Alternative to a Pop Top Canopy for Outdoor Vendor?
Have you considered oil or plastic tablecloths? They are usually inexpensive in dollar stores and if you need a larger one, you can buy two or three of them and sew them together. If you have an army navy surplus store near you, they sometimes carry canvas...
Boots from Old Sandals and a Sweater
I think I love you. LOL. In an insane moment. I bought these red boots a few years ago and never wear them because they are way too bright. Now I can cover them with knit sleeves from an old sweater and only have the shoe part red. I think that would make them...
Crafts Using Old Clothing?
My fav recycle from a T shirt, is cutting the sleeve out of the Tshirt, right at the arm seam and you have an immediate cute little head covering with no sewing involved. You can embellish it or cut slits in around it and pull through a piece of the bottom...
Bottlecap Christmas Tree
I really like this craft because it is so versatile. It would work with Easter paper and make it in the form of egg, maybe or for birthdays with birthday paper in round shapes to make coasters for the birthday table. Thanks.
Clay Pot Angels
These are so cute. Thanks, I am going to make a few of these. I hope they turn out as cute as yours.
Label Corner of Fitted Sheet
This is one of my duh moments. Why didnt I think of this myself. LOL. Voting for this tip. : )
Bedding Color Advice for Bedroom With Grey Walls and Brown Carpet?
I think something in the peach or coral famly would be lovely.
My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun Family
Im sorry your life has not been in the heart of a family the way you deserved. I had a few of those problems too but I feel I grew stronger and learned how to look after myself in a way I would never have at home. I learned to be frugal at an early age. I learned...
Homemade Air Freshener
You can also add a capful of alcohol and it will do the same thing. It will also make the spray dry a little faster when it hits the air.
Frozen Graham Cracker Sandwiches
Good idea. I have thought about using frozen yoghurt but cool whip would be even better and making them low calorie is a very good idea.
Removing Grease Film on Ceiling Fan?
I agree. If we all would just add dusting our blinds and ceiling fans to our dusting routine we could avoid having to clean this items. But like everyone else, I forget and when it gets bad, I find the only thing that works, is Awesome, a cleaner from the dollar...
Use Unlit Incense to Scent a Room
I use to do this too but now I use the reeds with aroma oil. You dont have to light those either and if you turn them over once a week, they will scent for a long time.
Store Sheets Inside Pillowcases
I have seen this tip around for years but never did it. So, of course this one is the one that counted for me. Im happy you won.
Uses for Plastic Cutting Mats
Love this idea. I have some of those wire shelves too. Now, that you have reminded to look at these in a different way, I am definitely going to get a pack of these the next time I am out. Thanks.
Store Appliances in Pillowcases
Using the boxes is too late for me, but it is a good idea to remember for the future. I think using old pillowcases this way is a great idea. I have lots of them and was just getting to give them all away. Perhaps Ill keep a few to put on my appliances. It...
Removing Cooking Grease Spatters from Window Glass?
I have a greasy range hood. I am going to give both those ideas a try to see which one works better. Thanks.
Create Your Own Quick Bread
I am going to try this. I see someone already has so I am voting for you for the contest. I am thinking about trying mollases and Dr Pepper to see how it turns out. I will also add some dried fruit chopped fine too. Let you know how it turns out.
Cheddar and Cornmeal Mini Dumplings
These sound wonderful. I think they would be good to use in place of tacos in taco soup.
Buying Cheap Milk?
I dont live in Texas but here on the Gulf Coast, we find the cheapest place is always Sams Club. So, if you have one in your area, you might want to check there.
Frozen Orange Juice Jelly
I havent tried this yet but I can see how it would work great and I imagine it is really good. I am going to make these as gifts. I love orange marrmalade so this has to taste good.
Hot Caramel Dumplings
I cant wait to try caramel dumplings. I make fruit juice dumplins a lot. I use fruit juice saved from cans of fruit I open and when I get enough, I make these. The juice should be put in a glass jar or plastic with lid but it will keep a couple of weeks as...
Scenery: Abandoned House
I have always been drawn to abandoned houses. I guess like everyone has said, it is the history in those old walls. Ill bet life was not easy for the people who lived here. It looks rural so they must have worked hard to make a living. IT doesnt mean they werent...
Use Matches for Room Deodorizing
Yes, they do clear the air of bad smells. I keep a box on the top of my toilet tank. Youd be amazed how many people learned this trick from their Grandmothers. I think my guests appreciate it and saves them embarrassment if they have to go. Some will use the...
Uses for Old Latex Gloves
I use the yellow ones that have the little raised surface to wipe cat hair off my dining room chairs. It works really great. Just put it on and wipe away. I dont know why it works but it does.
Cleaning Permanent Ink Off a Dry Erase Board?
How clever to figure that out. Ive done the same thing wth a sharpie but never thought to do that. That little smiley face stayed there for the duration of the board. : ) My DH has a bad habit of rubbing the message off with his hand, which of course makes...
Maid Rites
This will be a great way to do my ground beef to put it up in freezer bags. Then when I get ready for a sandwich or a taco or whatever, there it is, thaw and add sauce. Thanks. I never thought of steaming my ground meat. Im not familiar with Maid Rites sandwiches...
Selling Homemade Condiments?
You can usually get away with selling candy or homemade jams and jellies or even some bakery products like cupcakes or mufins if you are selling for a non profit such as a charity but they will probably stop you if you are out to make a profit. Better to know...
3 or 4 Ingredient Recipes?
Yeah, like that! Thanks. Ill try this. Peanut butter cookies are one of our favorite cookies.
3 or 4 Ingredient Recipes?
Kaelle, that is fascinating. This is exactly what I am looking for. I knew there had to be people out there who had come up with formulas for cooking or easy to remember recipes. I have been using a cookie recipe for years based on ones. 1 stick butter 1 cup...
3 or 4 Ingredient Recipes?
Bonnielou...Ill look for that. I say if you can make a dish for supper with three ingrdients, why go to more trouble. Save those hours for cooking things you really like to cook. I do enjoy cooking but sometimes I love to have some no brainer dishes to make...
Never Fail Banana Bread
The great thing about a recipe like this, I have everything I need to make this most of the time. Thanks.
"5S" Your Way to an Organized Life
Although I use as my go to place for staying organized, I am always interested in anything I might have missed. Getting organized can change your life and make it so much easier. Thanks.
Uses for Overripe Bananas?
Wonderful ideas. I freeze the whole banana too. My favorite way is in pancakes or muffins but I am going to try those puffs.
Persimmon Pudding
Thank you so much for this recipe. I have a lot of puree from persimmons in my freezer. This is the most basic recipe I have seen so far. I will have to try it without plain flour, I only have sef rising but if I leave out the leavning items, I think it will...
Ways to Make Christmas Less Lonely and More Fun?
We are more or less alone although my DH has a big family. We use to get together but now that everyone is older, they have their own Christmas at their homes. We try to find a free activity like a singing Christmas Tree or a living Nativity. Last year we went...
Budget Friendly Theme Trees
Great ideas. You can make a wreath out of pinecones by using a strofoam ring and just wiring the cones to to the wreath. Spary paint the whole thing with white paint and them sprinkl gold glitter on top. It turen out really pretty and cheap and easy. You can...
Scissor Pouch
This is a great idea. I think it would be cute if you just blanket stitched around it too. Love the idea of putting embroidery on it too.
How to Fill a Holiday Stocking for Free
Congratulations on winning the contest. I was a poor kid too and we did get an apple and an orange in my stocking. We got a handful of walnuts, some hard candy, some peppermint sticks, some soft penny candy like tootsie rolls, spice drops. And a small toy like...
Add Pumpkin Pie Spice to Coffee Grounds
This is a great idea. I can see where you could add cocoa powder to the grounds too. Or maybe a drop of rasberry flavoring along with the cocoa and you would have chocolate, raspberry coffee.
Using Basil?
My fav way is just to use the leaves like lettuce on tomato sandwiches. I also like to put sliced tomatoes on a plate, add some chopped basil and splash on some olive oil. Simple salad and so good. Anything wiith tomato is good with basil. I use it in stir...
Using Basil?
One thing I forgot to say. Once you plant the seed you will never have to buy it again. Just keep planting form those you dry. It is the easiest herb to grow and here on the Coast, it will grow all Summer if I keep the flower heads picked off, dont let it go...
Making Vegetarian Gravy?
Take 3 Tbsp. of oil and put in pan. Heat and add some mushrooms. Cook until light brown and remove. Add 3 Tbsp. of flour and stir until light brown. Add a can of Vegetable broth and put back your mushrooms. Cook down until as thick as you want. Add salt and...
Junior High Lemon Pie
Thanks, I will try this this Thanksgiving. I think this is like a recipe I use to have and lost. It was turned out perfect. : )
Freshen Sheets Every Morning
I use to put the bath powder between the mattress pad and the bottom sheet. It does smell good but since Fabreeze came out, I use that when I have it. I am partial to Yankee candle clean linen air freshener, to spray around in the room at night. It may not...
Decorating a White Bathroom?
Get some green plants in there. And some botanical prints for the wall would be nice. Put out some cheerful guest soaps in a pretty dish in your favorite color. Match it with toothbrush holder, cup and soap dish. If you have room for a hanging basket, this...
Deluxe Pecan Pie
This is so timely. DH just came home with a pail of pecans he picked up. Bless his heart, he is even shelling them because I promied him a pie. I may make miniture pies. He likes those. This will work either way. Thanks.
Butterscotch Bars
Hmm. This sound so good. I love butterscotch so I will get back to you when I make these. Maybe this week end. I lilke that it has all the things I normally have on hand.
Keeping Salt from Clumping in the Shaker
Yes, I do the same thing. I put a tsp of rice in the bottom of my shaker.
Nino (Yorkie/Poodle)
That looks so much like my little Tinker. You just dont get much cuter than this. And these little dogs are so loyal and loving and fun. Give Nino a hug from me.
Nino (Yorkie/Poodle)
I tried to rate, but it went to a page that wouldnt let me. Anyone else have this problem?
Urine Smell After Cleaning?
Once we bought a house that had a bad urine smell in it. I think it might have been from cats. We pulled out the walls and carpets but the odor was coming from the actual floor boards. We went to a Janitorial service and they sold us a bottle of something with...
Keeping Hot Wings Crispy?
Most wings are fried first, here in the South and then covered with sauce. Eventually they will get soft but if you eat them right away, they will stay crispy this way.
Mash and Freeze Sale Potatoes
What a great idea. Also will come in handy when I have potatoes trying to get eyes on me. I can cook them up before I lose them. Hey, I guess you could add butter and garlic or butter and cheese to your potatoes before you freeze them and have fancy potoatoes...
Pierogie Recipes?
Thank you all so very much. I didnt know these were Menonite. I somehow got it in my mind they were Polish. Thank you all so much. I am trying that first one tomorrow for lunch.
Pre-Cook Onions in the Microwave
Yes, yes, this is a great tip. I sometimes want a few cooked onions for a sandwich but dont want to drag out a skillet. Thanks.
Pierogie Recipes?
Lena, that doesnt sound strange at all. I use molasses and soy together in my BBQ sauce. I am putting that recipe in my files for the real thing. It doesnt sound any harder than my rolled dumpling recipe. Wow tons? Now I always have those on hand. My DH uses...
Pierogie Recipes?
So many great ways to fix these. Thank you. Not only am I going to try the suggestions but it has inspired me to try a few things on my own. I remember growing up, my Mama put cream of mushroom soup over chicken and baked it. Ill bet a can of Chili would taste...
White Pie
I couldnt copy that fast enough. Thank you so much. I had one like this years ago but lost it. Around the Holidays, I add cranberry sauce to the filling. It makes a great Holiday pie.
Princess (Sheltie Mix)
She is beautiful. I got my beautiuful Solo, a likttle mixed breed dog from shelter fourteen years ago. We just lost her in February. She brought so much fun and joy to our lives. Hang on tight to her and give her a kiss for me. You are blesses as is she.
Ladybug Bowling Ball
When I put the pic on the eyes were moving. I guess it didnt show up animated. Thats good. I didnt want them to move. A freind made them move as a joke. It was cute!
Recipes Using Chicken Drumsticks?
I like to dip them in flour, then in egg wash that has a little mustard added to it, leave our the yolks, it gets crisper that way, then dip in bread crumbs. Pop in over on a wire rack for about twenty minutes. Of course, the time depends on how big your leg...
Cucumber, Tomato and Onion Salad?
I large tomato 1 medium cucumber I small purple or Vidalia onion Chop up tomato into slices, slice the cuke into rings and slice the onion into rings. Put all together in plastic container with lid. Now add one TBS sugar and one TBS vinegar. I just use apple...
Fancy Pudding Dessert
I forgot to say the sour cream is the low calorie kind. I left out our favorite which is use sugar free banana pudding, put a couple of vanilla wafers in little round dessert dish, add the pudding, add some sliced banana and top with Kool whip.
Bubba's Chicken
I love this idea and thanks for the tip about he pickle buckets. My DH has a large grill which he doesnt get to use for the whole top very often. He will love this. Jane Mae. She tells you to baste every five minutes with the marinade. I also think the mop...
Making EZ Stretchable Hair Combs
That is a good idea. I love the combs. They can change so so hair into a hairstyle in just a second. Irisbird. What a great idea using necktie ends for scrunchies. That would save a lot of time and they will be so pretty. Most ties are silk anyway so thats...
Juice Can Lid Wind Chimes
I love, love this idea. It is great looking, cheap, and easy. Right up my alley. And the great thing is, you cant tell it has such common beginnings.
Paper Bead Roller Tool (Bead Crafter)?
Etsy sells them. They have several sellers on there. I always use a nail. The beads dont stick and you can get any size you need.
Substitute Cheezits for Ritz Crackers in Casserole
Wow, that is a great idea. I usually use saltines in place of ritz, but now I have another option.
What Breed is My Dog?
That is the sweetest looking little face. I just love him. My Mama used to say about a dog with mixed breeds in him, He is a Heinz 57 breed..LOL...after the steak sauce. Yours doesnt look mixed though. He looks almost exactly like Scooby. Both are beautiuful...
Getting Rid of Ants With Vinegar?
I use the little ant motels. They are put out by the same company that makes the roach motels that work so well. Combat is the name of the company and you can find them in any home improvement store, grocery store, most dollar stores, or walmart. They are pretty...
Last of the Lettuce Soup
This is a lot like the end of garden soup, I make at the end of the season. I gather everything that is still in the garden, come in and chop it really fine and add it to chicken broth. And I mean anything that is left. Last year it was little green tomatoes...
Selling Empty Prescription Bottles?
You can cut the top and bottom off and make rings out of them, not for your finger, but rings to make mobiles or ornaments for a Christmas tree. Just glue little birds or something inside the rings after you spray them gold or silver, Add a hanger and hang...
Abused Dog with Separation Anxiety?
I dont know if you would want to do it, but we got another little dog to keep our sweetie company. That seemed to calm him down. He would still get anxious once in a while and run behind the couch when we were leaving, but his distructive behaviour of pulling...
Bugs in the Pancake Mix?
You have to be careful with things like granola bars too. It is best to keep any bar or cookie made from whole grains in the freezer or fridge. Even some cereals like corn chex, etc will get bugs. Always check before you cook or eat anything to do with grains...
Making Cake Mixes Taste Better
You can use fruit juice instead of the water too. I like to use pineapple in a coconut cake. Orange is good in a yellow cake.
Looking for Easy Low Calorie Recipes
Thanks. Those do look good. I would not have thought to look at the Pillsbury site. I equate them with baking and high calorie. Thanks. Soup to start a meal is something I had heard about but just never tried. This seems to be the meal but I think it is a good...
Looking for Easy Low Calorie Recipes
Wassrunk, thanks, that does sound very simple and easy to do. I love chicken, and I think that frozen carrot, onion, celery, broccoli, mix is really good, so I am going to do this for supper. I have convinced my DH that taking some thighs and breast and cutting...
Looking for Easy Low Calorie Recipes
Thanks crazylady. You know, I always forget about the name brand sites and the food chains like Winn-Dixie and Food Gaint. They all have recipes on their web sites. I love the internet. : ) I am so happy I joined this site. You guys rock!
Recipes Using Ritz Crackers?
Girl Scout Thin Mints 1/2 lb Melting Chocolate baking chocolate OR Andrea chocolate with mint 2-3 drops peppermint extract 1 package Ritz cracker Directions 1 Melt Chocolate over low heat. 2 Add 2 to 3 drops of Peppermint oil. 3 You do not need alot so make...
Satisfy Sweet Cravings With Dried Fruit
I love dried fruit. My fav is dried papaya or mangoes. I love prune bits too but you sure cant eat many of those or else you will spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I love raisins mixed with anything salty so I mix those little chex cereals mix, with a handful...
Bake a Few Potatoes Ahead
I didnt know you could freeze baked potatoes. I guess you can though because I buy all those double loaded frozen potatoes all the time. Thanks. Maybe I will try freezing my own double loaded, say bacon and cheese. Hmm. Nice to have those on hand. There are...
Try Tobacco String Instead of Crochet Thread
I am going to look for this. This is the first time I have heard of this. I love thread. : )
"No Peel" Hard Boiled Eggs
I thought that was for getting the egg out of a shell from an egg that hadnt been cooked. Ill have to give it a try for boiled ones.
Restore Paint Brushes With Vinegar
You dont say if this is for oil based paint or latex. I am guessing it is probably oil based paint though. I keep my brushes in the freezer if I am not through using them, and will need them the next day. I just put them in clingwrap and take them out of the...
Chocolate Mint Cookies
Sounds great. I have the original recipe too. It just has melted chocolate, crackers and peppermint drops. Ill have to fool around with this one. I think orange would taste good in the fondant instead of mint.
Use a Hanging Towel in the Kitchen
I just use a regular towel rack in between my Fridge and the end of the counter. I still do dishes by hand unless its a Holiday, only two of us, so I can hand my dish cloth and a dish towel there. I get the smaller one, I think it is for hand towels, not the...
Keeping Buns Warm in a Crockpot?
I like the idea of warming buns in a crock pot. Another idea is to use one of those casserole dishes that comes with the warming pad. You know, the kind that looks like a brief case and zips up.
Use a Paper Towel Tube for Vacuuming
I love the clever ideas I get from this site. All the people on here are just smarter than the average bear. LOL.