Baby Pool as Play Area and Toy Storage
Nope she's pretty small Chihuahua and Pekingese mix only weighs about 15 pounds she can barely see over the side LOL
Aloe-Based Hand Sanitizer
You say use at least 60% alcohol but your recipe says 99% I've been told that anything less than 90% and above won't kill the virus and that higher percentage is nowhere to be found ''
DIY Shirt Collar Stays from Magnetic Hotel Keys
I know some people use paperclips as Shirt stays but I would be afraid if I wash the shirt forgot to take them out they would rust or leave a rust stain on the shirt .
Recycled Magnetic Cylinder
I store boxtops stamps that go to the school And I store a little plastic tabs off a loaf of bread and the twisty ties various things- Please vote for my submission though OK this is a really cool makeover don't you think
Pill Time Reminder
I also have used Alexa for reminders and the like but if my electricity fluctuates which it has done and will probably continue to do something happens to Alexa she hast to be reprogrammed I''m a cancer patient it's very important that I take my medication...
10 Gallon Heart
He was born to have grandchildren his entire life was lived for and to enjoy his grandkids really was a great person thanks for sharing your comment S
Elephant in the Garden
Thank you so much ! I have breast cancer and sure could use the contest money right now ''
Stop the Drip of Laundry Detergent
I love finding uses for lids ! I save mine grouped by size to make it easier but
Stop the Drip of Laundry Detergent
I Fill water bottles with laundry detergent and softener if I'm going on a trip but at home I find that to be an extra step
Struggling with my Small Budget
If you need real help with any credit issues use my friend Gene Broome- he looked at my credit profile on Credit Karma and helped me raise my score by 100 over the last year! And yes we are on a drastic budget my husband had cancer and the treatments aren't...
Struggling with my Small Budget
I use Gene Broome at He will look at your credit score and give you An outline on how to raise your score. What to do and not to do.
Struggling with my Small Budget
I read your comments about closing your cards ' that is the worst thing you can do to damage your credit! It is a combination of good credit use and the age of your credit cards that make your score stay good and high. Please take the time to contact Gene Broome...
Perfectly Placed Flowers in a Vase
True but when you add water the beans get icky . Ive tried the marbles too but when the flower die you halfto catch the marbles in a strainer to wash and sterilize them. If you use the plastic paper sleve you can actually use the sleve to dispose of the flowers...
Perfectly Placed Flowers in a Vase
And guess what my solution is for both fresh and artificial thanks for the clarification vote for my tip '
30 Second Manicure
I showed the pictures with my bare nails but it really looks nice with nail color when you apply the oil to your cuticles it hides all the imperfections '
Use Ammonia to Power Grow Plants like Grandma
This is like a great idea and assuming you mean water the soil plant correct?
How Can I Keep Lizards Off of the Porch?
My mother lives on the water and has hundreds of lizards around her house and they come in the house mothballs keep them away as well as other pests away you have to continuously change the mothballs because the heat humidity rain etc. outside causes them melt...
Milk Crate for Cutting PVC Pipe
OK so you're saying by inserting the pipe into the Cut out handles Of the crate and pushing the pipe forward it stays without you holding up?
Instructions for a Butterfly Magnet Made from a Soda Can?
Which Sizzix die cut machine do you use ? I see so many variations online for sale on overstock etsy etc none of them mentioned the use of foam and aluminum together like it seems it would be too thick? Appreciate your help
What to Do With Coke Bottle Caps?
The link to the pin cushion is not a good link it say nothing found here.