Home Kitchen Certification?
The 2 best places to check- they will tell you where to go is they cant help you is the local or state AG Dept (the section that deals with Farmers Market/Flea Market), or possibly your areas Chamber of Commerce. They may know because youll have to get a business...
Cooking a Roast in a Crockpot?
Place roast in crockpot, top with 2 Tbsp. Watkins Onion Soup and Gravy Mix, add about 1/2 cup water or wine, and Watkins Black Pepper to taste, approx 1 tsp. Letting the roast cook in the crock pot is the most delicious and tender way to eat it. Thicken your...
Ask for Gifts for Others at Your Party
What a great idea! Food Share would be another thankful recipient. Keep up the good work/deeds. lets hope others follow your lead.