Homemade Oven Cleaner?
No one will believe this, till its tried. Without going into (past job of selling whole house water systems) and reverse osmosis, Ill tell you one of the secrets of PURE good water - and how well it cleans anything. Pure water (even bottled water) does not...
Honey Bees and Hummingbird Feeders?
We had 19 feeders, and 15 hummingbirds that enjoyed them every day for years, and when the bees came, every single hummingbird left within a few days. We then bought the feeders with the bee guards on them, and those dont work for nothing! Finally, we bought...
Honey Bees and Hummingbird Feeders?
A flat feeder is any hummingbird feeder with the port holes facing upwards to the sky. If the port holes do not face the sky pointing straight upwards, then the nectar/sugar water will drip when its warm outside and the bees will gather on the feeders.
Honey Bees and Hummingbird Feeders?
Yes, thats exactly what is referred to as a flat feeder. Its actually any feeder that the holes/ports where the birds drink from, that theyre facing the sky (upwards). Any feeder holes that face sideways will pool or drip, and the bees can get to the nectar...
Shipping Tape To Deter Ants
I sure agree with you about not using any kind of anything on feeders that is sticky. I too love these little hummingbirds and for many years Ive watched them, and something even these tiny birds love to do, is to hold and hang on to wires, as most birds do...
Removing Artificial Nails?
If you really cant buy a small bottle of (nail polish remover for under 2 bucks) then the next best thing is to use a nail file, and slowly and carefully keep filing the nail till its as thin as paper, and then it will peel off easily. Thats sort of the hard...
Removing Coffee Stain on Upholstery?
I see your post/question is a couple of months old - so you may have tried removal treatments already. I can tell you what will take stains right out of just about anything, but this only works under one condition. Pure water (not tap water from the faucet...
Keeping Ants Away From Bird Feeder
From what Ive found from having 20 feeders with moats with water in them, the ants dont bother the feeders, nor do they go into the water. And this is my 3rd year now of using moats. We actually have hummers year round living here in the desert (Vegas), and...
Keeping Drawer Organizers in Place
I actually tried the styrofoam underneath the utensil tray and the plastic or Rubbermaid tray still slid back and forth, probably because the styrofoam is smooth. Im back to the two sided tape. Thanks though for your tip, it just didnt work for the Rubbermaid...
How Do I Get Brighter Whiter Teeth?
Plus White is the brand of gel that has worked for me for 20 years.
Uses for Expired Grapeseed Oil?
Is your oil grape (fruit) seed oil, or just grape-seed oil? Ive just never heard of grapeseed oil.
Uses for Expired Grapeseed Oil?
Well, I looked it up, since Id never heard of grapeseed oil, and heres something I found. In cosmetics, grapeseed oil is widely used. It is often combined with other oils to make massage oil, since it glides well on the skin and it also has moisturizing properties...
Remedies for Hyperpigmentation?
Theres two things I know of that have worked very well. Retin A, used at the very least 3X a week on the spot. This causes the cells to keep exfoliating, as you may have too many melanocytes (skin coloring cells) going a bit haywire. The continous cellular...
Getting Hair Dye Off of Skin?
Hair dye deposits its color onto and into the skin no differently than it does ones hair. To remove it, is actually like trying to remove a stain. When its on the face or hands, it will wear off in time, of course, but to get gone instantly theres 2 ways it...
Whiter Teeth?
Plus White is the brand (12 bucks) and theres a lot of uses in one tube of it, as its about the size of a tube of toothpaste. Dull dingy teeth from smoking or drinking coffee (gone in 5 minutes).
Rust Spots on a Refrigerator?
Ive recently saw appliance paint and it comes in fairly small containers, so you dont have to buy a gallon of it. Rust is oxidation, so to try and remove it will probably leave a mark. Once you remove the rusty spot, which you might have to do if its rough...
Why Would My Hair Turn Orange When Bleached?
I completely agree with the poster Lynjohnson. Hair lifts (the pigment) which is what gives us the color in our hair to begin with, and when bleach is applied, the pigment is removed gradually or in stages when bleach is applied. If the bleach/peroxide is only...
Meatloaf Recipes Without Ketchup?
Make your meatloaf with any recipe you like best, then top with laying strips of bacon across the top. As it bakes, the juices of the bacon seep into the meat just enough to give it a real nice flavor. Use as many strips of bacon as desired. Its yummy.
Bubble Wrap to Protect Stacked Pots
I really like the bubble wrap use for this. Thank you. Ive been using paper towels between my non stick pans to keep them from getting scratched, but your bubble wrap is the perfect cushy insulation I need.
Scars From Acne?
The quickest way to have any scar removed, and of course this depends on what kind of scar it is. But if you have an indented spot, or a white wide scar on the skin, having that spot excised, then a single stitch or two to bring the skin back together where...
Prepping and Painting Plaster Walls With a Chronic Mold Problem?
Mold is deadly, and many people a year die from lung infections because of what might seem like harmless but bothersome house mold. There is a reason mold grows, and thats the constant moisture that feeds it. That part does need eliminated. If its behind the...
What is the Best Deep Wrinkle Cream?
Deep wrinkles are caused by expressions over time engraving themselves into the skins tissue but its the loss of collagen and fat in our (skin pad) that allows these to set in-or etch themselves right in. Which is why younger skin doesnt yet have them. Time...
What is the Best Deep Wrinkle Cream?
Deep wrinkles are caused by expressions over time engraving themselves into the skins tissue - but its the loss of collagen and fat in our (skin pad) that allows these to set in-or etch themselves right in. Which is why younger skin doesnt yet have them. Time...
What is the Best Deep Wrinkle Cream?
Sorry about that, didnt mean to post 2x. I went to add copper peptides to the list of good skin penetrators, and it ended up two times on here.
Yellow Stains on Sheets?
If none of the soaps succeed in removing this from the sheets. I too agree with the poster about seeing what toxins are being released from his body. About removing spots from the sheets. Id put a half gallon of milk into a bowl or bucket, and soak the sheet...
Styrofoam Egg Cartons for Ice Cubes
No wonder so many get sick from bacterial pathogens. I sure agree with all you posters in that egg cartons to make ice, isnt a good idea. Your cubes will be completely contaminated and toxic.
Making a Cover for an Outdoor Grill
That sure is a great idea. Thank you, Im going to do just that too.
Store Sheets Inside Pillowcases
Well, Id never heard that tip of putting the folded sheets into one pillow case to keep the set in one place, and in reading this for the first time today, I too think thats a brilliant idea! Thank you.
Blankets for Doorway Insulation
We live in the desert and in the summer the temps reach over 110 daily. Weve got central A/C throughout, and two large units that sit outside, one is for the upstairs, the other for the downstairs cooling and each with its own thermostat inside on the wall...
Why Can't You Use Krazy Glue for Artificial Nails?
Because its not the safest chemical and not developed for human nails, and it will eat the nail which is keratin, or it can ruin it. One time using it, might not hurt it, but its taking a chance.
Stomach Cramp Remedies?
Maybe try taking a supplement daily called: Acidophilus. Your stomach flora might be off. And acidophilus helps keep it balanced. And, its good for the body too. Also eating more foods that are alkalizing to the body. When the body becomes too acidic, problems...
Preventing Underarm Stains on White Shirts?
Tectron spray for clothing (under arm area). Its a water repellent for synthetic and natural fibers.
Ants and Wasps in Bird Feeders?
Attach little moats (found that on Utube) above the hummingbird feeders. For 6 years now, weve had no ants at all. The moats work.
Seasoning Mix for Hamburger Patties?
Worcestershire sauce (just a few shakes from the bottle makes all the difference in the world too), along with garlic powder/onion/salt&pepper.
Remove Pine Sap with WD40
Something else that works really well, is mix some milk and plain yogurt together till creamy, then apply that to your hands and allow them to dry (with the milk mix on) and then the tree sap will just roll and crumble right off.
Freeze Meatballs In Recycled Egg Cartons
I like the idea too, but would also lay down a strip of saran wrap, and just press the saran into the holes then put the meatballs into each divit. Great way to keep them from freezing together.
Smile Saver (Retainer Holder)
That is too cute! I remember when I was a kid wearing a retainer at night after my braces were removed, and our dog did the same thing, ran off with my retainer, and chewed it up to bits. Great idea for kids, and would help them want to place it where it belongs...