Keeping Your House Smelling Nice With Smokers?
I boil vinegar on the stove to get rid of the smoke odor. My girlfriend places a small cup of vinegar in the room when people smoke. My son lights incense. I love the smell of apple pie spice and vanilla simmering on the stove. Love & Prayers, Linda
No Bake Santa Cookies
The kids have decided to make these for Christmas gifts. Thank you!!! Love & Prayers, Linda
Refrigerator Door Left Open?
Nothing is worth food poisoning! Throw out mayo, keep the eggs. You cannot smell food poisoning. If in doubt, throw it out!!! Love & Prayers, Linda
Towels Get Hard After One Use?
Vinegar is the best fabric softener! I run an extra rinse cycle with 1/4 cup vinegar to remove the leftover detergent. My laundry is soft and smells great. Love & Prayers, Linda
Recipe Ideas for Canned Ravioli?
Make a pot of vegetable soup and add them to the soup about 15 minutes before serving. A green salad and french bread completes your meal. Love & Prayers, Linda
Sympathy Gift Ideas?
When my husband died my daughters girlfriend gave us copies of photos she had taken over the years that included my husband. We enjoyed sharing memories and they made a nice addition to our collections. Love & Prayers, Linda
Poll: How does your home heating costs this winter compare to last year?
I turned back my thermostat and started dressing warmer this year and it made a big difference in the amount of gas Im using. Love & Prayers, Linda
Poll: When will you start to do your taxes?
Im gathering stuff but wont have all of the information needed until February so Ill need to wait until then. Love & Prayers, Linda
Dog Barks When the Doorbell Rings?
My dog is thrilled everytime the bell rings. She gets excited and barks and dances, cant wait for them to come into the house to pet her. Like you I havent been able to figure out how to stop her from barking. Hope someone has an idea that works. Love & Prayers...
Poll: How often does your family eat meat?
My husband liked more loaf than meat in his meatloaf. I learned to use only a fourth of the meat that was called for in most recipes and made up the difference with veggies, beans, rice, or pasta. I still love a steak or pork chop or piece of chicken and fish...
Ceramic Tile Crafts?
I have a beautiful deep blue tile that has felt on the back. The felt protects my favorite wood table from scratches, the tile protects the wood from my hot coffee cup. It works better than any coaster Ive found. Love & Prayers, Linda
Decorating or Hiding Your Dog's Crate?
We use ours as a corner table between the couch and chair. I put a burgandy throw over it and then a pretty white table topper. My dog loves it and people are surprised that it is her kennel. Love & Prayers, Linda
Finishing Stairs With Something Other Than Carpet?
Id love to get rid of the carpet on my stairs but was told the carpet reduces the noise, something to consider as our bedroom shares the stairwall. Here is a website that tells how to redo the stairs.
The Song That Never Ends?
I love this song, my grandkids roll on the floor laughing as we sing it together. The video is fun, worth every penny. Thank you Sheri Lewis for some great memories. Love & Prayers, Linda
Mustard Stain on Wall?
My son fingerpainted the hallway with mustard. We tried everything and finally painted over it but it came through the paint! We finally sealed the mustard pictures with something suggested by the paint department and repainted. They told us that mustard is...
Gas Spilled on Laundry Basket!
When my husband was a teen he worked in a gas station and his mother soaked his uniforms in whole milk to get out the gas smell. She has passed on so I cant ask for details but he said it worked. Love & Prayers, Linda
Gas Spilled on Laundry Basket!
I checked the web. said to NOT put the clothing in the washer or dryer if it still smells like gas. My washer says the same thing so you should probably hand wash them in a wash tub or the bath tub. I also found the following hint on a few sites so...
Keep the Change Account at Bank of America
I love getting free money! Are there any fees to pay? I dont mind paying taxes on free money unless it puts me into a higher tax bracket which isnt likely. I already keep a change bank but it doesnt give me free money. I wouldnt need to roll the coins before...
3 Friends - Sammi (PekePoo) Tinkerbell (Cockatiel) and Snowbell (Cat)
I love the way your Lutino Cockatiel is letting your cat know who is boss. Cockatiels have no fear. lol Love & Prayers, Linda
Oven Cleaner Without Fumes?
I get sick from the fumes so I had to find something that worked. I make a thin paste of water, dishsoap, and baking soda then spread it on the oven with a cloth, wait 30 min. After it has softened the gunk on the oven take a green scrubby to it. Rinse well...
Color to go With Dark Green Tile?
Find a picture, or a piece of patterned cloth, that has the same color as your dark green tiles. You will find other colors in the picture that go with it. Make sure to take the picture into the other rooms to see that the color you have chosen looks well in...
New Home With Bad Cat Odors?
I had the same problem when I bought our home except it was dogs. My real estate lady gave me this tip. Close up your house tight, fill a pan with straight vinegar and bring it to a boil on the stove, let it boil softly for 1/2 hour and then let it set for...
Storing Cat Food in Plastic Kitty Litter Containers?
We received a 20 lb bag of cat food when we got our cat. I was worried about it going stale and my husband suggested canning jars. It worked so well that I use them for the dog food also. The food doesnt get stale, I dont have a huge container to handle, and...
Paint Color for Knotty Pine Cabinets?
Knotty Pine reminds me of Crafty Country or Mountian cabins, or farmhouses. Decide on the style and you will find colors that you love. Id pick pretty country blue, my daughter would pick a hunter green. Yellow and terra cotta would be pretty or you could go...
Living in Two Homes at Once?
Check with friends to see if someone has an extra kettle. If you think you will use an ice chest later go ahead and buy one, if not try to borrow one from a friend. You might be able to find both things at your local thrift store. Put dinner in the crock pot...
Making Money at Christmas Time?
Many parents need baby sitters in December so they can go shopping or attend adult Christmas parties. If you love animals you could animal sit while people are out of town. If you enjoy wrapping gifts offer a gift wrapping service. If you have room you could...
Dog Keeps Knocking Over His Food?
My dog is almost 13 and also refuses to eat out of a bowl. She picks up her food, one piece at a time, and goes to the kitchen rug to eat. If the rug is in the washer shell take her food to the livingroom carpet! Love & Prayers, Linda
Inexpensive Drapery Rods
Thank you so much! I need a long rod that is strong enough to span 240 and it cant be heavy, yours is perfect!!! Love & Prayers, Linda
Still Seeing Fleas After Terminex Has Left?
It is hard to get rid of fleas. There are probably a few fleas eggs hidden, where the vacuume didnt reach, and they must hatch so the flea can die. has some good information about the flea cycle. Good luck! Love & Prayers, Linda
Turning Down or Turning Off the Heat?
I agree with 55. It is much warmer than the outside air so you will still enjoy the warmth of home without paying the cost of keeping it too warm when there is no one around to enjoy it. An automatic thermostat is a good investment for adjusting the temperature...
Annie (Ragdoll Cat)
A wonderful picture. Our ragdoll, Cocoa Mia, lived to be 16 yrs old. We miss her. They are great cats.
Ink Stain on Porcelain Sink?
Hairspray removes ink from cloth, it should work on porcelain. Love & Prayers, Linda
How To Tell When Pasta Is Done
I use to throw mine against the stove backsplash. Loved throwing it until I had to scrub the wall. Now I pull out a string and bite it when it starts looking soft. Works well and less mess to clean up. Love & Prayers, Linda