Handmade Wifi Signal Booster
Does the inside or outside of the can face the direction you want the signal to go?
Pepperoni Pasta Salad?
Cook a box of tri-colored pasta, cut your pepperoni, cheese, peppers, onions, olives, etc. and add to cooled pasta. Add a bottle of Italian salad dressing and stir. Refrigerate until ready to use. I never add salt to the pasta water as the salad dressing is...
Strawberry Banana Bread
If you line your pan with waxed paper - bottom and long sides, bread will lift right out of pan. I grease pan, rip a piece of waxed paper length of pan and place in pan-doesnt matter if sides hang over.
Tiny Brown Biting Ants Eating Vegetables?
I was told to sprinkle grits wherever you see ants - that they eat it and when they drink it explodes in their stomachs. Tried it on an ant nest in the crack of my cement and no more ants.
Buy Cheese in Bulk
I buy the cheese ends from the deli for cheap and use them for salads, chunks, macaroni and cheese etc. Also the salami and pepperoni ends for antipasto and Italian macaroni salads.