Dyeing Hair Cherry Red?
Go to a professional colorist and have her/him dye it. If you keep trying home products on it now after trying twice in a row, you may end up damaging your hair.
Redyeing Hair Red?
Try using red henna to dye your hair. It doesnt have a lot of caustic chemicals and you can use it as often as you like. Only downside is that it can be messy, especially when rinsing it out and you may need to leave it on a few hours, depending on the brand...
Dog is Losing Hair?
Agree it could be allergies or some other skin problem or it could be the dog is stressed. Sometimes the food youre feeding the dog could be the cause. Really should get her checked out by your vet.
What Breed is my Dog?
Looks like a lab/beagle mix to me because of the ears. Some kind of hound mix , anyway. As far as the food aggressions and nipping, she needs to be trained to stop. Make her work for her food: have her sit and wait at mealtime and dont put her food bowl down...
Diabetic Weight Loss Diets?
Ask your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist or dietitian who specializes in diabetics. They can work with you to figure out a diet program that will meet your needs. Beyond that, you dont really have to give up your favorite foods but you do need to eat...
Housebreaking Cocker Spaniel?
Take her to the vet (if you havent already) and make sure there is nothing medically wrong with her, like a UTI. If she checks out OK, then you need to train her not to go in the house. Treat her as if she was a puppy and try to get her on a schedule: first...
Preventing a Dog from Getting Parvo?
If the puppies came from a shelter, the shelter should have done most of the required vaccinations. Check with them to find out what your new puppies medical histories contain.
Puppy Growls and Snaps at Owner?
As far as the growling/snapping when you take something forbidden away from her, try distracting her with something she likes better, whether it be a treat she really loves or a favorite toy. Tell her drop it and praise her when she releases the forbidden object...
Christmas Treats For Our Beloved Pets
Thanks for the horse recipes. I am an aunt to two horses and would love to be able to make treats for them like I do for my doggy niece and nephew. With your recipes, now I can!
Try Organic Milk Instead of Lactose Free Milk
Could the problem also be caused by the hormones and antibiotics that factory dairy farms pump their cows with?
Tyson (Pitbull)
He doesnt look mean, just focused. I live with two pibbles and they are both a couple of clowns and very loving.
Making Homemade Bread?
You can get a lot of great bread recipes at the King Arthur Flour website (not to mention flour and other baking supplies!). Hope this helps.
Eating Wheat Makes My Stomach Feel Bloated?
I agree with Wholias. It sounds like celiac disease. Check with your doctor and get tested. You may need to eliminate all wheat products from your diet.
Looking For New Thankgiving Recipes?
I love turkey but this year I decided to have my turkey for Christmas dinner. For Thanksgiving, Im making a pork roast. To go with, Im making sweet and sour red cabbage (cooked the day before in my crockpot), pierogies and a tossed salad. For dessert, a pumpkin...