Using Laundry Detergent Bottle To Water Birds?
There are a lot of articles and literature that say that plastic holding detergent are not safe to reuse for anyone because the molecules bond to the plastic and leach out into whatever liquid is in them next. One piece of literature I read said they do that...
Identifying Glasses?
I strongly recommend taking these to a vintage dealer who knows old glassware. While they could well be Alberto Culver cotton boll, the top doesnt look right (too thin) but it could just be the photo. The base also doesnt look quite right (not thick enough...
Value of Porcelain Dolls?
Your dolls are most likely from the 1980s. The (at the time) more expensive brands like Danbury Mint marked the dolls on the back of the neck, butt, or back. Did you check for markings other than the number you are offering? Where did the number come from--a...
Is This Figurine Valuable?
Having been a life long seller of old things, I would like to offer a little guidance on trying to sell this piece. Before you try to sell the piece, see if you can find a museum or African American organization to donate this piece to or get their guidance...
Information About Noritake Nippon China?
I believe your pattern referred to on Replacements.Com as Mystery #70 They have some for sale on the site if you are looking to replace pieces.
Identifying A Stuffed Dinosaur?
While not 100% positive, I believe your gfs dinosaur is a dragon. I think it is a Peponi Fat Dragons Lulu. This person has one for sale on eBay at the moment (NOT MINE): It gives measurements and more details so you can...
Value of Porcelain Doll?
Can you show the doll undressed--specifically the way the head attaches to the body? What is the body stuffed with? The body looks much too new to be an antique, although the head still could be having been modernized onto a new body if the original fell apart...
Value of Noritake China?
Your best bet if you want a true appraisal is to contact local antique shops in their town and ask who they use for written appraisals--such as for insurance value. I am assuming that is what you want? Your insurance company should also be able to give you...
Making a Jewelry Tree?
If I may offer one suggestion. I understand this is something very sentimental you want to do and make and will help your moms memory always be for a blessing, but I before you make the pieces into something, go through them carefully and look for markings...
Cleaning Ash From Porcelain Dolls?
Cybergrannie is correct. We would need a lot more info to give you an accurate answer. Are you trying to remove stains or odor or both? What material is the dolls body? Are the clothes synthetic or cotton or wool? You may need several different strategies to...
Cleaning a Plastic Tub?
These tubs are the worst!! When I had one in a rental I would fill the tub with hot water, tide and dawn and let it sit over night. It always came clean. I wish I knew the squeegee trick! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!!
Broken Fisher Price Record Player?
They are selling (sold) not asking for around $25 done with free shipping which means the seller is netting under $10. Personally unless you are an expert at fixing, best to either sell as is to someone who can fix it or wants it for parts and sell the records...
Use a Reacher for Dusting
Great tip! I have balance issues and get dizzy sometimes if I bend over wrong so I use mine often! Mine was a hand me down from a family member who had multiple ones and was downsizing. Free is good although $12 is a bargain for a good one! They can be expensive...
How Do I Sell My Dolls?
Do you just have cabbage patch dolls or porcelain dolls also? Do you have boxes and original clothes, certificates, etc.? If so, eBay is best after doing extensive research per doll to know going prices. If you have a bunch of played with dolls not boxes, missing...
Information on Old Cupboard or Dresser?
Just curious. Is this wood or metal? Is it a perfect rectangle or is the top or bottom a different length? Can you show a close up of the hinges and the locking mechanism? My first thought was handmade, but then my second thought was it was an old icebox that...
Aquafaba Substitute for Eggs
Thank you for this tip! Since we love chickpeas it is a win win for us. I always felt bad straining off the juice, but it seemed to gloppy for watering plants like I usually do with other canned veggies. Looking forward to trying this soon! You have my vote...
Information On Noritake China?
We just had someone else post what looks like the same pattern. I cannot see the photo clearly so if you want to check the answers and info if they are the same maybe that will help. Let us know if...
Identifying a Figurine?
Lefton used these colors a lot in their 1970s-1980s ceramics, however the eyes arent Lefton like. If you look at Lefton on Google images you will see the eyes are more stylized and yours are more primitive. Is there any ghosting of a sticker? Like a clean spot...
Is This Chair An Antique?
Are you in the US? Just curious as I have heard of these but never in my years of selling and junking have I seen one in the US. Its size is unusual. The examples in books are always adult sizes. Yours appears to be child size.
Value of Lexington Furniture?
I am trying to confirm this may be a 1999 piece. Reproduction to look old. If so, a good flea market flip paint will improve value. Can you tell me if the back is plywood or particle board or something else? Isnt fairly light weight? I am going to keep digging...
Identifying a Metallic Helmet Figurine?
Does a magnet stick to it? If you ping it with your finger does it have a bright sound or a full sound? Can you give measurements or add something like a soda pop can to give an idea of size? Maybe with more info, I can help figure out what you have. Thanks...
Identifying a Stuffed Toy?
I see his sweet face, but I think he was one of the trio of the Whimzy spa time set. Very cute!!
Where Is This Stuffed Animal From?
Your elephant is cute! To me he looks handmade. This gal makes one that looks very similar. If you feel it is a close match, maybe she can tell you who made the pattern. Are you trying...
Value of Pie Crust Table?
Ahh...this is a fairly new piece! Reproduction of the old style. The qc... quality check and made in China are the delineators. My guess is 1-15 years old. Values, as I said earlier are regional for newer, vintage, or antiques. Be sure to show those stickers...
Value of Pie Crust Table?
Are there any marks on the underside? It looks like someone who was pretty talented refreshed a Brandt (maybe) post 1950s pie crust table and rolled it up with an interesting paint job. This one is similar...I can not get a good look at the base of yours content...
Sealing a Gap at Base of Wooden Door?
First, before you attempt any fix, make sure you arent dealing with termites or other pests that are weakening the wood. Also make sure you are not dealing with water damage and that there is mold. For sure then if it more than just a broken corners from wear...
Homemade Lampe Berger Oil?
No!! Please do not deviate from the recipe and if recipe says you can, toss it and find a new one. We have a thread on this site which talked about home made oils. I share a very scary experience I had so I actually discourage people from even making homemade...
Pig Family Figurine?
I think this is from one of those ceramic painting places. I have seen a variety of these out there with different colors and various finishes. Roy is almost guaranteed just a guy having a fun day out and not prolific. The number is the code the firing place...
What Is This Plant?
Better pictures would help. From what I can see I would google variegated Hoya and see if that is a match. To me it looks like it could be a match. Maybe with better photos I would think differently. Thanks for sharing!
Value of Plush Lamb?
Well Made Toy MFG Corp item with their catchy motto of a happinesses aid is a toy well made have some plush that sell (not asking prices but actual sold) into the high $30s, if pristine. Values drop with condition. Some of their bears, elephants, dolls, and...
Sink Color With White Cabinets?
We did stainless when we decide our kitchen in 2016. It looked great when new but I struggle to keep it clean and not scratched and not spotted. I never thought I would miss my white ceramic sink. I guess it depends on your tolerance for upkeep. I used to have...
Value of Conant Ball Table?
I have seen people ask 2,000-2,500 for tables identical to yours. Much more if you have matching chairs. That said, I have not seen one sell so value is not confirmed... value is confirmed with some prices. If you want the best chance to get the most for it...
Son Giving Up Scholarship For Girlfriend?
Perhaps you and your son can have a neutral party like his guidance counselor discuss the situation so both can share concerns and both can feel heard and understood. Perhaps there is a door number 3 so to speak that will allow everyone to feel ok about things...
Value of Vintage Bedroom Set?
Furniture values are regional and supply and demand based. If you are in a place where there are ski lodges or chalets inn the mountains you could get more for the rustic style than you could in a city. Always start high, like $700 and then take best offer...
How to Clean Mouse Pee From Clothing Storage Dresser?
We had a mouse infestation in some things in our garage several years back. We used buckets filled with hot water, dawn dish soap...a squirt, tide...a squirt, and a cup of bleach. We wore heavy plastic gloves and hand scrubbed everything and we were able to...
Value of Collectible Coin?
The sold prices on ebay are 4.00 + 4 shipping to 11 .00 free shipping which averages to 9.50 minus fees. I took one in slightly better shape to a local shop last summer and got 3.00. I am a very long tenured ebay seller and but I will not do coins, purses, or...
Value of Noritake China? calls this pattern N1590, I believe. Please double check since it is easier to see fine details and compare your piece to a photo vs trying to compare photo to photo. If you go to the site these are the details if that is what you have: NORITAKE...
Information About Chair?
Can you add more photos? Side and underside, back and underneath. It is very challenging to tell age and confirm style from a single photo. Can you tell how its assembled... meaning screws or dovetail or wood pegs? What do the screws look like? What does the...
Information About Figurine?
To add..I think they made several similar versions so you will need to do apples to apples review to check hands dove foundation and flowers all match as well as height. A tip off that it could be an homage piece if the height of any charerstics are slightly...
Information About Figurine? She is the Grandeur Noel angel at fountain. If you can find one that has sold, that will be todays market value. She is very pretty.
Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
Can you state how tall she is? Are there eye lashes painted on? Is she bisque or ceramic? Are the shoes leather? Are her clothes hand made or machine stitched? Do the come off? Whats her body made of...fabric or leather and can you tell what she is stuffed...
Value of Old Books?
Its a misconception that books need to 100 years old to have value. Value is dependent on supply and demand. High demand and low supply can result in a high value and low demand and high supply can result in low value. Sometimes things are a hundred and have...
Value of Chinese Vase?
I found these vases that closely resemble yours. The are identified as 20th century presentation vases and this auction house estimates their value between 100 and 200 dollars. The estimate was from 2018, but values have not changed much since then. It would...
Using a Doll Bought On eBay?
As a small business owner, I will tell you what was recommended to me before I set up my business. Invest in time with a lawyer who specializes in what you are doing and follow their guidance to the letter. This is the only way you will be protected. Your lawyer...
Identifying Old Wooden Cabinet?
It appears to be a dry sink that someone has possibly stripped the top because the two woods are significantly different or appear so from the photos. I found this one that looks almost exactly like yours and you can see the wood is consistent: http://thriftstoredecorjunky...
Pineapple Cheesecake Recipe?
I will keep looking to see if I have anything else. I wasnt a big fan of springform pans so I doubt I will have it. Take care!!
Pineapple Cheesecake Recipe?
Could it be this one from a 1984 newspaper: Preheat oven to 375 degrees FOR THE CHEESECAKE PART 2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (not flavoring) 4--of the 3-ounce packages of cream cheese (not the whipped kind, the kind in foil packages or bars...
Identifying a Doll's Maker Mark?
She is Marie Osmonds peace rose bud doll. She sells for $10-$30 on ebay. Do you have the box and all original paperwork? Those sell near the $30; if anything is missing, they sell on the $10 end. Very cute!
Identifying A Stuffed Elephant?
Aww! This looks like a late 1940s-50s Gund elephant. Well loved and maybe minus a bit of stuffing. He seems to have the Gund outline from that era. Steiff had longer trunks often with a bend in them. Are you trying to replace him? I see them on eBay and Etsy...
Vintage Coffee Table?
I take extreme pride in my work and research and accuracy so I will apologize that I was wrong on this matter. This post is a lesson in the challenge of identifying furniture from photos and the importance of seeing a piece in person to give the most accurate...
Vintage Coffee Table?
Here is an example of a Chipandale leg. Please dont use that term to advertise your item if you are selling it.
Vintage Coffee Table?
I dont believe this style can be referred to as Chippendale. Chippendale legs are much more decorative and graceful. This link has photos of the typical leg that falls under this umbrella. If...
Vintage Coffee Table?
I am trying to find a photo to match to be sure, but it appears to be a Spanish/Mediterranean style piece with a crossbar base from the early 1970s. They came in walnut and pecan. Does yours have a Formica top (shiny feels different than the wood on the legs...
Information About Antique Bed
I took this to my mentors and they shared the definition of Eastlake which includes this line: Most of the decorative elements in Eastlakes style were through geometrically shaped brackets, SPINDLES, trestles, and other elements. Here is the full article: https...
Information About Antique Bed
Beautiful piece. Is it a twin or a double? A twin is easier to sell than a double or a twin and a half...or you might hear them called 3/4 size bed...that old, odd size is almost impossible to find a mattress which makes them lose value for that reason alone...
Information on Brandt Coffee Table?
Hi mellomain1996. I must apologize that I am not posting a photo. First, my sources are primarily paid subscription sites that I use for my reselling and virtual assistant businesses. For this particular research I was using The challenge with...
Value of Franklin Heirloom Doll?
Can you tell me what is on her certificate? Does it have a series or name? That will help me give you the most accurate value for her. Thank you!!
Information on Brandt Coffee Table?
Just wanted to add a few thing because I cant stop thinking about this table (I love the style and wish I had space in my house for it, but sadly I dont). The original ad for the table called it finished to reduce wear and hand rubbed with alcohol resistant...
Information on Brandt Coffee Table?
Ok. Saw it on the big screen. Yes, it has a trestle connection. It is from 1949, mahagony, had a glass top. The original newspaper ad calls it authentic 18th century design. The side pattern is called harp lyre. It is in the style of Duncan phyfe. As for value...
Information on Brandt Coffee Table?
Your table is a harp lyre style. I can't tell from my phone if it has a trestle connection. I am still digging through my records to find more info on year and value. Will post back.
Looking for a Stuffed Pig Toy?
I agree with little buddies by fiesta. Here is their pig Post back if this is it.
Information About Silver Serving Meat Tray?
There were a staple on many tables from the early 1900s to the 1960s. The center pattern is called the well and tree. Used to drain juices from meats. Most are plated silver usually marked epns electroplated nickel silver. I had a pewter one I could not give...
1985 Twin Cabbage Patch Dolls?
Can you show the signature on the butt and a picture of the doll? There are many variables so I want to give you the best info. Ty!
Information About Goldenvale Native American Doll?
Can you post a photo? I am thinking it is a bad repair job and not a factory mistake. I sold lots of these when I worked retail and mistakes like that never hit the floor. From what we learned, if there was a rare mistake, they were destroyed immediately. Sadly...
Identifying a Platform Rocker?
Eastlake is a brand and style of furniture from the 1800s. An expert will need to see your chair in person to determine if it is a real Eastlake or a style piece. Note that some people call style piece fakes. I take offense at that. They are real pieces by...
Information About Mersman Nesting Tables?
I found the original ad for them. They are circa 1964-1965 advertised in one place as mahagony finish with Formica finish tops to make them party proof. Interestingly enough another newspaper just says mahagony with Formica tops. They are the exact same item...
Value of China Plate?
I think your pattern is either Marigold or Virginia Rose. Homer Laughlin. If you go to you can compare the plate to their pictures. It is too dark for me to get the details. Post back which one it is. Also what size is it? I can help more with...
Identifying a Doll?
She may be a 1950s baby Ruth doll that someone has altered her brows and lashes. I need to see her on a bigger screen and find a reference document to confirm. Will post back when I can confirm.
Value of Doll?
Your doll is lovely. She was on the low end of the spectrum when new. Today they fetch $1-25 depending on the mood of the market. She can be advertised as a Victorian doll. If you sell her online she needs to be double boxed and each box needs at least good...
Treating Yorkie's Skin and Hair?
Please ask your vet to check before you give anything to the pup. Our boy has this and it was his thyroid. Hoping it is just dry skin and the vet will give you an easy solution. Be sure to ask for the correct amount of any treatment. Yorkies are tiny and too...
Identifying Figurines? These may be homage pieces to this set.
Brand of Stuffed Dog?
It may be a Goffa International pup. The face is not what I have seen with the big brands like Russ Berrie, Gund, Dankin, Pound Puppy or Beannies. I am not able to locate any of the old catalogs or ads. They were definitely sold in the US and in the NC/SC area...
Brainstorm: What makes the best stocking stuffers?
Starting to brainstorm for 2022! For adults....Stamps, socks, spices, lottery scratch tickets, and kitchen towels or sponges. No, not fancy, but useful an these were my most favorite gifts for 2021! For kids...candy, socks, and are much harder...
What Is The Age and Value of These Trays?
This is so cool! These kind of tea carts were popular in the 1920s and then came back in the late 50s early 60s. After that, the hand painted wood ones were replaced with more modern, sleek, metal and glass tea carts. Can you tell if yours had wheels (hole...
Should I Repair a Zenith Console Stereo?
Cool piece!! Are you an expert at fixing and do you have the parts in hand? If not, I would not bother for two reasons--one is people who buy these usually buy them for parts and the time to repair and finding the parts to repair if you dont have them, it will...
Gift for Adult Stepchild Who Never Visits?
Now that Christmas is over and all the gift pressure is off. Maybe it is time to sort out the roots of the situation and work to find a happy resolution for all in the future. Usually questions like this the gift giving ask here are just the surface of a complex...
Value of Porcelain Figurine?
I believe what you have is a Holland Mold figurine (this gal is similar--not exact--but the eyes are the giveaway to me that that is what you have): There is history...
Information About Ceramic Pot?
Pretty colors! Unfortunately there is not enough of a picture or not enough pictures to really see the piece and determine if it older or newer. Crazing (what you see on the bottom) can be machine made to make a piece LOOK old but it was made yesterday, so...
Value of Native American Doll?
It looks like you may have the smaller, Cathay Collection, 8 inch one. She sells on eBay (sold not asking) between 10 and 20 dollars + shipping. The higher amounts are usually for the ones that have the box and COA and are pristine. The larger one (16 inch...
Stuck Drawer?
Can you pull the drawer below it out? Sometimes if you gently giggle the drawer from below, it can be opened. If you cannot see the drawer from below, cold makes wood contract so if you are in a cold climate set it outside for 15 minutes on a dry day.
Cleaning a Flocked Wreath?
A picture would help to see exactly what you have. You can still buy spray flocking. Santa snow is one of the brands. That may be your best bet! Post back before and after pictures!!
Finding A Vintage Stuffed Toy?
Knowing what year he is from would help. He looks like an unhappy bear--which to me resonates from the 1940s. More info would be helpful to help you figure out who he is and see if you can replace him. Let me know.
Information on Mersman End Table?
I found a lighter picture but it is still pretty dark. It does look very similar from what I can make out. It looks like there may have been two small tables tucked underneath the shelf. I wish I could find the original store catalog not just a newspaper ad...
Information on Mersman End Table?
Your table is gorgeous! I found original newspapers ads for the 7152 from 1950. It calls them Sheraton Chairside Nest and it looks (from the ad) that there may have been two other tables in the series...which makes no sense since yours has a shelf, so I wonder...
Value of Oxydol Token?
Sorry....I forgot the link Super neat find and proof that what one person thinks is small and trash can be a neat little item someone wants and earns you enough for fancy coffee and...
Value of Oxydol Token?
This one, which looks like it is for 2 cakes just sold on eBay from Nebraska for 9.60 + shipping. Yours looks like a 1 cake one--so they are not apples to apples matches. I suggest -- since there are some on there now to check those and see if they sell and...
Value of Imperial Table?
I cant see the middle to determine if it is a 1930s or 1940s model. The original ads for both describe these as Imperial (the brand) drum tables with Duncan phyfe style legs. They are known for their versatile nature and stately look and function. They sell...
Best Vegan Caesar Dressing
Wow!! Need to share this with hubby! Sounds delish!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Worth of a Phonograph Stereo Console?
While I was not able to find an exact match to yours either currently offered or sold, as a long time reseller I can tell you you may get more for the parts if they are working than for the piece as a whole. Not sure where you are located, but in most places...