Getting Rid of Red Ants?
Red ants are the only the enemy of termites. I do not run them off. But if were over run with them I would use Sevin. Sevin will them all. Sevin should be used for Jap beetles. Do not use beetle traps. Also the cleaner 409 is good to use to ants on the patio...
Yeast Doughnut Recipe?
If you like sausage and peppers. 2 greens peppers, one red pepper. 1 1/2 bulk sweet sausage, 1 large sweet onion. 1 pound penne pasta. put olive oil on prepared peppers, cut into bite size pieces. coat thickly sliced onions with olive oil. Put on a cookie sheet...
Preventing Bed Bugs from Moving Too?
Cleaning product 409 kills insects fast. I would spray the mattress and all bed frame. Another way is to put the mattress out doors in cool weather. Bed bugs die in cool temps.
Small Black and Red Bugs?
I have found that the safest way to kill and deter insects either crawlers or fliers is with the cleaning product 409. It is very cheap and no chemicals to breath in. The ants really hate it as do the bees.
Banana Peel For House Plants?
Banana peels can be used to shine shoes,dash boards or anything else that requires lanolin.