Getting Rid of Dog Ticks?
We live in ETX and know your pain. First you have to treat the yard, over,under around everything with the liquid 7 and a sprayer. Wait until the yard is dry before you let the dogs out. Do again in 7 to 10 days again as ticks hatch every 7-10 days. You may...
Hutch (Husky/Wolf Mix)
What a wonderful story, you should send to the Dog Whisper anyway. Animals are not disposable and it takes a wonderful person like you to help them out. Bless you both. klr
Lilli (Golden Retriever)
What a beautiful picture of a wonderful dog, my brother raises these wonderful creatures and I cant say enough of their loving personalities. Thanks. klr
Cleo (Shepherd Mix)
God certainly knew what he was doing when he gave us the wonderful loving, giving an faithful canine. klr