Put Your Shredded Documents in a Paper Bag
I do the same thing, only I use the shred filled paper bags as a fantastic fire starter in our woodstove. I usually run out of filled bags by the end of the heating season which prompts me to return to the unending task of going through our old files for more...
Pruning Tomato Plants?
Check out this site. If you click on the drawing of the tomato plant on the side, it will link you to an actual picture. Very helpful. HTH http://www.gardenaction.co.uk/fruit_veg_diary/fruit_veg_mini_project_july_1b_tomato.asp
Looking For Information About Geothermal Heating?
We started out with this type of heat pump. EVERY 7 years we had to replace the heat pump to the tune of $8000.00 each time! When I started reading up on them I was finding that the life of these things is around 7 years. It may have changed in the last 3 years...
Have a Master List of Important Cards and Numbers
A very easy way to do this is collect all of those different cards and run them through a copier, do both front and back, especially the credit cards.
Excuses For Gossipy Callers
I have also been known to call my landline with my cellphone. With caller waiting the landline beeps and I can use the excuse that I am waiting for this incoming call, for whatever reason, business, family importance, etc. to get the gossiper (usually my mother...
What kind of dog do you have?
Seamus, our purebred Cocker Spaniel, and our furbaby http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf328902.tip.html
Sewing Machine Keeps Jamming?
Check the tension settings on the machine as well as the needle. When needles get too old, they tend to have microscopic nicks in them that pull the threads. And if the tension is incorrect it will definitely cause the same problems you are having. I totally...
Cocker Spaniel With Elephant Skin?
Is she on natural foods? Our first cocker spaniel had skin problems and unfortunately the web was not as good for research as it is now. Our current cocker has been on ONLY natural dog food since we brought him home. NO skin or ear problems for this little...
Stain on Windows?
Have you tried scraping it off with a razor blade? You will need a single edge blade.
What Do You Do If Your Pet Gets Lost?
Sam the golden retriever was from and returned back to his owners in my town, Danville, NH. We never saw him, but almost everyone else in our tiny town and the towns around us did.
Decorating a Room With a Safari Theme?
Use an old wooden screen door for the closet door. Great for any type of outdoor scheme.
Travelling from Saint Petersburg to Key West?
Here is the web site for the ferry: http://www.seakeywestexpress.com/noflash.htm You should be able to contact them for directions on how to get there. Check Roomsavers.com and tripadvisor.com for great deals on rooms. We got a fantastic deal on a 2 bedroom...
Disney Vacation Tips?
Join TheMouseforLess group on Yahoo groups. You will save hundreds just reading the daily emails and tips.
A Request for Shower Power in Watertown N.Y.
I dont know if you are a BJs member or know someone who is, but BJs carries it in two packs. Assuming there is a BJs Wholesale Culb close to you. HTH
Paper or Plastic?
I use the paper bags for putting in my shredded papers. I then use it for a GREAT fire starter in my wood stove. Best firestarter, and free, I have found yet.
Building Furniture from a Kit
I just did this, it was going to be $1800 for just the computer desk and hutch that I wanted to set up a computer and library room. Went on line and got a beautiful white cottage look desk & hutch, as well as 7 shelving units for my books! With shipping it...
Lousy Motel - Do I Have To Pay?
Use the web! There are sites like http://www.tripadvisor.com that you can put your ratings, or lack thereof, on with your comments. You may find you are not the first to comment on this hotel. I use it EVERY time I am about to book a room or have a timeshare...
Seamus (Cocker Spaniel)
Seamus is a full bred American Cocker. We had another full bred black American Cocker, Jasmine, who was the love of our life that we lost last May. Seamus is helping fill the holes in our hearts, and is turning into quite the velcro baby that Jazzy before him...
Seamus (Cocker Spaniel)
Below is a link to more pictures of Seamus, the 4th and 5th ones are before his first grooming visit and after. I was just talking to the groomer, I didnt see her after, my husband picked Seamus up, and she just told me he acted like a trooper! One of the best...
Seamus (Cocker Spaniel)
Seamus had 7 litter mates. His mother is a beautiful black and white parti, all of the litter was parti. Some were black and brown and some, like Seamus, where mostly black with a little bit of white, but all had black as the main color. The previous litter...