Hidden Medicine Cabinet
The shelf is lovely and a great idea for anything other than medicine. Medicine needs to be kept in a place out of sight and reach of any one who comes in your house and has access to them. Medicine should not even be kept in a bathroom medicine cabinet where...
Using Witch Hazel to Get Rid of Fleas on a Dog?
The best thing you can do is get professional flea killer from your vet. Not in the store. It is applied to the skin and lasts three months. Bathe and dry your dog before you use it. It works.
Haunted Tree Decoration
I like all but the nails in the tree. I think heavy tape or tie it on would be better.
DIY Window Catio
That's a great way to let her outside. Just some free advice from a cat lover. Please don't turn her out again. She looks young and will adjust to being in the house. Having been feral she will gradually blend back into the wild if turned out.
Raising a Non-Picky Child
Excellent advise. If you know what the child likes serve that I never forced my children to eat or my grandchildren. My father was an inforcer. Offer them healthy food. Remember when they are grown they will eat what they like anyway.
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
That money fed and clothed you and helped put a roof over your head. That was what your father would have done had he lived. How was your mother supposed to do those things on her own. Look at it as child support because thats what it did.
Wrangling Plastic Grocery Bags
Soon these plastic bags will be outlawed in every state. They are a major factor in pollution. For under ten dollars you can order over one thousand waste basket liners that are strong enough for your purpose and come on a roll. I realize the grocery ones are...
Use A Broom To Clean Bathtub When Pregnant
I've been doing this for years because of a bad back. It works so well that I wonder why some manufacturer hasn't come up with one just for tubs. In the meantime the dollar store broom works just fine
The Thief In Your Closet and On Your Shelves
I never thought of it as money theft but I do have a system for space theft. If I have something I haven't used I look at the size of it and sat 'this item is taking up that much of my valuable space. Out it goes. If it can't be donated it goes into the trash
DIY Cooking Oil Spray
These days one must be very careful what kind of plastic you use for food. Only plastic certified for food should be used and I don't think there.are any spray bottles made for food. Plastic not certified can contain cancer causing chemicals that break down...
Being Frugal Around My Home
Bravo to you. I do hope and pray your life gets easier. Please when buying rice and pasta make sure the package says 'enriched'. It is not required on emported rice any longer so don't shortchange yourself of vitamins. Add a little corn meal to the pet food...
Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
Whatever you choose start it with one of the first letters of the alphabet. When people look for a cleaning service on line they will see you first. One more thing, write up a contract for every job. I did that for a while and one woman kept adding on little...
Use Contact Lens Case For Vaseline
I'm happy the child had a complete recovery. I was not aware scarlet fever was still a threat
Saving Takeout Condiments
I don't think it is right to take more than you need. If they put it in a take out bag that's one thing but to ask them take it home seems a little greedy
An Ant Remedy Worth Repeating
Talcum powder works just as well. Ants wont cross it. find the entry and put some there. Put it across the threshold of your doors. You can even put it on the outside of the door. It always works for me.
Stop the Drip of Laundry Detergent
I just fill smaller deturgent bottles and pour directly into the machine dispensers. No drip. Same with softener.
Soup Recipe for Beans and Ham?
You dont need broth if you have the ham. The carrots and celery are great add some chopped onion and I always put some potatoes in my beans. Use red potatoes and add them last so they stay chunky. Salt pepper and a few red pepper flakes tops it off.
Value of Mersman Dough Box Tables?
The prices on eBay are what people are asking. Not what they are going to get. To find out what they got you need to ask the seller when the bidding is over
Propping a Fridge Door Open
If you dont have time to decorate the bottle, put it in the freezer if you have room. It will be out of the way until you need to open the door, then there is it.
Store Flour in Freezer
I have heard this really works. I have never had a problem with bugs but I keep my flour, sugar, meal etc in jumbo zip lock bags. I used to buy them in the store but now I have to order them on line. Sometimes the eggs are already in the meal and freezing takes...
Argiope ~ The Writing Spider
When I was three my grandfather too me into his garden. He showed me a garden spider in her web and said look she wrote your name. Since I had an easy name to spell I was also able to write it. There it was ANN in the spiders zig zag writing.
Child Support and Social Security Disability?
You should get the check for your child. He may have to pay back money. Call your SS office or go on line and see if they have an on line form to fill out.
Coil Cords to Reduce Tangles
Never, Never do this. A cord coiled allows electricity to flow faster making more heat. Phones do not carry much power so there is no danger there. Anything else is dangerous. I sincerely hope no one does this. Ever.
Coffee Filters As Pet Dish Liners
You did not mention a vet. I hope he ahs been checked out. Thats a lot of weight to lose.
Getting Rid of Foot Calluses?
It looks like the pads of your feet are shifting forward. I think your shoes might not be right or you need a good orthotic insert. If your feet hurt now you have a working life of misery ahead of you. Get it taken care of now.
Bagel in a CD Case
Thumbs down you must not do this. In this plastic age some is made for food and some has toxic chemicals in it. Unless your container is specifically made to hold food you must not put food in it. That goes for plastic bags also. Use food containers for food...
Ants in the Chipmunk Traps?
I love these little creatures and feed them. I hate to think of humans killing them. They are low on the food chain as it is with hawks and cats and foxes.
Toilet Roll Father Christmas
Cute idea but I suggest using paper towel or other similar rolls cut to size. You could make a lot of these from wrapping paper rolls. I am just turned away by something that has been in the bathroom for a few days. It might not be as clean as we think it is...
Thoroughly Cleaning A Cast Iron Fry Pan
I wash my cast iron with soap and water. Sometimes I have to scrub them. Mine are very old. One was my great grandmothers. I always coat them with Crisco after I wash them. It makes them smooth and shinny. I have heard that the new cast iron has a different...
Training a 3 Year Old Aggressive Pit Bull?
Aggressive dogs are not just the owners problem. They have the potential to harm or kill other animals, children and people. Now if a dog owner doesnt care about those things they are also open to some big lawsuits. Dogs are wonderful creatures when they are...
Hairspray for Creased Jeans
They make spray starch. It is less expensive than hair spray and wont damage any fabric because that is what it is made for. Hair spray might not damage jeans but it could damage your iron over time. I recommend using products for what they are intended.
Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup
You don't need the canned broth if the chicken is cooked in water it makes it's own broth
Concerns About Unsupervised Activities for Young Teens?
I would not, especially at concerts where predators are just waiting to entice young girls. A neighborhood movie maybe but even a theme park can be risky.
Ice for Treating a Cold Sore
Also L-Lycine bought over the counter is known to help the pain and the sore to heal quickly. Directions are on the bottle.
Use CD Packaging For Bagel Container
One should never under any circumstances use anything to store food that isnt manufactured for food. Todays plastics contain certain chemicals that are toxic. The food containers are made without the toxin. Food containers cost very little. Plastic wrap is...
Should You Wear Gloves While Gardening?
There are those who would object to killing spiders for all the 'good' they do. I allow garden spiders to live but something as dangerous as a black widow in my book has to go. Fortunately I live in a northern state where there aren't any of that kind. Hunting...
Avoid Aspartame for Bladder Control Issues
No one, whether you have symptoms or not should use those products. They are poison. Soda is not good for you either. Why cant you just drink water when you are thirsty or make tea or coffee.
Egg Crates for Veggie Storage
Oh my God no! With the salmonella threat evolving eggs everywhere discard these cartons immediately. The food and drug advised this. Especially not vegetables. Find another way. Throw away these cartons. You can bleach out plastic and reuse it
Planning a 50th Wedding Anniversary Party?
Help plan or help with? You are both too young to decide much because you probably have not been to many of these parties. First you can find out the couples favorite colors and food. Then you can see what they might need in the way of presents. All this must...
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
All of this abuse including what happened before you were married was allowed by you. You let him have his way in everything. Now you either have to put up with it until one of you dies or get out. He is not going to change because he likes himself the way...
Boric Acid For Controlling Ants In Garden And Kitchen
If ants are coming into your kitchen and you know where the entry is, place a line of talcom powder down. They will not cross it.
Cleaning Mildew From Concrete?
Paint the bleach on with a large paint brush. If some gets on the grass it will grow back. Dont rinse.
Determining Eligibility for Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
How about asking the social security office?
Opening a Stuck Drawer?
If you can find a long screw that fits the hole you can screw it in and pull. However you might not get an even pull. You can get two small screws, screw then in one on each side and use them as handles to pull out the drawer. If the edges of the drawer have...
Splitting Pills without Crumbling
Your sharp French knife (large knife) will cut a pill but start with the edge and roll the knife down. Don't try all at once.
Using Drawers to Organize Pantry
A great idea for any room. But a word of caution. Microwave popcorn is THE most unhealthy thing you can eat. Pop it yourself.
Protecting Your Sewing Scissors
A great tip. I often wonder how people who are otherwise respectful, think nothing of grabbing my sissors. I suppose they think if I don't know it it is ok. Well this is the answer!
Appropriate Diet For A Nine Year Old?
This actually is a medical question and we, unless we are doctors and are treating the child we have no way to answer. I do know of a similar situation where the doctor sent the child to a nutritionist. Children have certain protien and carb needs that are...
The Lessons of Less
It is always in our best interest to live within our incomes but to call people diseased who spend that income the way they please is not compassionate. Telling people how they should spend their hard earned money is judgemental. As long as people live within...
Safety Concerns With Jogging Alone?
If it is a busy neighborhood and she will not be isolated in any part of it I think she could go. Provided her mother can trust her. However we all know teenage girls who like to leave the house and then meet someone or get in the car and go partying. But assuming...
Zippo Lighter Runs Out of Fuel Quickly?
The sponge that holds the fuel is no longer absorbent. These lighters are guaranteed for life so you can send it back and they will fix it. All you have to do is mail it to the factory which is in the United States. Tell them the problem and make sure they...
Recipes Using Canned Mackerel?
You can but I dont know why you would want to. Salmon tastes good and mackerel does not and will stink up your whole house and the kids wont eat it. I would stick with salmon. But try it once.
Use Toy Dump Truck for Serving Chips
Please dont put food in anything not made for food. Even chips. This is a cute idea but at least line the truck with plastic wrap.
What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
At the risk of sitting at the top of the DUH list, may I suggest sausage linguine? Saute the onions and put them in the sauce.
Perming Dyed Hair?
This is a joke? If not the answer is yes, unless you shave your head and in 6 months perm only the new growth.
Disposing Junk Cars
As a last resort, list the car as free, as is. You would be surprised at how many teenagers would love it to work on. Also someone who has a car just like it might want it for parts. If you cant sell it you most likely will have no trouble giving it away.
SSD and Back Child Support?
Ask the people who have the answers. If there is a SS office near you go there and ask in person. If not call or email them and ask.
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
Why should you be the housemaid? I think you need to forget about him, focus on your studies, become your own woman with a career. Why should a man insist on what you do? Life will be better without him. Stay in your dorm, get your degree and enjoy your freedom...
Grey Hair Doesn't Hold Color?
Go to a different salon with a good reputation. The salon you are going to probably uses cheap products.
Child Behaves Differently When Ex Spouse is Around?
It would be good if the three of you could get some therapy. In my state if a couple with children divorces, they must attend 6 sessions of counseling about the children. The subject is how to NOT turn the child against a parent, how to make decisions together...
Getting Rid of Ants Naturally?
Talcom powder across your doorstep or along the wall where they are comming in will do it. They wont cross it and it is safe to use.
Favorite Meat Loaf
And if you like green pepper a small amount chopped is great in this already good recipe.
Trapping Pests Near Your Hummingbird Feeder
You can also coat the pole or wire that holds the feeder with Crisco. It has to be Crisco. Ants wont cross it and the sun doesnt melt it.
Odor from CPAP Machine Burns Nose?
Do you clean the machine like you should? My husband uses one and he rinses the plastic tank with weak bleach water then with vinegar. Do you wash the hose? Mold can build up in these things and is unhealthy. Do you get new mask and hose every three to four...
Reusing Egg Cartons
Not safe. Just buy some ice cube trays. 99 cents at the dollar store. Whats wrong with that?
Upcycle Sneakers as Garden Planters
Buy a plastic flower pot for a dollar and throw these nasty looking shoes away.
Strained Relationship with Brother?
Your brother sounds like my brother. After years of putting up with him I finally had enough.These brothers are angry people. When they rale against people they dont even know and get angry when you dissagree they are looking for a fight. For my own serenity...
Use Place Mats for Shelves in Fridge
Bad. This will obstruct the air flow in your fridge and some shelves will not get as cold as they should.
Trouble Swallowing Pills?
If you can tollerate milk, take your pill with a swallow if it. It coats the pill and makes them rather slick and they go down easy.
Treating Toenail Fungus Takes Time
Go to Sallys Beauty Supply. Pay 15$ for a bottle of nail fungus cure and apply it until the original growth grows off. This is what is used when fungus gets under acrylic nails. It works.
Shrews in the House?
I dont think you have shrews. I think you have mice. Shrews live in dirt. They are blind and dig through the dirt feeling for grubs and earthworms. They cannot live in a home. For mice, get traps. They work better than poisen because the mice cant crawl off...
Replacing Mini Blinds?
If the door is a steel one you dont want to put holes in it or you will be charged. They make magnetic curtain rods, I bought mine at Target. You can then have a curtain over the window. I have a blind and put the curtains over it.
Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen?
A little line of talcom powder does it. Across the doorstep and along the walls where they are coming in. They wont cross it and it is harmless to everything.
Wear Socks Inside Out
I have done this for years. I like the smoother side next to my feet. Also if anyone wears cotton socks, turn them inside once in a while to check for lint. Those lint balls can irritate.
Effects of Ex-husband Remarrying on Child Support?
No. The child support is determined by the court, based on his earnings. If he married a woman with a million dollars his support will stay the same.
Social Security and Child Support?
Call SS and ask. We dont know the answers to this because we dont know the circumstances. Why do you care if they take it all? He didnt care if your kids were getting enough to eat.
Sewing Machine Starts Sewing When Turned On?
Unplug your machine. Take the foot press and see if anything is stuck in there that would prevent the spring from releasing all the way. It sounds like you have a stuck pedal.
Bee Jar Trap
Please do not kill bees. They will not hurt you if you move slowly among them. Where have you been when the news tells about the shortage of bees in the world? We need them to pollinate our plants. Why would you want to kill them? If you have a fatal allergy...
Ex-husband Wants Custody of the Children?
You DO realize that no one on this site can help you dont you? Except to tell you to see a lawyer. That is what you need to do. I would guess that the two years he ignored the kids would be in your favor. But if you dont get a lawyer he will win.
Adjust Car Clock Ahead
I suppose this works for some people. Myself, I like to know exactly what time it is. I do not leave the house at the last minute, or have to rush to where I am going. Lateness it usually a lack of planning bout how long it takes to get someplace. If you have...
Using Pickled Beets to Make Harvard Beets?
I dont. If you already have the pickled beets and want to use them up I would do this. Melt a little butter (two tablespoons) and mix it with a little flour (one tablespoon) in a saucepan. Add the juice of the canned beets and then sweeten with a tablespoon...
Keeping Cats Off Block Wall Around Yard?
As a cat lover, I feel I understand them. They dont seem to care if you dont want them to do something. They see your efforts to deter them as an obsticle to overcome. To keep them off your wall you must make it so they dont want to get up there. I am curious...
Cake Cooling Rack for Keeping Laptop Cool
You can also buy a pad with small fans in it to set your laptop on. It is not expensive and really works well.
Quick Removal of Plantar Warts
A vinegar soaked collon ball taped to the wart with a water proof bandaid (the large kind) at night works too. Use strong cider vinegar.
Tea Tree Oil For Toothaches
If you have an infected tooth you need to see a dentist. Infection will not go away if the tooth is bad. Delay may cause you to lose the tooth. Also Tea tree oil is acidic and can cause damage to enamel.
Identification Needed for Marriage License?
You want to marry someone whose relatives you have not met, whose back ground you dont know, who cant prove who he is. Honey if he was an ax murderer how would you know? Has he been in prison? Has he been married before? Is he divorced? Does he have children...
Information on Power of Attorney?
If the friend can prove you father has misused the POA by taking money for his own use and not spending it for your grandfather then it can be revoked and the court would take over as POA. All POA ends with the persons death and the admistrator of the estate...
Using Peroxide to Get Rid of Bad Breath
The fizzing is not killing bacteria. It is a reaction to the H2O2 on protein. If you have bad breath you need to go to the dentist and have your teeth cleaned. You may have gum disease. People need to realize Peroxide does not kill germs. If it did medical...