Funeral Savings And Other Tidbits
Excellent advice. Many things I had never even thought about. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out!
Green Packaging
Love this tip! I would think even salted would be okay (though I dont know if it would be great for packaging and salting the contents of the package :D). In the Great Lakes Region, it would add iodine to their diet, which might not be a bad thing.
Children and Their Personal Items
It has taken me 14 years to finally get this same type of plan in order. It really does work well! Colour coding children is learned very early for those who have twins. I never had twins, so it took me longer to figure it out. :D A bathroom bag for each child...
My Frugal Life: Frugal Forever
Definite thumbs up on the bone soup! Cabbage is also an acid and added to bones, will leach out the calcium (for those who do not like vinegar). Another option is lemon, which then results in a beautiful broth for making the Greek, Aveglemono. Delicious!
Feeding a Dog Chicken?
I have also found that we have fewer health issues and no vet bills since feeding real food (the past 9 years). However I do feed the bones. I feel they would eat them if they hunted on their own so they probably require them. I got this from my grandfather...
Use Distilled Water in Neti Pots
So we are never to swim in lakes or rivers again... ever? Hmm. I think the figures show you have more chance of winning the lottery. Dont get me wrong, its not that I disagree with being as safe as possible. However, at 3 am when I cant breathe, I wont be warming...
Freezing Eggs in the Shell?
I have frozen them for years so that we had enough eggs to get through winter. (Chickens that are not artificially heated/lit do not lay in the winter but can lay for many years beyond chickens that are not given a break from laying.) They were all farm fresh...