Use Dense Styrofoam In Plant Containers
Can you use this for pots used for growing edible items like herbs? Do any chemicals leech into the soil that I wouldnt want in food?
Use Dense Styrofoam In Plant Containers
I found this other post and it sounds like it isnt a great idea for veggies and herbs.
Use Dense Styrofoam In Plant Containers
Regardless of whether it is ok for edible plants it sounds like a great idea for flowers. I have a back problem and this will help out when I have to move the pots.
How Do I Start a Residential and Commercial Cleaning Service?
I think you can actually promote the fact that you do night time residential cleaning. Some people want to have a cleaning service, but want to be at home when the cleaning person is there. Offering evening appointments would accommodate those people. Good...
Make Monitor Print Larger
If you dont have a scroll wheel, you can also press the Control key and the + key at the same time. This will enlarge the text in increments. Also, more sites are providing the increase font size feature, which is usually in the upper right side of the page...
GE Washer is Stuck in the Spin Cycle?
If you need to buy a part, try They also have a help section with information on how to figure out the problem.
Novelty Christmas Gift Ideas
What are the instructions on the block package? The pic is too small to read unfortunately.