Removing Ink from a Photo?
I worked in a photo lab for nine years. We cleaned ink off with a cotton ball and a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Gently rub the ink off. The alcohol dries quickly and does not soak the picture.
Betty Crocker Gourmet Indoor Barbeque Grill Instructions?
Thank you. Mine is aluminum, but it is like a well, so i am sure that it would hold water too. thanks for your help.
Easy Clean Up For Muddy Dogs
I have used this method for a couple of years. It works really well. As to safety, they are made for babies, so I figure that is good enough for me. Usually they just contain water and baby oil. I have never had my dogs have any ill effects. You can get the...
Yorkshire Terriers Peeing on the Couch?
I agree with the crate training. It worked really well with a rescue dog I have. I never have used paper training or pee pads with any of my puppies. I train them to go out right off the bat. They know they can only potty outside. Always take them out after...
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Reviews
Even though they are not cheap, we need to think of the money we save on cleaning products and paint. my husband thought we would have to paint a couple of walls in our entrance way. lots of scuff marks and stuff on the walls. i used my eraser and he was amazed...