Cat Won't Eat Dry Food?
Not all cats will eat dry food. You say you need him to eat dry food, but my guess is you want him to for your own convenience. If he is used to eating wet food, feed him that. If the problem is that he wont eat anything, switch to Lactaid milk. Adult cats...
Mama Cat Keeps Dividing Litter into Two Groups?
Is it possible there were two fathers? Cats can have litters with multiple fathers. Its possible shes separating them into genetic groups. This will be apparent by their smell. Sometimes toms will kill the kittens of competing toms. (They can tell by the smell...
House Trained Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?
This is a new territory for your dog. There are phantom animals around- a cat he still smells and next door dogs he can smell and clearly hear but cant always see. These animals were there first and so he is not confident. Take the dog out for walks around...
My 7 Month Puppy is Waking Up in the Middle of the Night?
Is this peeing or pooping? If its pooping, Its likely the food you are feeding has too many fillers in it. Try to gradually switch to a higher quality food with more meat and meat protein. Fillers should be lower on the list of ingredients. This includes soy...
Getting All of the Stick Deodorant Out of the Container?
I recommend using a gel deodorant. Ive never had this problem with a gel. Also, dry deodorants crumble and can leave telltale white residue on clothes. There are many clear gels available.
Getting Rid of Crows?
Heres some information on getting rid of crows.
Repairing the Seam in an Air Bed?
This happened to me a lot when I slept on an air bed as my main bed. The large bump would pop up near one of the inner circles or designs. Unfortunately I never found anyway to fix it. Generally more seams would pop until it was pretty much unusable. Sorry...
What Breed Is My Dog?
Im seeing Golden Retriever/German Shepherd. Though I think the dad was probably a mix. German Shepherd/lab mix, maybe. Thats my best guess.
Value of LP Vinyl Records?
This will depend partly on age and condition. There are several different records with a similar name. Youll need to know: What label, what year, and what condition grade. Heres a good place to look it up: Or: http://www.vinylrecordfair...
Dog Barks and Acts Aggressively When Someone Enters a Room?
The dog simply needs training. You have to teach him to sit and stay when anything comes by the door or window. Tell him to lie down until the other dog or person has passed. If he runs to the door barking when someone knocks, make him sit and stay or lie down...
Caring for a Puppy Recovering from Parvo?
Go ahead and give him canned dog food or puppy chow softened with water.
Curtain and Accent Pillow Color Advice?
The curtains seem dated and the pillows lack drama. Id use burgundy curtains to match the wall and blue and white patterned cushions similar to the pattern of the rug.
Crate Training a Shorkie?
Shorkies respond well to exercise in the form of play. If you take out a shorkie, run with him instead of walking to get him started. Dont expect him to take the lead. Shorkies are people pleasing dogs and respond well to leadership from an owner. So it could...
15th Birthday Party Ideas?
You can do bowling, indoor ice skating, Old fashioned rolling skating if your friends have them. Have you ever tried horseback riding? If there is any facility near you bring just a few close friends. Spa day with a few friends as well, if its girls only. Is...
Training a Puppy Not to Chew?
She is teething. Provide things that are safe to chew on. Remove other things from her reach. Try not to leave clothes lying around and shoes outside closets. For biting: Yell Ouch! In a high pitched voice when she bites or even nips. Never just pull your hand...
Dog Started Peeing Inside at Night?
Have you crate trained your dogs? It may be territorial behavior if you have stray dogs in your area. Your dogs can hear and smell them from inside the house. Generally speaking, crated dogs feel safer at night and this can stop the behavior. Dogs prefer to...
Cat Peeing on Sofa?
She may dislike her litter boxes. Many cats prefer an uncovered litter box in a semi-private area. In a covered box they may feel they are going to be jhumped by something. Can the cat see into the yard from downstairs? are there stray cats coming by? Sometimes...
Dog Pees and Poops on Floor When Left Alone?
Small dogs that youre with nearly all the time often feel stress when you leave, even for a minute. The dog needs to be taught she wont die just because youre not there. Its best for your dog to have a crate. It should be just big enough for your dog to turn...
6 Week Old Puppy Has Blood in Stool?
Ice cream has additives and a lot of sugar. It isnt considered good for dogs. Its unusual for puppies to be lactose intolerant, but cows milk has large proteins which can be difficult to digest. Biscuits are junk food for dogs and should be given rarely. Try...
Stopping Dog from Pooping on Pavers?
Many people have a designated pooping spot for their dog. There are two benefits to this. One, there is a smaller space to clean up. No dog poop land mines. Second, the dog gets used to pooping there and it saves your concrete, asphalt, etc. Use an area youve...
Funeral Costs Responsibility?
Note: On second reading, you say you signed a Death Certificate? What was that? It doesnt seem likely you signed a death certificate. You need to find out what you signed.
Funeral Costs Responsibility?
Did you sign a contract with the funeral director to pay for funeral services? Did you sign anything at all? If you did, was it entitled Statement of Goods and Services? That form lists the prices next to the services and merchandise that were selected. (The...
Caulking and Repainting a Shower?
I agree with Judy, this should not have started to come apart so quickly. You should hold the company responsible to a standard of quality. They need to address this issue.
Puppy Has Diarrhea and Blood in Stool?
I would definitely take him to the vet for a check-up. In the meantime, boiled white rice and boiled unseasoned chicken should be fine, along with Pedialyte to rehydrate him.
Lightening a Viscose Top with Bleach?
Send it back. If they try to tell you something to make you drop it, you can report this to Ebay and they will certainly make the seller give you a refund. Ebay is usually on the side of the buyer in disputes, and it sounds like you have a legitimate grievance...
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
The parents may have been purebred. Or maybe not. They may also have not been the real parents of the dog. There is no real way to tell without a DNA test. However, if you are happy with your dog, it wont much matter if he is purebred.
Identifying a Houseplant?
It is a nice little bromeliad. They generally require conditions similar to the orchid. Here is a link to its care.
What Is This Houseplant?
It probably is a star Jasmine (or Confederate Jasmine). It generally is grown outdoors because it requires full sun and shelter. And because it is a climbing plant.
House Trained Dog Wetting on Dog Bed and Fabric?
I doubt this has anything to do with the kennel or the spay surgery. It is a well-known problem that arises from dominance. Dominance doesnt always look like aggression. It can be as simple as marking her territory with pee. Here is some advice about this type...
Identifying a Calla Lily Variety?
A double calla lily is a mutation. Its basically a twin lily. The variety is probably White Spotted leaf Calla Lily (Zantedeschia albomaculata). You just have a very unusual one.
Male Cat Peeing on Kitchen Counter?
He is nervous about his new territory and marking it. The higher up he is the safer hell feel. I cleaned out the cabinet above the fridge, put a small blanket in it and leave one door open, the door next to the wall. I suggest you do this. Get him also a very...
Power of Attorney for Parent's Finances?
I have to third this advice. If these are small amounts she can do as she likes, but if bills arent getting paid, this is a problem. She also needs money for food and medicine. Try to gather as many unpaid bills and unfilled prescriptions as you can and see...
Treating a Dog for Skin Irritation from Grooming?
Dogs can get clipper burn from blades that are too dull, blades that are too hot, or clips that are too close. Or the dog may just be very sensitive. Aloe Vera treatment for sunburn, the one with Lidocaine in it, will probably fix the problem. In the future...
What Is This Houseplant?
Yeah, its a corn plant. Heres the care on that:
Murphy's Oil Soap Damaged Cabinets?
I agree that it has gone through to the wood. What youre seeing is a circle of wear around your cabinet handles where your hand wears off some of the finish. That allowed the moisture to get down to the wood. I would try a hair dryer on low heat or just not...
Planting Red Maple Seeds in a Hot Climate?
You probably wont get a tree. When I was young I lived In North Carolina which is warm and humid. Now I live in Colorado where it is cool and dry. As you might guess, most plants from my home state simply wont grow here. But people have found alternative trees...
Identifying a Houseplant?
Here are a few plants with red feathery blooms. Celosia: Astilbe: Bromeliad:
Grandma and Grandson Not Speaking?
I dont like to be the odd one out here, but there is more than one side to every story, so playing Devils Advocate is sometimes helpful. It isnt clear how your son went about this. Did he disappear suddenly and grandma didnt know where he was? Or did he excuse...
Dog Peeing Inside at Night?
This sometimes happens when the youngest dog gets old enough to present a challenge to the perceived authority of an older dog. An older dog used to being the boss doesnt like it when a young one with a strong personality gets older. The peeing is a form of...
New Adult Dog Peeing Inside?
I agree he is afraid to be left alone. Kennel him while you are both away. Also, leave the TV on.
Training a Dog to Use Piddle Pads?
I would use the litterbox. It is better than pads for a reason. Pads can confuse dogs because youre basically teaching your dog to go on the floor. Thats whats confusing your dog. You are basically teaching him that now its okay to go on the floor. Many dogs...
Lightening Dark Brown Hair?
Youre adding color on top of color on top of color, so obviously it isnt going to get any lighter. Id wait until what youve done washes out, then try to lighten using highlights. It will look more natural that way anyway.
Helping a Shy Dog?
Watch your own behavior around him. When he hears a stomp or noise he will react. Youll feel bad for him. You may lean towards him, or say Its Okay, or pet him. When you do this you are actually reinforcing his fear. I know thats hard to believe but its totally...
Cleaning Dog Urine Off of CDs?
I always just soak in warm (NOT hot) soapy water, rinse, and dry with a very soft cloth.
What Is This Houseplant?
Light green peperomia Pixie. Here is the care:
Repotting an African Violet?
Yes, if it hasnt been done within the year. Professional growers re-pot once or twice a year.
What Is This Houseplant?
This is a Yucca variety. It strongly resembles a corn plant but isnt one. Here is some care: And:
Caring for a Puppy Recovering from Parvo?
1. Put pedialyte in her water. 2. Very small amounts of wet canned food, a little at a time. Stop if she throws it back up.
Donation for Quilting Material to Sew for Charity?
Do you have a local Senior Center? Many seniors do needlework and crafts and tend to collect stuff over the years. Maybe they would be glad to go through their stashes to help sick kids.
Shopping for Walmart Masterchef Coffee?
A lot of people believe they discontinued it. I just went to their website and was able to add it to my cart, though I didnt try checking out. So maybe it was a supply problem? Anyway, this is the link:
What Is Cornstarch (USA) Called In England?
We actually have several designations of milled corn they dont have in the UK. Thats because they arent really big growers and users of corn like we are here. Other grains are more common.
What Is Cornstarch (USA) Called In England?
What we call cornstarch in the US is called cornflour in the UK.
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
This might help, too.
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
I see a lot of Labrador in your Pit Bull! Here are some images to compare. You have a Pit Lab.
Ex-bait Dog Attacked My Other Dog?
Your dog has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Im sure he wants to just get along, but every once in a while he has flashbacks and sees those other dogs as his attackers and tormentors. So, in his mind, he is defending himself. Unless you have experience with...
Treating a Puppy with Diarrhea?
This could be a milder case of parvo or distemper. It could also be just a case of not being mature enough to digest kibble yet. Most kibbles have many grain fillers like corn and soy. So do biscuits. Puppies digestive systems are delicate and they sometimes...
Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?
Humping, peeing on your stuff, and growling when you pick him up are all signs of dominance. As another commenter pointed out, we tend to treat these cute little dogs as our babies. But this is not a human baby. It is a nearly grown member of another species...
Identifying Houseplants?
I think your first one is a Hens and Chicks. So named because if you pot this in a bigger pot the larger plant (hen) will make little identical tiny offspring (the chicks). The second one is a type of Echeveria succulent known as Topsy Turvy. Here is a guide...
Treating House After Dog Had Parvo?
Your dog will be immune. However, other dogs that come in will not. So until youve followed the instructions in the articles linked above to clean your home, dont let any other dogs come to visit.
Free Furniture After Bed Bug Infestation?
First: Get on your local buy/sell or Swap pages on Facebook. Search for these using your town, city and county names. When you join all of them, ask your community for help. Second: Local churches sometimes will take up a love offering for community members...
Slogan for Cleaning Service?
Our reputation is spotless. We dont cut corners, we clean them. Because you have better things to do. Lifes busy. We can help.
Neutering a Male Pit Bull to Reduce Aggression?
It might help. Neutering the dog lowers the testosterone levels. Dogs and other mammals with lower testosterone levels tend to be calmer and less aggressive.
Effect of Freezing on Vitamin C in Carrots?
About 25% of the vitamin C is lost during the blanching process that is done before foods are frozen. Still, on the whole, freezing them is better than letting them go to waste.
What Is The Name Of This Fern?
It is probably a Boston fern. It looks like one, and those are likely to be sold in pots.
New Puppy Not Eating?
Puppies frequently freak out when changing hands. It isnt just the new environment, its the loss of mom and siblings. Consider being away from your family for the first time as a child. You can feed your puppy boiled rice with boiled unseasoned chicken. If...
Finding Inexpensive Pet Clinic?
If he was in good health and well taken care of he was not likely a stray. He was a lost pet. Did you post flyers? Call nearby vets and animal shelters to let them know you had the dog? Get him checked for a microchip? If not, do all of that now. Go out and...
What Breed Is My Puppy?
It looks mostly black heeler with some Golden. Ill bet one parent was a heeler and one was half and half.
Holy Communion Speech Ideas?
It is a real pleasure to have you all here to celebrate this occasion. Today is a day (child) will cherish and remember for the rest of (his/her) life. Words cannot express how grateful we are to have such loving friends and family to support and encourage...
Keeping Cat Off Furniture?
This is what cats do. They like to be up high. Some owners install carpeted shelves specifically for their cat. If you live in a rental this wont work, though. Generally speaking, dont have anything on dressers or the very top of furniture. At least nothing...
Using Salt in a Septic Tank?
This isnt a term Ive heard of. It isnt recommended to use any type of salt in your septic tank. Some people add treatments to the septic tank but they are considered unnecessary and generally speaking do not work. See this link:
House Cleaning Fee?
Charge by the hour. The man could be a hoarder or have an infestation. Maybe not, but to avoid having to do hours of extra work for no extra pay, use an hourly rate that is competitive with prices in your area.
What Breed Is My Cat?
Yeah, my cat had a pointy face and huge ears when she was little, but just grew into them. Now her face is rounded. Siamese tend to be loud and talkative, thats true. They also have dexterous paws. I think this cats paws seem normal. And hell probably grow...
Is Ocean Pine Oil a Solvent?
All cleaners are technically solvents, since they have the ability to dissolve dirt and grime. Water is a solvent. If your cleaner claims to contain no solvents, it is lying to you. The phrase appeals to consumers of natural products but is actually meaningless...
What Breed Is My Cat?
I honestly dont see siamese. I think you have a domestic shorthair. Pretty cat.
What Is This Houseplant?
It appears to be a String Of Pearls plant. First, dont overwater. These need very little water. If its getting stringy, cut the ends off and stick them back into the soil to re-root.
Training a Dog Not to Lick People?
First, dont let him get in your face. As he is coming into your face, say, Sit! If he has not been taught to sit, start this right away. Also, dont let him jump up on people. Use the Sit! command for this as well. (Note: Dont pull away or walk backwards. Stand...
Curtain and Rug Color Advice?
Red goes with these colors. It will keep everything in your house from being a little too monochromatic if you go with red curtains and maybe a rug with a modern circle or geometric black and red or white and red design.
Keyboard Letters Wearing Off?
Try using a silver or gold paint pen and carefully paint them back on. If you can print neatly this is probably your cheapest option.
House and Pad Trained Dog Pooping Elsewhere?
Training dogs to go on pee pads isnt such a great idea. Some dogs will do fine and understand they should go only on the pads. Others will not get that. they will go on pads and anything pad-like such as rugs and blankets. Basically youve taught your dog that...
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
I do not know if this is a Pit Bull. But, please do not breed your dog. Dog breeding is more exact than you think. You do not just need to know what breed your dog is. You also need to know it is purebred. Papers are important to prove this. You also need to...
Handling Financial Transactions for Incarcerated Parent?
I wouldnt worry too much. Most people have little to no warning theyll be incarcerated and their finances arent set up for it, but life goes on in the meantime and somebody has to make those payments. If anyone asks, just say your mother is incarcerated and...
Finding Free Yarn for Personal Use?
I live in Woodland Park, too. No, really. So, heres what you do: Get on Woodland Park Community Page on Facebook. If they ignore you I can recommend you since Im on the page. You can ask there if anyone has extra yarn. Ill bet youll get a lot. There is also...
Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
Sounds good. The main thing is keeping her hydrated. If youre working hard to help her keep fluids down chances are your dog will recover.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Where do you live, Nicole? Some people might be willing to come pretty far to pick him up. Can you google pit bull rescues in your state? I agree you should not advertise on Facebook or Craigslist. Some really nice seeming people will pick him up, promise to...
Choosing a Climbing Ivy for Covering a Fence?
Try honeysuckle, clematis, trumpet vine, morning glory, golden hops (Humulus lupulus Aureus), jasmine, Abutilon Kentish Belle, Nasturtium Flame Thrower, sweet pea, or decorative gourds.
Buying Coal to Use in Wood Burning Stove?
Try Fireplace Warehouse, (719) 593-0355 or Front range Fireplace and Stove, (719) 570-7611
Stopping Nail Biting?
This is a nervous habit from an excess of stress. Have you tried SSRIs for anxiety at all? Any obsession, such as nail biting, eating hair, scratching causing bleeding, etc. is usually treated with this medication.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Yeah, I do see it. The problem with these ordinances is that there are no real guidelines for determining what is or is not a pit bull. So if an official looks at the dog and sees pit bull, thats what it is. You could contest it but youd lose. This is very...
Rights of Person Holding a Power of Attorney?
First, have your friend call law enforcement and have her explain (succinctly and not emotionally!) that the house is her daughters, the things are her daughters, but there is a tenant that wont let her in. Shed like the police to go with her and help her gain...
Oil as Substitute for Butter in Baking
This will work in only some recipes, and may not work at all in baked goods. Oils and fats play an important role in baking and some types of cooking. No-fat yogurt may leave you with a failed recipe and wasted ingredients.
Rooting a Piece of a Texas Sage Plant?
That might depend. There are two plants commonly called Texas Sage. Do you know which one you have? Im going to assume you have the shrub 2 to 5 feet tall and 4-6 feet in width that is called Texas Sage. If it is, you should be able to root and save your plant...
Treating a Dog's Itchy Ears?
Heres the problem: You dont know if its ear mites, an infection or what. so how you treat it will depend on what it is, and you dont know what it is. You say she has developed her character but in reality a Husky Lab mix should be a friendly, people-loving...