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20 Posts | 119 Comments | Active Since 2008

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Hello from Virginia..I am a 68 yr old (young) senior citizen who lives with my  4 cats. I love crafting and learning and sharing thrifty tips with everyone and sharing them with my family and friends.. this is an awesome site and encourage everyone I know to get on here and have some fun...

Sammi in front of monitor.

Sammi (Maine Coon)Sammi is 7 months old and a Maine Coon. She was given to me from a friend.


Candye (Calico)Candye is a 5 month old Calico. She was found in the woods abandoned with her sister and brother. I brought them home and nursed them to health. The other two didn't make it.


light cat on bed

Samanda (Mixed Breed Cat)Samanda, is a Tabby, I think. I'm not sure. She is 1 year old. She was given to me as a gift after my little cat, Sammi, died just after Christmas. She likes to chase my older cat, Molly, who doesn't like her yet.


red and black check board paper covered box

Paper Twist Ribbon BasketA versatile little basket to make for any occasion or keep for yourself. Very sturdy and so easy to make. Great for gift baskets.



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