing two weeks. Se set a date when we both had a Friday off, which gave us a three day week end, and basically eloped. He wore a basic suit and I had made a white jacquard...
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
I have heard of some minors that do lose their Survivors Benefits at age 16. Im sure the SS Office knows what they are talking about. That is providing you are talking about some type of SS benefits or if you are talking about something else. But I am sure...
Finding Rebuilding Assistance After a Fire?
When you own a home it is an absolute necessity to have home owners insurance and when you rent, it is necessary to have renters insurance. IF your parents have a pastor they should talk to him/her. Sometimes a pastor will take up a special offering for needy...
Repair Assistance for Senior Citizen?
The one organization I know of isnt actually a state organization. There is an organization that is nationwide, and I think it receives some federal funding. The problem is it has different names in each state and even in different cities in a state. Contact...
Paying Child Support?
I have a hunch that wont happen until your youngest kid reaches age 18. You are just as responsible to support the kids as their mother is. Maybe you should consider down sizing your living situation, get rid of some of your toys, etc. In order to find out...
Jobs for 13 Year Olds?
About the only jobs young people in your age group will be able to get are baby sitting, yard work, shoveling snow, etc.
Living on a Tight Budget?
You are the only one that can figure out what things you can save on. Could you do without a car and ride buses or take cabs. I havent had a car since 1997, I take cabs when I have to go someplace, but I really limit how often I go anyplace. I live off $700...
Financial Help for Roof Repairs?
I dont think they insurance company wants the $5,000. That is the amount of the deductable and that means they will pay for a certain amount and the deductable is what you will have to pay the contractor that does the repairs. Do you have an estimate for the...
Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Being you turned 18 the checks should start coming. I have always heard they are for minor children only and the surviving spouse. You will have to talk to your local Social Security Office to find out the correct answer.
Agencies That Help After a House Fire?
There isnt much you can do until you get some cash for a rental. Sometimes the county that a person lives in will help with deposit and rent, for one month. Did you have home owners insurance or renters insurance, whichever you were doing? Do you have family...
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Talk to the people in your local Social Security Office. They are the ones that know the correct answer. I have only ever heard of minor children and/or spouses receiving Survivor Benefits. Usually the kids lose their benefits between the ages of 16-19.
Roof Replacement for Low Income Homeowner?
Actually the fact that you are a single mother with three kids has nothing to do with your problem. You chose that life. When I got divorced in 1983 we chose to sell the house and split the profit. I opted to move into a rented apartment because I wouldnt have...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You will have to talk to your local SS Office to find out the right answer. I cant figure out why you would have done that to begin with. I would think you would need the money to help with his support. Also wasnt he getting benefits too?
Child Support and Income Changes?
No the father isnt obligated to report changes in income to the mother. That being said, I would think your local Child Support Collection Office should know about it. If nothing else you could set up an appointment to talk to them about the matter.
Help for Uninsured Homeowner to Rebuild After a Fire?
What does the fact that your mother is the widow of a Korean War vet have to do with your question? I havent heard of any organizations that rebuild homes for any reason. I know of organizations that help with repairs, but when it comes to rebuilding an entire...
Straightening Permed Hair?
If you had been getting it cut on a regular basis in the last year, the perm would be almost gone. I have never in my 74 years had a perm that lasted a year. I usually get one every three months. Talk to a hair stylist about it.
Social Security Death Benefits?
How do you know the money she used was from Social Security? There is a good possibility that the money was saved from his earned income while he was working and that he was using his Social Security to live off. Did any of the rest of you help pay for the...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Talk to your Social Security Office to get the answer.
2015 High School Graduation Party on a Budget?
Whatever happened to basic open house type parties for just family only? The refreshments consisted of sandwiches, cake, coffee, and punch. There wasnt any entertainment, it was a time for visiting.
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
How old are you now? You are going to have to talk to a Social Security Office to find out the answer. I dont know how foster care works, but it could be foster parents got the money to pay for caring for you. Also there is a good possibility that the monthly...
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
What you should do is take your boys and move out, if it is his place to begin with, if it was your place to begin with get an eviction order to get him out. He is a grown man and shouldnt have quit his job, to spend more time with his daughter. It is up to...
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
After I posted my reply last night, I got to thinking I should have added this to it. I am 74 and have learned a lot over the years. Now, whenever I hear a woman/girl talk about getting into a move in type relationship, I advise them to either keep a separate...
Organizing a Bedroom?
Organization doesnt have anything to do with whether or not it is cute and girly. Putting all her clothes in drawers will only work for certain items. If she has dresses/skirts they wont work real well in drawers. Also a drawer will only hold a certain number...
Living Room Circuit Stopped Working?
Did you check the circuit breakers? A lot times the problem will be with a circuit breaker that has flipped and you can correct that by flipping the breaker back into the right position.
Leaving an Abusive Long Term Partner?
Talk to the police, and see if you can get a restraining order against him to keep him away from. In your state is there anything like common law marriage, if so you might have to check to see how to dissolve the relationship. You cant leave the house that...
Finding Help With Roof Repair for Elderly Man?
There is a government funded agency that does home repairs for seniors and disabled people. The drawback is I cant tell you the name because I do know it has different names in different states and even different names in different cities in the same state...
Agencies That Help After a Fire?
I guess that would depend on the type of help you are asking for. I dont know of any organization that will build or even partially build a house for you. That is the reason people should have homeowners insurance. When it comes right down to it, the insurance...
Finding Help for Family After House Fire?
The American Red Cross will give them vouchers to take to a store for a couple outfits per family member. When they have a place of their own to live, they can also get vouchers for one set of bedding and one set of towels per family member. To get furniture...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Arent you receiving child support? You should be. You will have to talk to your local Social Security Office to find out the answer. But think about this when your mother was receiving a check, it was to help with your support. It wasnt to be handed over to...
SSI and Child Support?
It would depend on the amount of child support you receive. Talk to your local Social Security Office about it.
Adoption and Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You will have to talk to your local Social Security Office to get the correct answer.
SSDI and Child Support Arrears?
Talk to your Child Support Enforcement Office about this. They are the ones that should know the answer, and they might refer you to the Social Security Office.
Home Repairs for Low Income Families?
Is the amount listed a total for both of you, or just yours and if it is just yours why arent you counting your husbands income? I am 74 and retired and my total retirement SS is $700.00 a month. You should have been taking care of one repair at a time as it...
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
In order for anybody to qualify for retirement Social Security they have to have worked a certain period of time in order to pay into it. I would assume it works the same way for survivors benefits. That being said, it isnt as if your child is alone in the...
Canning Green Beans?
You will have to google the topic to find out the time you have to have the jars of green beans in the hot water bath. The time is bound to be longer than in a pressure cook. When I was younger I did all of my cooking in the hot water bath. It has been so long...
Sharing Living Expenses with Boyfriend?
My advice is to get out. IF he loved you he wouldnt be demanding so much. IF you are disabled how are you managing to do everything you listed? He saw you as an easy mark for a nanny and house keeper. Why isnt the kids mother doing some of the running and preparing...
Sharing Expenses with Boyfriend?
IF you were married more than likely you would have a joint account and each would be paying half of everything, or a few dollars more or less. He should be paying half of all expenses. Anything you buy for the home in the line of furniture, appliances, game...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office. They are the ones that can give you the correct answer.
Help After a House Fire?
After five days, it is taken for granted that you will have found a place to live, either rent, stay with family or friends. Several years ago I was a receptionist in a Red Cross Office and if I remember right, we only put people up in a motel for three nights...
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Social Security is the place that would know about this and it sounds like you already have the answer. The thing about not being in school is that if a young person isnt in school it is assumed they would be able to take care of themselves. Why arent you going...
Social Security Disability Payments for Dependents?
Call the Social Security Office and talk to them about it.
Social Security Disability Payments for Dependents?
Actually being you are all adults I would think it would be your mother that would receive the back payments because she was the one that had the expense of raising you kids.
Finding Help After a House Fire?
Home owners insurance is for that purpose. You might have to find a place to rent. Actually renting is less expensive, because if any repairs need to be made the landlord is responsible and if you rent an apartment you dont have to do yard work, etc.
Child Support for an Adult Disabled Child?
Find another job, or as Judge Judy tells a lot of men get out there and pick up cans to sell to earn some money. He can also petition for a child support modification. I would be willing to bet his 30 year old child isnt earning very much. No matter what she...
Finding Help After a House Fire?
Contact your nearest American Red Cross Office, normally they will put a person up in a motel for something like three nights. Did your fire make the news, because usually they are on the scene of a fire while it is still being fought. I also know, because...
Social Security and Back Child Support?
My guess is that happens when you are extremely far behind on your support payments. It doesnt matter how old the child is he/she is still entitled to the support.
Eating After Having Teeth Pulled?
Didnt the dentist give you any ideas about this? That being said I wouldnt want to risk getting food particles in the cavity where the teeth were. I would think cream type soups would be OK, and I also ate a lot of baby food when I had my teeth pulled.
Social Security Disability and Medical Child Support?
I would check with somebody that knows something about the laws. Here in SD when I got divorced out minor child started receiving SSDI and she was getting more than the amount of child support we received. My ex was never released from having to make child...
Agencies That Help After a Fire?
If you are looking for help to rebuild, I dont know of any organizations that do that, but isnt that what home owners insurance if for. For household necessities you can go to the Salvation Army Office and ask for a voucher to take to their thrift store and...
Social Security Benefits After Death of Spouse?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.
Starting A Baked Goods Business?
I think you better check with local and state officials. Some places require you to have a separate kitchen from the one where you live and other licenses, etc.
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social security Office and talk to them in order to get the correct answer.
Help With House Renovation?
If the organization the previous reply mentioned is the same one I am thinking of they wont do renovation. Renovation is basically the same thing as a remodel and that isnt a necessity. They will do repairs and some changes that are necessary because of disability...
Need Help With Plumbing Repair?
The fact that you are a single mother has nothing to do with your need for help. I feel you threw that in for sympathy. Talk to the Department of Social Services and the County Welfare Office in your area and see if they know of any resources. Also, IF you...