Reusing Ziploc Freezer Bags?
Using bags from the dollar store is not such a great idea either. Where do these products come from? If you use these products next to your food who knows? Better to use the brands you trust. You cant put a price on on keeping your family safe.
Gunter (Orange Tabby)
What a sweet kitty. Bless you for taking care of him. In time he will become used to you. Good to hear you are bringing him to the vet soon. Sadly too many people think cats being hunters can survive on their own. They get worms from eating prey, not to mention...
Wildlife: The Chickadees and the Raccoon
Sadly raccoons may carry rabies as well as other nasty conditions. Many times an animal who has rabies will appear normal looking, and not be aggressive. Here in new england rabies has killed a number of raccoons over the years. While its one thing to feed...
Wildlife: Baby Bunnies
What a sweet picture. Bless you for caring. Too bad so many in the name of greed, could care less about our environment!
Wildlife: Baby Bunnies
How sweet is that picture? What good souls you are to rescue this bunny. Happy Easter, happy passover, happy spring to you all.
Moving Into a Much Smaller House?
Dear Valery, my thoughts and prayers are with you this day. I lost my mother almost 10 years ago. I still cry a little, and I will always miss her. It does get easier over time. Knowing she is in a better place helps, that and the many little things which come...
How Do I Paint a Patio Umbrella and Chair Seats?
I think the color looks great just as it is! However if you are determined to do something stop in at a local paint or hardware store, perhaps bring a chair with you. Today there are various paints for all kinds of stuff. If you can paint it, why not just use...
Breakfast Eggnog
How safe is it to have a drink made with a raw egg? This could be a serious health concern with the elderly, young children, and those who have serious immune problems. I would think twice about this recipe, sorry.
Teething Kitten?
I would say straws are not a good idea. Choking is a possibility just the same. Contact your vet for a safer way. Good luck.
DIY Apartment Clothes Dryer
I am lucky enough to have a clothes line in my backyard. When the weather is too cold I use a wooden clothes rack we bought in maine while on vacation a few years ago. Also I have hung damp clothing on hangers and put it over door jambs. Since these were bedrooms...
Link: What is Passover
Thank you for this interesting site. It sounds like the the poor Jewish house wife has her work cut out for her! All this spring cleaning would take much more than a week! And if she worked outside the home, and had kids. I dont envy her.
Use Newborn Diapers for Swiffer Pad
I use a mop with steam which does not need chemicals. Great for tile floors and kills germs. What about a microfiber pad to clean up the floors? When it gets dirty just wash it out. Dont add fabric softener to the rinse.
Link: Safe CFL Light Bulb Disposal
Thank you for this very important information. We really need to be super cautious should we break one of these bulbs. While the mercury bulbs save us energy which is good, there is a down side too. Where I live in CT there are stores like the home depot which...
Fluffy (Long Hair Domestic)
Cute kitty. I hope she has a break-away collar. A cat can get hung up otherwise.
Reusing Old Pasta Sauce Jars?
I use heavy duty glass jars for canning foods I will give away. How often have i given jelly, or relish et, asked for the jars to be returned, only to find it never happened. I use sterile clean jars and their lids, follow the recipe, put the lids on. I always...
Fixing a Slow Tub Drain
Bleach and your septic system is a delicate balance. The good bacteria break down the sludge and make your system work properly. I dont know the science et, but do know what my septic cleaner guy told me. Bleach used very sparingly, no garbage disposal use...
Removing Tea Stains From Pitchers
A paste of a little baking soda and water do wonders to tea and coffee stains in my mugs. A paste of baking soda is great to scrub out greasy pots and pans. If its really gunky add a couple of drops of dawn dish liquid. No harsh chemicals needed.
Rodent Control Suggestions?
Any snapping type trap might injure an animal you dont want to hurt. Poison will kill the rats and those animals which might try to eat it. One reader suggesting you let your dog become a rat eater by feeding it less was really sick. Can you call an exterminator...
Cleaning Your Microwave
Do not use plastic wrap in the microwave, ditto all plastic containers deemed safe to nuke. The plastic breaks down and goes into your food. Use corning ware type bowls, cover with wax paper to prevent splatters.
Saving On Service Rates
Where I live the only high speed internet is provided by cable. Regular dial up was just awful. I could turn my computer on, dial up, go down stairs, make tea, feed the cats. And I still had time to spare. Also when the TV signal changed, I had no local news...
Product Review:Dirt Devil Breeze Vision Canister Vacuum
Depending on the type of flooring you may need more than one vacuum. I have an Orek which is easy to use, light weight, and works on tiles, hardwoods, scatter rugs. I have a hoover upright for the wall to wall carpets upstairs. I just bought a Bissell power...
Jewelry Cleaning?
Be careful not to loosen stones by scrubbing too hard. Use a small soft childs toothbrush. Also Walmart has jewelry cleaner which comes with a small brush.
Wine Stains on Crystal?
How about a denture cleaner tab? White vinegar and backing soda might do the trick too. It will really foam up so watch out. Good luck.
Why Is My Cat Acting Afraid and Hissing at Me?
I would say see your vet and have the cat checked out. Also the cat may miss you and is just showing how it feels. Who cares for the cat while you are gone? How is the cat around other people? You may bring many smells with you on your clothing which may scare...
Kitten Bites for Attention?
Well it could be worse! My calico elsa who is a sweetie pie except when she wants to be fed, will take a running leap and end up hanging on my rear end. Nothing prepares one for this type of action. Lol.
Using Your Fireplace for Storage When Not in Use?
I would not store firewood in my fireplace over the summer. Who knows what type of vermin is living there. Why introduce this to your living space? Candles look nice, or perhaps a basket of green plants for a focal point.
What Else Can I Do to Improve the Quality of Life for My Ill Cat?
Its never easy to let a beloved pet go, but there comes a time when you have to put their comfort above your needs to have them still around. Over the years some of my cats have died in their sleep, a couple just went away and never returned, and three had...
English Muffin Tuna Melt
Sounds like a very tasty recipe. I would use canned salmon in place of the tuna. Sadly today our fish is not as good for you as it once was due to mercury. Canned salmon is not farm raised, no chemicals, no pollution to the environment.
Jasper (Dog)
Cute little boy and dog, but is it a good idea to have any animal sleep with a baby? Or was this a one time thing? Sadly we hear of children who die while sleeping, sids, but what if the dog sleeps on your sons face? Something could happen which you would never...
Brown Bag Microwave Popcorn
What happened to the hot air poppers out there? I use one and have no problems. Add butter and salt, or not. They tend to be noisy, but thats about it. Enjoy!
Clean Windows With Coffee Filters
I buff my cleaned windows with a good quality eraser. The type which is used to wipe off marker pens from the white plastic boards. It works fine and no streaks, or lint.
Cat is Losing Hair and Has Dandruff?
How long have you had this cat? Does it get along well with the others, or does it hide? I had a cat who shed terribly when she was at the vets office. Of course she was terrified, and thus the shedding. I would follow up with my vet. Maybe its a combined problem...
Fun with Photoshop
Bless you with all your work and love for these two doggies. Talk to a dog handler, or get a book on dog issues. I had two cats who did not get along, and needed to live on separate floors. Our very social Elsa decided to slowly come to the first floor when...
Baby Jigglers
I would go easy on the sugar and salt. Too many kids are unhealthy due to their diets. Its been a long time since my son was a baby, and I dont recall at what age he was eating what. To be on the safe side I would make sure my child was eating this stuff already...
T-fal Cookware Turned Grey in the Dishwasher?
Chemically treated pots and pans are not healthy and can leach into your foods. Also burning teflon and other chemically laced pans give off poisonous fumes which can kill your pet birds and fish. Some even come with warnings. Just because they make it does...
Household Uses for Vodka
You dont say how much vodka to use. A small bottle of vodka costs over $25, and up depending on the brand. This is hardly cost effective. Why not use rubbing alcohol for like a $1 a bottle? Rubbing alcohol is great for cleaning, and killing germs!
Wallpaper Removal?
A good tool to use is one which scores the wallpaper before spraying your solution. This can be found in most wallpaper depts. Sorry I cant recall the name. It fit easily in your hand as it was round. You used it in a circular motion. If you have a lot of paper...
Can I Paint a Fiberglass Tub Surround?
If this is a piece not attached to the tub, why not replace it?
Decorating an Ice Arena Ceiling for a Wedding?
How many are attending? What about renting the outdoor tents that are white? Place lights, balloons, what ever decorations you want around and in the tent. This would be more cozy and inviting. Good luck.
How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Birdfeeder
We hang our bird feeder between two large trees. The heavy duty wire is about 18 to 20 feet long and high enough off the round so that most squirrels cant jump to it. Its a basket feeder and the lid flips off to fill it. In 5 years only one squirrel has managed...
Entering Toddlers in Beauty Pageants?
I think the best thing a parent can do is raise their kids to be honest, kind, moral, and believe they can do any thing they want if they work hard enough. These beauty pageants that make a young child look like a mini adult are just sick. Let the child be...
Why Do My Chocolate Chip Cookies Turn Out Cake-like?
I have used the recipe on the can of crisco butter flavored, and they turned out perfect. I found that by baking them an extra few minutes they turned nice and crispy. Just watch them so they dont burn. Good luck.
Donating Books to Charity?
Our local library takes gently used books during the year. They have a section of shelving where they put them out. The money received goes to movies and books. A good deal for all concerned.
Belle (Domestic Short Hair)
Please have belle spayed. There are many groups that will have clinics at a lower cost. Why your shelter did not offer that, I dont know. The fact the first litter of 5 died is not good. Has your cat been seen by a vet? Sadly the cat and dog population is out...
Tyson (American Bulldog/Boxer Mix)
A story with a happy ending that we all want for our pets! While I am not a dog lover, I prefer cats. He sure is a handsome boy. You brought up an important point, when you give a pet to another party make sure you let them know if it does not work out you...
In Memory of Gentle Benjamin (Chow -...
A pet is a gift to us and should be loved and appreciated. But sadly there comes a time when we have to love them enough to do the right thing, and let them go peacefully. It is never easy, but eventually you will remember only the good times. What a sweet...
Washer Filling With Water During Spin Cycle?
Once the machine is in the spin mode and is rinsing out, turn off the water to the machine. Hope this helps you short turn. Obviously there is a problem with your washer and you need a service call. Depending on the age and cost of repair you might opt to shut...
Homemade Scrubbing Bubbles Cleaner?
One your shower area is clean. Wipe it down after each use with a microfiber cloth. This take a minute or two, but no toxic fumes, or chemicals. Good luck.
Keeping Brown Sugar Soft?
I just keep the brown sugar in the bag it came in. When i finish with it i seal the air out, then put an elastic band around it and place it in a zip lock. I also squeeze the air out of it. Rarely does it dry out. If it does an apple slice, or bread will soften...
How Do I Repair or Replace Frozen Water Pipes?
Does your home owners insurance cover this loss? With such a big job sounds like you need a plumber. Make sure he has a license and is insured. Dont pay until the job is done. Good luck to you.
What Can I Do With Failed Coconut Macaroon Batter?
I would put it over a pound cake, or maybe some ice cream. Good luck.
Hooking Your Purse to the Cart
Dont let you purse out of your site period. I always keep mine zipped up too. If I need to move away from the cart. I take my bag with me.
Cosmetic Surgery For Walls
You did an excellent job. What a difference some imagination, and paint can do. Well done!
Feeding Feral Cats?
God bless people like you for taking the time to care for these cats. Decent cat food, name brand if you can afford it is the best. Clean water too. When chicken is on sale buy one, cook it, cut it up and add a little to the dry food. I freeze the rest in small...
Puppy with Blood in Its Stool?
I hope your puppy is doing well by now. What kind of a breeder doesnt guarantee a healthy pet for more than a few weeks? The best way to choose a pet vs a breeder is go to a shelter. There are many rescue groups which do only a certain breed if that is your...
Store Steel Wool Pads in Freezer
I buy scotch brite never rust heavy duty soap pads by 3m. I want to say i picked them up in the dollar store. They last a long, long time. When the soap is gone i put a little dish detergent on the pad. Be very careful what you use them for as they can scratch...
Pepper and Eclissi (Cats)
Again, please do not use dryer sheets (fabric softener sheets) on your pets! The cats are adorable! You make the comment you hope they dont have anymore kittens while under the sheet? I would like to hope you are a responsible pet owner who has their cats/dogs...
Lifeline Discount for Low-Income Telephone Customers
In some cases if you have cable in your area you can bundle all services. We have phone, cable, high speed computer access for about $119 a month. Our regular phone was costing us about $80 a month. Since we needed to have a cable provider in order to receive...
Ten Lessons from the Blind Side
Your well thought out article should make us remember.Tomorrow is promised to no one we should be thankful for each day and all our blessings. You have an amazing attitude and this is what has pulled you through, that and your faith. Be well, God bless.
Burning Wood Pellets in a Non-pellet Stove?
A fireplace will suck a lot of the heated air out, and up the chimney. Our last house had two fireplaces. In the family room we installed a wood burning stove into the fireplace, which was very effective in heating a two storied area. Pellet stoves burn special...
Puppy Poops in Crate?
How about a wind up clock which makes a ticking noise? Also a stuffed toy, nothing the dog can chew off and swallow though. Maybe the puppy is just lonesome and misses his family. When you are around at night he know you are there so no problem. We used the...
Photo: Sparkly Valentine's Gift
Love the photo, took me a minute to see the ring! What a great romantic fellow. The best valentines gift is to be sweet to each other all year long.
Puppy Bites When Playing?
With 6 kids between you, and a dog which bites, and nips. Does not belong with children! What are you thinking? Dog training asap. Keep this dog away from the children. Then too, there are some dogs and cats which do not do well with kids, and other pets. In...
Neighbor's Dogs Digging Under Fence and Getting Into My Yard?
Why is it some folks cant control their pets? I agree photos, or even a video of the dogs in your yard should help to do the trick. Good luck to you.
Hydrogen Peroxide to Induce Vomiting In Pets
Wow, what a scary thing to do! I wonder about your vet? Where did they attend school? What about the syrup for kids who got into something bad? Sorry I cant recall the name. Time to call my vet, before something does happen!
Volunteer Places You Can Get Free Training
What a fantastic idea! You are helping to make a difference where you live, and getting an education, not to mention a wonderful way to find out if some of these fields interest you.
Troubleshooting a Breaker that Keeps Tripping?
Sounds like a job for an electrician. Better to err on the side of caution, than burn down your house. You did not say how old the house is. Mice can do some bad stuff too. Good luck to you.
Sweetie (Cat)
Just too precious. What a sweet picture. Thank you for`adopting 2 little`fur balls into a loving home. God bless.
Manual for Welbilt (ABM3300) Bread Machine?
Contact the company and request a manual. There are many recipes on line for bread makers too. Just put the recipe in the machine as per instructions. In mine the water/liquid goes first, the dry mix, yeast on the top. Also there are different sizes for breads...
In Memory Of Webster (Cat)
Having been a cat owner all my life, I know how much it hurts to have a beloved animal put to sleep. I am wiping away the tears as I write this note. But you did the right thing for Webster, out of love and this beautiful boy knew it! By the way he looks just...
Dealing With Someone Who is Trespassing?
Sounds like you have a few problems with some bad people? Contact your local police dept. To discuss your situation. Good luck to you.
Phoenix (Rooster)
Cute story. Still i would not trust a chicken with my parakeet. Wow! Hope you dont learn the hard way.
Carpet Shampooer Recommendations?
If kitty is messing et outside his litter box it maybe time to see your vet. If the litter is kept clean, perhaps there are health issues here? Does the cat cry when going to the bathroom? If a cat feels pain when going it may pee. Or poop in you bed as the...
Finding Value of a Thomas Kinkade Print?
I think the Thomas Kinkade art is very pretty, while not exactly my taste. What did you pay for it? I looked him up on line and he is a real character, to say the least. I was shocked! Sounds like a good man gone very wrong. Sad.
TJ (Tabby Kitten)
This story has a happy ending, but all too often people are not responsible pet owners. Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs. There are many groups which will do this for a low fee. Every cat, or dog deserves a loving forever home.
Dealing with Unwanted Mail
Some where there is an address you can write to concerning junk mail. Sorry, I dont have it. Maybe one of the readers might? Good luck.
"Quilted" Easter Eggs
Cute idea! How much fabric do you cut for each egg? Do you use a template? Thanks in advance.
Reuse T-shirts for Hand Rags
Another use for old tee shirts. I cut them up int0 thin strips and tie plants to stakes in my garden. They are soft enough not to cut into the plants.
Wildflower Preserved In Oil
What a sweet idea. I cant wait for summer. Where do you find the corks and bottles?
Jar Lid Pincushion
Thank you for sharing this adorable and easy idea. I was thinking about the various tin containers I have collected over the years. I use them for storing all kinds of stuff. I wonder if I made the pin cushion from an extra tin lid and then glued it to the...
Give Unwanted Food to Family or Friends
How wonderful to have dad, or sis nearby. For those of us who are not that lucky, think of a neighbor who might be in need! Its always easier to have it made up, then say I have a little extra, and would you like it?
All Purpose Cleaning Solution With Sudsy Ammonia
This recipe is unclear to me too. Is 409 used here? Thank you.
All My ROWDY Friends (Foundation Quarter...
What a beautiful animal! You got the better of the trade. May you have many good years together.
Sudsy Ammonia For Pet Odors
Sudsy ammonia vs cat pee odors. I have read where ammonia mimics the odor which will attract cats. You may have gotten lucky and over did the spray. If the odor wears off over time you will know for sure! Then too the cat may just not want to go near the toxic...
Uses for Bacon Grease
Why feed your pets bacon grease on their foods? Dont you know that many pets are over weight, like their owners. The health problems are too. Consult your vet on this one if you think bacon grease is ok for fluffy, of fido. In the winter I mix hot bacon fat...