Buying a Blacklight?
Thank you Quanarose! I went to Amazon and found a 12 black light for $10! Looking for cat urine stains is not pleasant, but it will get my house smelling much better! Thanks to all of you who had a part in helping! Kip
Saving Money on Paint?
Been there, done that! A realtor friend of mine taught me to go into these bigger hardware stores (aka Home Depot or Lowes) and ask for Oops paint, someone asked for a certain color and got the wrong color or the guy mixing it, goofed. The store had to keep...
Low-Cost Casserole Recipes?
You guys are SUPER! Thanks so much!!! I cant wait to try these. If youve got more, KEEP EM COMING! Meantime, Im going over to the 2 websites recommended and schmooz over there, too! Thanks a million zillion times! -Kippy
Cutting Down on Lint and Pet Hair in Laundry
Is the netting you used TULLE? The soft, thin netting that bridal veils are made of? If so, Im about to jump on a YARD OF THE STUFF...I have 8 cats and a dog that sheds like theres no tomorrow! Thanks... -Kip