What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
Thank you so much for answering my question! Ill try the suggestions you gave me and post a photo of how it went.
What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
Yeah I think so too, this doll is 8 years old so I guess overtime it started to get discoloured :(
What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
Update: I put acne cream on her and the green on her is fading so I think if I do it a couple more times the green might go away
What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
Thank you for helping! Thanks for the blessing, hopefully she does get fully clean. Have a good day :)
What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
I will definitely post a picture I put her under the sun today and she is lighter. So the green is slowly fading away!
What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
Thanks for the link, and yeah it is a pretty tuff job especially because its gonna take a while but Im willing to wait as long is this works! So far I am seeing some change so thats good.
What is This Green Stuff on My Doll?
UPDATE #2 this her now in the exact same place I took her original photo before I started. The green has definitely faded but this is gonna take a long time since it seeped through her vinyl. I really want all the green cleared but patience is key!