Renting an RV for a Vacation?
Several years ago my husband and I went from SC to TX in a rented RV. We had a ball. It can get very pricey now that gas costs so much. (u)(/u) The most important thing is to learn how to use all the gizmos for water, power, waste removal and such. Ask for...
'Spring Cleaning' Themed Church Event?
PLEASE DO NOT USE PAPER TOWELS OR PAPER FLOWERS!!! What a terrible thing to do when we really need to protect our environment! Why not go to Costco and buy packages of 36 microfiber cloths for the entire cleaning project? Tuck a single cloth into each persons...
Inexpensive Window Covering?
A pretty table runner would be just about the measurements you indicated.
Drying Extra Cilantro
This was a very timely hint for me because I had lots of cilantro left over after a dinner party last weekend. I, too, used parchment paper. The results were excellent! Thanks for the tip.
Best Window Cleaning Solution?
My husband drives a cab and has to keep everything spotless! He says my home made solution works better than anything that comes from a store. Just a quick squirt of Dawn dishwashing liquid, 1/4 C white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of ammonia, and add water to make...
Cleaning Tea Stains Off of Glass Pitcher?
I make several pots of tea every day. The easiest way to clean the pots and pitchers is to sprinkle baking soda and salt inside then use a sponge [reserved just for this use] to wipe off all the stains. Use the hottest water from your faucet to thoroughly rinse...
Dog Carrier Pattern?
I dont have the pattern, but I have a wonderful Pom, too. Tiffany Colleen weighs 11 pounds and is gorgeous. She is super intelligent, too. I hope you get as much pleasure from your little darling as I do from mine!
Gift Ideas for a Developmentally Delayed Person?
I realize that youve already found the perfect gift for this young lady, but you may want to get something for her another day. Depending on her mental/emotional age she would probably enjoy a colorful picture book. If shes not able to take care of a standard...
Lemon Essential Oil for a Room Freshener
I use the lemon and eucalyptus essential oil as my bathroom spray. I add about 6-10 drops to a fancy spray bottle that Id put warm water in. I like it much better than smelling apple pie in the bathroom!
Advice About Becoming an Avon Representative?
I was an Avon rep at 3 different stages of my life and at 3 different sets of rules from the company! I never really made money in the sense that once I deducted all the costs of doing business, especially auto costs, there was very little cash to play with...
Garage Turned Into A Home
You didnt tell us WHY you are living out in the garage...It really doesnt matter as long as you are excited about being able to make a private space for yourself while you work to pay off school loans. You sound enthusiastic in your description of your new...
Is It Safe To Print Coupons?
I have printed bunches of coupons from online sites, but have never been told to download any kind of program first. If you cannot just click and print it, dont do it!! (u)(/u)
"The Vial Of Life" For Emergency Information
More than a year ago I was given an empty brown pill container that could hold asparagus spears it is so long and thin! This was sponsored jointly by the American Red Cross and our local CVS pharmacies. Inside they had a form for name, address, phone, etc for...
Cleaning Gunk Around Faucets?
If the vinegar alone doesnt cut it (sorry about the terrible pun!), sprinkle a bit of baking soda around the faucets then replace the vinegar-soaked towels. Combined, the two products will bubble the gunk loose.
Mold on Petunia Leaves?
Use a Q-tip or cotton ball moistened with alcohol and gently wipe the mold off a few leaves. Wait a day or two to see if the plant is OK and the mold is gone. If so, treat the entire plant. If it doesnt help or harms the few places you have treated, just prune...
Recommendations for Floor Brush?
Dont BUY anything to use on your Swiffer head. Just cut an old tee shirt or dish towel, etc that youd normally use for a cleaning rag to the appropriate size and attach it to the Swiffer. Rinse it out then toss it in the washer! I havent bought refills for...
Effective Homemade Cleaners?
I have been using regular household items in place of expensive and smelly brand - named products for at least a year. If anything, my house smells and looks cleaner! I dont have to gather up all the jugs and jars of stuff to start cleaning. I keep a shaker...
Address Labels Can Get Stuck In Shredder
Im not worried that my address labels will create an identity theft problem, but a lot of times the address will be incorrect. I shred these because I often use address labels to fill in forms so I wont have to do all that writing...arthritis and sore hands...
Leftover Spaghetti Tip
How very funny! You have just told the entire readership exactly how its done in every restaurant!
Teaching Children About Religion?
My husband and I had a childrens bookstore. The very best book about God that I know is Because Nothing Looks like God - Lawrence Kushner, Dawn Majewski (Illustrator), Karen Kushner. I now volunteer at a temple library although I am not Jewish and always recommend...
Homemade Pie Crust Protector Ring
Please dont throw away that piece of foil! Use it to cover a salad plate or cereal bowl...whatever...but to toss it out doesnt seem too thrifty to me.
Taking Big Pills?
Here are three possible helps for you: Put the pill in a small spoonful of apple sauce, yogurt or peanut butter.
Clothing Patterns for a Nursing Mother?
My one and only nursing dress made life so much simpler back then! The top of the dress was sort of gathered across the bustline - a bit like a curtain bunches together , but there was a slit cut and the edges finished on each side that couldnt be seen because...
Making a Door Stop?
I make draft dodgers that can double as door stops. I buy tube socks and fill them 3/4 of the way with cat litter. Then I twist the open end of the sock and turn it down over the top of the sock. I use the same method of closing bread bags so I dont need the...
Food Ideas?
Many years ago a dear friends mother died and allthe family came to the mothers house. All kinds of dishes were brought for meals: lunch or dinner or supper...Nobody had thought about breakfast. I took eggs, bacon, grits, coffee, cereal, milk, etc and put it...
What Cleaning Products Do You Use?
I use only one brand named product, Awesome, from the Dollar Tree stores. My actual favorite products are baking soda, salt and vinegar...occasionally I add a little alcohol or peroxide to the vinegar/water mixture for hard to shine glass. Baking soda alone...
Removing Incense Odor?
If the odor is that overpowering Id set a small bowl of ammonia in each room for a couple of days. When the incense fragrance is out of there and the ammonia smell rules, substiute vinegar or bowls of baking soda to freshen the rooms.
Feedback About Online Survey Sites?
Please be careful! I did some research before participating in a few surveys and thought all would go well. It didnt work out that way, however. I am still getting all sorts of prize certificates if I only do this or that or buy something else! That is NOT...
Earth Day Website
Its wonderful that you have decided to use cloth bags instead of plastic for groceries, but why not go a step farther and use cloth bags for ALL your purchases? I usually hang an empty cloth tote bag on my shoulder (along with my purse) wherever I go.
Use Free Luggage Tags For Marking
Im sorry, but I have to say it again: it is NEVER right to take a handful of anything just because it is free. If you are not taking 1 tag for each piece of luggage that you are taking with you on a flight leaving that same day, you are stealing those tags...
More Fibromyalgia Coping Strategies
I have had fibro since at least 1987. Whenever I am asked to explain the pain I tell people to imagine broken glass in every muscle, tendon and tissue of their bodies. For some reason this seems to do the trick.
Decorating a Boy's Room?
When my son was young I wallpapered one wall in a sports montage and the opposite wall in red, white and blue stripes. The room was bright and colorful and definitely workable for years!
My Husband Cheated on Me?
Take a good look at your letter. Didnt you tell us that you believed your husband? If you do believe him, why on earth would you ask absolute strangers to help you decide if you should divorce this man that you believe in? Young lady, I believe both of you...
Marking the Cap of Prescriptions
Your prescription bottle should have the name of the drug and the amount to be taken for each dose on the label. If your doctor has the bad habit of just putting as directed on an Rx ASK him/her to have the pharmacist list EXACTLY how you should use this particular...
Inexpensive Dog Toys?
If you have old tights or pantyhose just braid them then tie a knot in each end. Puppy will chew on it, chase, even throw it in the air and run after it.
My Frugal Life - Returning Groceries
I cannot imagine returning groceries to the store for a refund unless they are spoiled in some way! Would you really want to take home items that have been in someones home for an unknown period of time? Your home may be spotless, but what if food has been...
Preventing Acne Scars?
Sometimes acne scarring is caused by the type of break-out that you have. My son had nasty acne, but it was simply pimples in profusion. However, a friend had the type that was cysts. Those can become serious problems for scarring because they are so deep. The...
Keeping Ice From Melting
PLEASE DO NOT FILL THEM TO THE TOP!!! Fill the bottles no more than 2/3 of the way to leave room for the ice to expand. If you use clean bottles and fill them (part way, please) with fresh water, you can have really cold water for drinks after your picnic, etc...
Homemade Slimming Cream?
Did it ever occur to you that these products just dont work at all? No matter what you rub on yourself, you cannot rub off fat deposits under the skin where it lives. Lots of wonderful products make you feel as if they are doing something terrific, but they...
Mold on Paper Money?
The correct way to handle money that is in any way damaged is to take it to a bank and TELL the teller or customer service rep. about it. They will gladly give you fresh or clean money then they will send it back to the Federal Reserve Bank for reimbursement...
Scorch Marks Around Burners?
Try a paste of baking soda, 1-2 drops of Dawn liquid, a drop or two of vinegar and water. Apply fairly thickly. Let set a half hour then scrub and rinse away.
Boosting Leftovers
My friend used to call this hodge-podge leftover soup. She put all the food that was left during the week into a huge pot & simmered. Her husband and sons always looked forward to this mystery soup. On the other hand, my friend couldnt bring herself to eat...
What You Can Buy for 21 Dollars
I really understand your dilema, Tanya. I am disabled also and receive SS Disability benefits of less than $425 a month. It makes no sense to me that we are punished if we earn any money at all. The only way it can be done w/o penalty is to be paid in cash...
Gift Ideas for a Company Christmas Party Gift Exchange?
I have gotten 2 super gifts this way: a bound journal and a pair of coffee mugs.
Wax Paper and Curtain Rods
When I first read this I laughed. It sounds too simple to be true...It worked like a charm! It also works on shower curtain rods.
Petroleum Jelly Stains?
I would try a drop or two of Dawn dishwashing liquid because it cuts through anything in the kitchen that gets oil or grease on it.
Reheating Refrigerated Bread
Another way to bring them back to original state is to moisten a paper towel and wrap the bread or muffin, etc. in it. Nuke it for 10-15 seconds and you are all set.
Overweight Dogs?
My vet recommended cutting back on kibble and adding green beans to help my Pomeranian lose weight. She gets treats occasionally, but if you ask her if she wants a carrot she runs to the refrigerator and waits. She also likes apples - one or two small bites...
What is the best way to wash produce?
Why on earth would you want to wash food in soap??? Even the vinegar would change the natural flavor of the fruits and vegetables.. The most exotic thing I add to cool or tepid water is salt. This is best for things like leeks and cabbage and loose greens like...
What can I do with old magazines?
One other place that could use reading material is the shelter for abused women. They appreciate anything to get their minds off their ordeals. Often they will have children with them ranging in age from infants to teens. Any time you have an opportunity to...
Can you refreeze bread?
You can refreeze bread, bagels and English muffins without concern. We like to switch from one type to another so we freeze the ones we arent using. We prefer toasted bread products anyway so we just pop them in the toaster to thaw. You may want to toast them...
Lady (Pomeranian)
Tiffany is a 3 year old Pom who allows my husband and me to live with her as long as we feed her and rub her belly. She also poses for pictures. She weighs 8 pounds when shes had a haircut and 10 when she hasnt!
Ants In Stored Cereal?
Those ants are probably weevils. These tiny beetles love cereal, flour, pancake mix or any other grain product. They are known carriers of E. coli so immediately toss anything that is even suspicious! You will have to thoroughly clean the containers. Use bleach...
Sticky Kitchen Cabinets?
I agree that Dollar Trees Awesome Cleaner is the best product to use, however, I recommend that you spray it on a cloth or rag and not on the wood itself. I usually dilute Awesome before use.
Removing Bugs From Your Car?
My husband drives a cab that he has to clean after each ride. He asked me to make up my special glass cleaner because it works better than the products the company had purchased. I mix a few drops of Dawn liquid dishwashing soap with about a tablespoon of ammonia...