Finding Soft Bandanas?
Even though something is 100% cotton it can still be rough. For a softer hanky you may want to consider buying a higher grade one like from a department store - sears, jc pennys, or a suit store. Or you can make them your self. Buy a nice egyptian cotton with...
Oregon Governor Lives on Food Stamp Benefit for a Week
I dont quiet understand how some states give people so little to live on. When i was in college and working part time i had to use assistance to get by. For my son who was 2 at the time and myself i got about 270.00 a month for food, which i thought was really...
Who Makes Store Brands?
The Target brand diapers are Pampers at least they used to be, i still think they are though. Most mac and cheese is produced in the same factory and packaged differently. And Thermasilk by Helen Curtis is made by Suave. If you want to find out more research...
Making Ice Cream?
Find a good recipe it should include ingredients such as: Cream or whole milk, sugar, salt, flavoring or fruit and some include eggs, but i dont use the ones that do. Put into a ice cream maker or if you dont have one a Ziploc bag or bowl will work too. Mix...
Reupholstering Furniture?
Have you thought about using slipcovers? they make them in lots of sizes. I bought mine at a discount store for pretty cheap. They are cheaper then reupholstering, and they come in many different colors and designs. Just a thought
Fixing Mistakes on Counted Cross Stitch Projects?
Depends on the mistake. If your close to it, going in reverse until you get to it works. If your far away from it, snip out the mistake and stitch in an appropriate color. Make sure to just snip the front of the design, pull the cut threads thru the back and...
Buying a Bed?
I recently went bed shopping, and i checked out lots of beds. expensive and cheap. I have a bad back and i needed a very soft pillow top. I looked at the expensive ones and other then looking pretty, some were similar to their cheaper counterparts. I finally...
Make Your Own Mouse Pad?
There is no science to making a mouse pad, its just to keep down the wear and tear on your desk and mouse. Also helps keep it clean, some what. You can customize your own, just keep in mind you dont want anything that will give off lint. Cheap quick way - grab...
Decorating Paint Cans?
I know you can buy plain silver empty paint cans at walmart and home depot. I am not sure what you want them to look like as in brand new. if you want it look like a can that has been used with paint, you can try slowly dripping it around the edges for a cool...
Painted Coffee Can Ideas?
you could paint one like a bunny, using white and pink. attach two paper ears and a bath puff for a tail.
Storing Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap?
they make buckets with lids, but i would suggest an ice cream pail, or even an empty detergent bottle.
April Fools' Day Party Ideas?
A great one for food is food that look like other food. Long i know but fun. I have made cookies that look like pizzas and desert burgers i did them for my sons b-day party and the kids loved them. you can also try nachos and pot pies. The pizza cookies are...
Temporary Glue?
Have you tried sticky tac ? its commonly used for posters and can hold quiet a bit of weight.
Gift Baskets for Wedding Guests?
Some times hotel toiletries can be skimpy and not all that great. Go to your local dollar store, and find some nice lotions and soaps. Maybe bubble bath and a small thing of mints - especially if they are staying at a hotel where they dont provide them. Small...
Buying Bic Markers?
target walmart and you can even check speciality hobby and art store sites. like dick blick and michaels
Game Ideas for a Seafood Fry?
make a small fishing pole out of anything, about a yard long. Tie a string to it and tie a nice strong magnet to the end. Make some paper or cardboard fish so that they can stand upright, if you can. Attach a large paperclip to each one and number them or put...
Homemade Wasp and Bee Trap?
I took a 2 litre soda bottle and i poked a few holes in the top, small ones so that they have sharp edges on the inside, about the size of a pea. I left some of the soda in it, and by the end of the day there were a dozen wasps trapped in there.
Painting a Room to Look Bigger?
Get 2 shades of the same color (should be a light color) that are right next to each other with a slight difference in light and dark. Paint the entrance of the room with the lighter shade, the 2 side walls with the darker color. And the far wall, opposite...
Buying a Koolaid Purse? a site from someone else on this site, i found it on another question i answered. I am sure there are others if that wont do. good luck
Squirrels In Garbage Cans?
We had dogs in our garbage and nothing was stopping them. I finally got fed up and sprinkled hot sauce over the bags, they never touched it again. I dont know if it will work for squirrels, but i hope this helps. You could also try putting out some corn to...
Removing Tattoos?
The only safe permanent way to remove it, is lasers. There is special makeup for covering up tattoos, you can check into that. I have heard of people doing some really dumb stuff to try to remove tattoos themselves, and they usually end up with a big nasty...
Hair In The Laundry?
I have the same problem, my hair is about 2 and 1/2 feet long.(this is an older pic.) I shed alot and i wash alot of hair with my laundry. A few things that help is to: - wash her clothes separately - shake out the clothes when loading it into the washer. - Have...
Crafts for Ages 5 to 8?
Check out the craft section at they offer things for every holiday and even length of time to make. its really great about keeping it cheap too.
Multifunction (All-In-One) Printer Reviews?
Honestly its not really the printer to spend too much time thinking about, its the ink! Find a decent priced printer, any thing you find at walmart or target should be just find. Check to see which has the cheapest ink, because if the ink costs more then the...
Baking Tips For Professional Results
I have a baking tip - its more of a cake decorating tip. You know that fancy fondant that they use on cooking shows to make such crazy and fancy cakes. You can make it pretty cheap - use a can of reg. frosting white or vanillia, etc. Add powered sugar untill...
Moldy Fudge?
Because it contains milk and it should be kept in the fridge for longevity. Best kept for 1 to 2 weeks. Store bought fudge usually contains preservatives that makes it last longer.
Wheat Free/Dairy Free Dessert Request?
Double Chocolate Sponge Cake This recipe is dairy free, wheat free, corn free, gluten free and egg free. Ingredients 50 g (2 oz) dairy free margarine 75 g (1 oz) caster sugar 25 g (1 oz) soya flour or tapioca flour 50 g (2 oz) potato flour 50 g (2 oz) rice...
Making a Dish Less Salty?
If its soup or stew you can drop in a slice of potato to absorb the excess sodium, most other things i dont know. good luck
Marijuana Odors in a Rental?
Do as the hippies do : patchouli incense then shampoo carpets then lots of fabreeze. good luck
8 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas?
Try a scrap booking party, use a digital camera or a polaroid camera to take pics of the kids and magazine clippings of some of their fave. things Like horses for example. Some glitter pens and some stickers and some cheap notebooks or scrap paper tied together...
Family Reunion Invitations?
What type of reunion are you having? If its a BBQ you could make invites that look like hamburgers or grills. Is it at a park, maybe you could make it look like a kite. Or something simple, check out the craft store for printed paper, and just print out with...
Decorating a Boy's Room?
It depends on what the child likes. I painted clouds for my son when he was little, and now he has sticky stars and planets as well as a space ship painted on his wall. Does he like cars? Try a road like border around the room and attach some Velcro in some...
ADHD Worse on the Same Days Every Week?
Wow thats a tough one. Something has to be different, even a tiny little detail. You may not see it since you spend so much time with him, maybe a relative can try spending the day with him. Does he go to school?, is there a class/event/person that occurs on...
Decorating a Boy's Room?
Maybe he would like an outdoor theme. you do up his room to look like a tree fort. then you can recycle some of the wild animal stuff. Think Swiss family robinson, most kids would love to live in a house like that. An open theme can help you incorporate alot...
Decorating a Boy's Room?
Okay, i have 2 example ideas for you, I wasnt sure what the layout of the room was so i guessed. I can change things around or colors if you want me to, so you can get a better inspiration. let me know.
Capri Sun and Koolaid Jammer Crafts?
Creating a Budget for My Wedding? A handy print out budget and planner, hope this helps.
Birthday Theme Ideas?
kiddie spa theme - nail polish, cucumbers slices for eyes, even homemade gooey face mask. Go to the dollar store and get hair rollers, cheap makeup and wet wipes( for cleaning off the mess later) Try to find gentle stuff, some cosmetics can be too harsh on...
Do calluses return after they are removed?
Depends on how you got them. If its something you continually do, then you may get them back again, But if its just a one time thing that caused them. Keep lotion on those spots, and it will help. Hope this helps!
Autism Financial Advice?
I looked around and found some resources, The first is natl but the rest are local to you. They should be able to get you an advocate to help you get the ssi you need. So good luck. - 1500.00 grant possible...
Spring Fling Ideas?
Most of the residents are prob. in their 70s maybe. I think that maybe they would love to be transported back in time . Maybe a 50s sock hop, Dance type of thing. Poodle skirts etc. Find a mixed 50s music rock and roll cd or tape. you can get old records at...
Ink Stains on Canvas?
You could try washing it, but i dont think it will help much. Your best bet is to cover it with a cool patch or draw a design over it.
Baked Breads Still Having a Gooey Center?
Dont bake them on a rainy or moist day. Bake at a lower temp. for longer until toothpick comes out clean. what temp are you baking them at?
Duct Tape on a Polyester Graduation Robe?
you could try hand washing just the part that is dirty with alittle dish soap. Or I would try using a pink or gum eraser, and rub it away. good luck
Printing From The Web?
If its just writing like part of an article that it is cutting off mid letter or something like that, you need to go into your printer settings and increase your margins. If its not printing the frames/ advertising types then you need to enable it to print...
I Can't Find My Pictures on My PC?
What exactly did you delete when deleted poeple pc? tell me exactly what you did, and i can walk you thru it. What platform are you using?
I Can't Find My Pictures on My PC?
Rule number one of computers - Backup, backup backup! now, most things arent really gone ,when there gone, but with the reformatting, it will be alittle harder. Rather then trying to walk you thru the endless poss. of where they might be, Try this software...
What Should I Eat Before Taking a Test?
I actually had a class in college about test taking, strange i know but very helpful. What we were told was this: Memory is tied to other senses such as taste and smell, yes really! What you really need to do is to study the night before, reviewing the information...
Storing Fabric?
It sounds like you have alot of fabric there. I dont have anything close to that, but i do store all my fabric in trunk, i got it at a clearance store. I know they sell them at walmart. If thats not big enough you may want to try a plastic storage cabinet meant...
Starting a Jam Business?
here is all the info you need for your state: hope you find this helpful.
St. Patrick's Day Table Decorations?
It really depends on the type of breakfast your having. If its buffet style, you can try to incorporate food into the design, like a plastic kettle filled with scrambled eggs to look like gold, get the idea? and dont forget the cloverleaf rolls. If its more...
Easy Homemade Doghouse?
Take a large rubbermaid tub, sturdy kind, tip it over and cut out a door for your pup, you may want to put a few carpet squares on the ground, and some weight on top so it wont blow over. not too much though.
Can Dogs Spread Disease?
Odds are unlikely, but possible. I have know many people who have been licked and lived to tell about it. If your worried gargle with some mouth wash, brush really well, and If you start feeling ill or get a fever go to the doc.
Cures for a Scratchy Voice?
Rest your voice even if its just for a short time. A hot steamy shower will help too. Gargle with some salt water, and try one Tbsp of honey mixed with one Tbsp of lemon juice, it soothes the throat.
Clothing Patterns for a Miniature Poodle? good link lots of info. And you can try target, they have a lot of doggie clothes and stuff right now, pretty cheap
Bowling Banquet Decorations?
Well the obvious choice would be bowling items, but i know they can be hard to come by, But when i think bowling i think retro, fifties, like grease. and stuff like that is way more easy to find. Pink,Black, robins egg blue , and that weird green color. Good...
Name Ideas for Disabled Children's Organization?
Convalescent Community Services I am sure you have a good reason for wanting to use the same letters, but if you do ever decide to change it, i would go with disabled or handicapped. or somthing of that nature. Sorry i couldnt think of more for you.
30th Anniversary Ideas?
30th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Pearl Modern Gifts: Diamond Pearl, kinda sparks an under the sea theme doesnt it? If you really want to be creative, but for something more traditional check the party stores they tend to carry a lot for anniversaries...
Preserving Children's Artwork?
I kinda got into scrapbooking awhile back, not too seriously though, I also had to find a way to deal with my sons mounting pile of school art work. So i display the lasest one on the fridge, I toss out most of the school worksheets, but i keep the nicest peices...
How is paint made?
I love wikipedia, this has what you want. hope this helps
Snowman Themed Party?
Well, you can cut out snowflakes, like the ones from elementary school. and hang them everywhere. Marshmallows, coconut flakes, even mashed potatoes. white foods, snowcones, hot cocoa is a good one too. for christmas I made little bags of snowman poop. it was...
Kindergarten Bulletin Board Ideas?
I used to do a big window in the library where i worked. Holidays are easier, its that gap time thats harder. April, you can go 2 ways, Easter is on april 8th, so you could do that. Or you can go with April showers bring may flowers,etc. rainbows, flowers, and...
Mold on a Baby Swing?
you can try bleach, but its better to be safe and throw it out. you may be able to get a recplacement at a babys r us store. Or you can try sewing up a new one. take the old one and trace it out on some paper, then you can use some large towels use 2 of them...
Laminating a Photo?
Okay your best bet is to take it to a nearby store, like walmart and use their photo scanner to make a copy. its about .50 not too spendy. then you get clear contac paper, cut the border about an inch bigger than the photo, and stick on, removes easy. the contac...
Adhesive on Glass Blocks?
adhesive is a real pain, isnt it. i got some fly tape stuff on my fingers once and i found a real good way to remove it. use veggie oil, olive oil or even baby oil, rub it on, let sit for a few minutes and then use soap and water. should work. if not you can...
Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies?
the trick it to slightly under bake them, no more then 8 - 10 minutes. I use the recipe from the betty crocker cookbook, and i add chocolate and PB chips. yummy. oh and make sure your not using too much flour, they need to be slightly gooey, hard dough make...
Organizing Your Desk?
Go to the dollar store, most have some great organizing devices. If you can find a silverware organizer, take a black sharpie marker, and write the name of the item that belongs in that section onto it. that way you wont have to remb. where everything goes...
Painting a Glass Table?
go to a hobby store or a craft store, you need to get glass paint. they have it for fake stained glass projects. but it is the best thing for glass.
My Terrier Eats Plastic?
I once had a cat that did this, generally there had been some sort of food or meat that had been in the plastic. I am not quiet sure any other reason why, but when we were having problems with our neighbors dogs tearing up our garbage, i started sprinkling...
Inexpensive Birthday Gift Ideas For Children?
I have run into this problem as well, but i know some great ways to save money, I go to thrift stores like the goodwill, and i buy used kids books, i try to find the ones in nice condition, no coloring, ripped pages, etc. the prices can vary but most will be...
Cleaning Coins?
I know tomato sauce is great for cleaning copper, i rub it straight from a tomato onto my pots and let it sit for a while then rinse off, as for dimes and nickels, you can try dawn power dissolver, or possibly boiling them in a pot of water and a peice of tin...
Baked Potatoes With Leftover Toppings
Thats fun, We like to have a potato bar, where we bake the potatoes and then set out a buffet of toppings, cheese, sour cream,etc. and it makes a great quick dinner idea
Stocking Up on Groceries?
I think this may be what you are looking for somewhere in that website i know they talk about progressive cooking. check it out and dont worry about the nay-sayers do whatever you find to be the best method for you.
Cleaning Children's Toys?
Put them in your dishwasher, top rack away from the heating element. stuffed toys can hit the washing machine.
Do I Count a Gift as Income on Taxes?
Any gift of value more than 2000.00 has to be included on taxes, there is a special section on tax forms that will allow you to enter it as a gift . check out and search for gifts
What is Powdered Dextrose?
Sugar - dextrose, frutose, sucrose, etc. are all forms of sugar. you may have to search online for this product, or check for an alternate product you can subsistute
Planning a Trip?
We moved from Minnesota to Mississippi when my youngest was just a year old, we drove it . It was difficult, but we made it thru. very important, you need to take a break at least every hour, every 2 if you cant each hour. even if its only for 5 mins or so...
Cat Pee on Leather Clothing?
you can try a product called urine gone, i think thats it, not sure google it. sorry i cant be more help
Online Credit Cards?
I dont know about that, but if your really concerned than you can do what i do. If you have any CVS or walgreens stores or any major retail stores like that, they carry prepaid credit cards, i get the visa vanilla, and etc. they have a 5 dollar fee and you...
The Benefits of Wearing Uniforms to School
I can see and understand both sides of the issue. I know that in some sense it is supposed to be cheaper for the parents, but when the parents are used to paying a dollar at a garage sale for a pair of slightly worn jeans, and now they have to pay 20 dollars...